A Message From. Our Founder

"Burrrrrr….It’s chilly! The fall is here. It is strangely dark in the mornings and of course, I am freezing. Anyone who knows me well knows that I hate being cold! Anyone who knows me REALLY well also knows that I have a “condition” called “Raynaud’s syndrome”. I have had it since I was in my 20’s. It can be very serious but more commonly, it’s just annoying. 

When I get cold, I can get cold very quickly. For example, if I’m not in a sweater going to the grocery store (the grocery store is always freezing), my fingers will sometimes literally turn “white” and go numb. It takes like 30 minutes for me to “thaw out”.

Even though I’m not a fan of the cold weather, I do enjoy the colors of fall and I do love bringing out all my sweaters and boots, etc.

The theme of the month of November is Gratitude! Somedays I have to remind myself to do it because let’s be real. Sometimes the things that happen in our personal lives and just in the world in general, make it hard to feel thankful or grateful. The reality is that I am grateful for so many things…even little things! I guess at the end of the day, even at the end of a bad day, there is always something to be thankful for. 

I began a tradition here at FMAA a few years ago. There will be a table set up in the hallway/lobby of both schools and there will be fall leaves that everyone who wants to can write one thing they are thankful for on the leaf. We will then hang them on walls all around the schools as a reminder that life is a gift. 

My cold hands! 

This little phrase has been taped to my desk for like 10 years. The photos and cards and things above it change from time to time (those are my kids), but the point is, I see that little phrase every day.

I am thankful to be here and to be providing music education to so many of you and that you are a part of the FMAA family. Music changed my life and so now I’m “giving back” in the best way I know how.

I love you all, Happy Thanksgiving!"

- Debi

Winter Wonderland Showcase

Attention students! We are gearing up for our next Student Showcase on Sunday, December 11th, located at The ViSTA Theater (Fresno Music Academy & Arts, Tower) There will be 5 two-hour time slots available starting at 10 AM and ending at 6 PM! Plenty of opportunity for any and all to perform!


1. You have to have your teacher present when you sign up!

2. If you are under 18, you must have your parents permission to pick a time slot!

3. You do not need to know your song title to sign up.

4. The deadline for signing up with tour song choice is Nov. 28th!

5. You cannot change your song title after the deadline!

Any other questions can be directed to our front office:

Call: 559-222-7464


Visit us online:

Drum Set Winner!

Congratulations to Marco Santillan for being chosen to win the drum set!

Choosing just one winner was one of the hardest things we have had to do here at FMAA. All of the entries were AMAZING and so deserving.

I hope that you all know how much you are loved and we thank you for entering.

We hope that all of you that are the "runners up" will take advantage of the coupon that we are offering with Bentleys Drum Shop! 

Thank you for your generosity, Dana!

Student Highlight

Once a month we have been interviewing one of our talented students and recording their progress for friends and family!

Meet Artemis, who is learning guitar with Harley G. and has been practicing the chords for 'Free Fallin'

MORE Winners!

Awesome guessing, guys! We have some winners to announce for our "guess how much candy is in the jar" contest! Congratulations, everyone! Keep an eye out for more lobby games as the holidays are approaching!


Ezekiel Rangel

Emma Fernandez

Kendra Vazquez


Mia Lakey

Mateo Roberts

Natasha Rahman

Come to the front desk to claim your prize!


Every Brilliant Thing

“The list began after her first attempt. A list of everything brilliant about the world. Everything worth living for."

“Every Brilliant Thing” runs November 11-19, 2022* at The ViSTA Theatre. We hope you’ll join us for this beautiful, joyous celebration of life.

*Nick Haas and Camille Gaston alternate performance dates.

Upcoming Events


TRASHIQUE® 2022 is THE PRIMARY FUNDRAISER for the Fresno Art Museum in 2022 and coincides with 𝘈 𝘘𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯: 𝘈𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘈𝘳𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘴, the huge international fashion exhibition at FAM. Proceeds from the event directly support the stellar exhibitions and programs at FAM.

The evening will include art, music, dancing, food, cocktails, and Fresno’s most anticipated fashion show of the year, featuring ensembles created by artists out of what most people regard as trash.

Join us Saturday, November 5, 2022

Image: Soua Xiong @_xiongster TRASHIQUE® 2018


It’s the “Season of Giving”

Throughout the years, November and December are traditionally “giving” months. Businesses are finalizing budgets and charities are making their end-of-the-year pledges. Here is a list of charities that Fresno Music Academy & Arts has supported over the years. We hope that the season of “giving” inspires everyone to give where they can!



Cat House on the Kings



Humane Society

Red Cross

Fresno State

Fresno Community Band


One Warm Coat

Compassion International

Community Food Bank

Fresno Mission

Need A Gift Idea?

Why not music lessons? We'll arrange a cute gift basket to go along with whatever lesson package you choose for the lucky recipient!

Call our office today and we'll help you check a few things off your Christmas list!

Call: 559-222-7464


Visit us online:

Coming Soon...

Coming in January! Two age categories, cash prizes, and local notoriety!

We highly recommend that you sign up and show off your stuff!

We have good news for the artists among you! In January, we will be starting a weekly live drawing club! Sessions will most likely take place on Fridays starting at 5:00. Stay tuned for updates!

Music Stand Give-Away

This month's winners are Katerina Rodriguez and Natalee Markarian! We hope you enjoy that music stand and put it to good use! Remember, practice makes perfect!

Each month we are giving away one music stand valued at $35 to a lucky student here at FMAA! Each time you show up to your lesson in person, write your name on the slip of paper provided and enter to win! You may enter each week that you come in!

🎊 Referral Rewards 🎊

Refer a new student! If you refer us to a student that signs up to take lessons with us, you and that student get a $25 gift card, and YOUR name is entered into a contest to win a $250 gift card. Please help us spread the word!

People who refer and get someone to sign up will be put into a December drawing! The prize is two tickets to Roger Rocka’s Dinner & Show!

Do you know anyone who would benefit from music lessons? This is the most rewarding way to help Fresno Music Academy & Arts! All you have to do is fill out a short form...

For the benefit of new and existing students, we've created a VIRTUAL TOUR of Fresno Music Academy & Arts.

🎶 Music Facts 🎶

"Can’t sleep, or go about your daily duties without Spotify playing in the background? What you are feeling is more than just a quirk or a personal preference. There is a scientific explanation for these tendencies. Experts at the American Music Therapy Association believe that humans have such a deep connection to music because we are “hardwired,” to react the way that we do. The elements of music—such as rhythm, melody, harmony, and dynamics—are echoed in our physiology, functioning, and overall being.

Given our deep emotional attachment to music, it’s probably unsurprising that multiple studies have demonstrated that it can improve our mental health. Although the exact mechanisms are unknown, many researchers agree that music causes the release of opioids, the body’s natural pain relievers, in the brain."


Welcome, new students!

We appreciate your commitment to helping Fresno Music Academy & Arts grow! Music should be shared with everyone. Thank you!
Music is the Universal Language. We at Fresno Music Academy & Arts believe deeply that music is a way to spread love and peace into this world. We help do that everyday, by teaching music to children and adults from all backgrounds and walks of life.

Monday - Friday, 10AM-7PM and Saturday, 9AM-3PM

Opening Sundays SOON!

We offer lessons in: Voice, piano, guitar, bass, ukulele, drums, violin, flute, clarinet, and a recognized early childhood music program MUSIC FUNTIME.

559-222-SING (7464) & (559) 207-3833

1298 N. Wishon Ave.

Fresno, CA 93728

8068 N Cedar Ave.

Fresno, CA 93728

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