August 31, 2022

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We envision people caring for their local watersheds, resulting in clean, healthy

lakes, rivers, and creeks that will support humans and wildlife for years to come.

We moved!

Our new head office is located at 817 High Street West in Moose Jaw. This new office will allow us to grow and serve you better. We look forward to welcoming you!

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Prairie Watershed Climate Program (PWCP)

The Prairie Watersheds Climate Program (PWCP) provides up to $40 million in financial support through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s On Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF). This funding is available to producers in Manitoba and Saskatchewan to accelerate their adoption and implementation of on-farm beneficial management practices (BMPs) to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, support production efficiency, sustainability and resiliency on their farm operations.

PWCP Funding Streams

Nitrogen Management

Nitrogen management strategies ensure optimum productivity, reduce nitrogen losses, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance economic profitability and environmental quality. 

Program eligible activities include: 

  • Agronomic services to develop farm-specific nutrient management  plans
  • Equipment modifications for fertilizer application in fields
  • Soil sampling and analysis
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Rotational Grazing

Rotational grazing is the practice of containing and moving livestock through pasture to allow forage plants to recover, deepen their root systems and improve soil health.

Program eligible activities include:

  • Agronomic services to develop grazing management plans
  • Interior cross fencing
  • Water system infrastructure
  • Legume and forage seeds

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Cover Cropping

Cover crops are plants, like clover and alfalfa, that are planted to cover the soil rather than for the purpose of being harvested.

Program eligible activities include:

Payment-per-acre to cover adoption or related costs such as seed and agronomic planning. 

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Contact one of our Agri-environmental Watershed Coordinators nearest you for application information.

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Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring

Monitoring our waterbodies for unwanted aquatic invasive mussels is important for early detection across many lakes in Saskatchewan. This year we're sampling 47 waterbodies across Saskatchewan for the presence of Zebra and Quagga Mussels. Our sampling efforts aid in monitoring for mussel veliger and mussel eDNA. 

All organisms leave traces of DNA in their environment. This DNA can be extracted from the environment and used to identify the organism that left it behind. This is called eDNA or Environmental DNA. This technology is extremely helpful for the early detection of invasive mussels. Select lakes around Saskatchewan are being tested using this technology.

This monitoring program is possible thanks to the generous support of the Government of Saskatchewan Fish and Wildlife Development Fund, the Water Security Agency, Mosaic, and Invasive Species Centre.

Did you know?

Female Zebra and Quagga Mussels can release up to one million eggs each breeding season!

A veliger is a free-floating immature mussel or mussel larva. They can be transported in undrained water found in watercraft, motors, bait buckets, etc. 

Protecting Saskatchewan waters from aquatic invasive species starts with you! Here are some ways you can help:

Meet the Team! 

Each of our newsletters features two of our staff members to help you get to know us better.

Annette Smith

Agri-environmental Watershed Coordinator

Annette is one of the Agri-environmental Watershed Coordinators in the Northwest Watershed District. Annette has a diploma in Herd Health Technology, has her own ranch and is very knowledgeable in regenerative agriculture. Her kind and courteous personality and agricultural knowledge allow her to excel in assisting producers with the Prairie Watershed Climate Program. Annette is a soil enthusiast and her favourite things to do in her free time include spending time with her family, camping, gardening, and riding horses.

Carmen Kaweski

Executive Assistant

Carmen is the Executive Assistant, overseeing various corporate projects and fundraising efforts. Carmen has worked in the agri-environmental protection and conservation area for nearly 25 years. Her strong collaboration, team building, and communication allow her to excel at managing SAWs administrative and communications teams in addition to her regular duties. Carmen's favourite things to do in her free time include spending time with her family and going on long hikes with her dog Finnegan.

Our Funders

Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds

Box 1177 

Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4P9

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