March 2, 2023
The Indicator from Planet Money: Adrian Ma, Darian Woods, Wailin Wong, Corey Bridges, Kate Concannon
It’s more than a physical conflict: How should we understand the economic ripple effects from the war? And how can a refrigerator wind up on the battlefield? (also see Volodymyr Zelensky to U.S. Businesses: Help Reconstruct Ukraine and the wide-ranging Lessons from Ukraine)
The Brockovich Report: Erin Brockovich, Suzanne Boothby
It’s not “if,” it’s “when.” How can leaders prepare for crises in ways that help them “become a success story that others want to model”?
NBC News: Berkeley Lovelace Jr.
Does it matter if this company is trying to do the right thing, or just sees the writing on the wall?
NOEMA: Kim Stanley Robinson
What would it mean to “pay ourselves to do the right things rather than the wrong things” on climate? Ideas from a futurist. (also see Red States Leading the US in Solar and Wind Production, New Report Shows)
GreenBiz: Katie Kross, Jessica Wingert
“Can business schools evolve fast enough to prepare MBAs for a new type of leadership in the future?” (also see How to Encourage Respectful Discord in Your Classroom)
Are artists just paying the bills or risking their integrity? “Tonnes of celebs are cashing in on corporate gigs, many prioritising money over morals.”
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