E-Spirit Weekly Newsletter | September 3, 2024 | |
“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday is Sept. 8, 2024! |
This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.
Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life — flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.
As you explore opportunities to participate in your community, explore these resources to plan and promote your day. This year we also celebrate 50 years of ELCA World Hunger. In commemoration of this milestone, consider including ministries focused on alleviating hunger and poverty in your plans for “God’s work. Our hands.” Or make it a season of service! Expand your volunteer opportunities, advocacy efforts or food drives until World Food Day on Oct. 16.
Participate on social media using #GodsWorkOurHands.
If your congregation cannot participate on Sept. 8, you’re encouraged to consider another day for your service activities.
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Ordinations & Installations
September 14, 3 PM – Installation of the Rev. Jennifer Michael as pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Tampa; Bishop Suarez will officiate.
September 21, 1 PM – Installation of the Rev. Lindsey Beukelman as pastor of University Lutheran Church and Campus Ministry in Gainesville; Rev. Dr. Derek Hoven will officiate.
October 19, 2:30 PM - Installation of the Rev. Ben Mandrick as pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Fernandina Beach; Bishop Suarez will officiate.
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Atonement in Sebring Launches 'Wholeness and Healing' Ministry with V2A Grant | |
With the help of a V2A grant, Atonement in Sebring has launched a new "Wholeness and Healing" ministry. Grant funds have been used for advertising, food, and program expenses. The congregation hosted one weekend event thus far which was very well received. One of the highlights was experiencing "soaking prayer time" during which the Holy Spirit brought participants a strong sense of God's presence and call to personal ministry. Some reported feelings of overwhelming peace and strength; of forgiveness for hurtful circumstances; and of reduced anxiety.
A second weekend is planned for this winter. To prepare congregants for their active involvement in inviting non-church members, Atonement is focusing intently on prayer. Congregation members will engage in prayer walks and learn more about praying for others. "Blessing prayers" will be given to each person in the congregation, to in turn be offered to people in the larger community as they are invited to the next healing weekend.
Wholeness and Healing Weekends are a new way for Atonement to engage the community. The congregation seeks to become known for this ministry focus.
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Interim Pastors' Training: October 7-8, 2024
Join Rev. Nicole Eastwood and the Synod Interim Ministry Team for a time of training and information at the Synod office. Together, we will pray and learn together, learning best practices to lead our congregations in transition. This training is being held at the Synod Office in Tampa, with lodging at a local hotel (less than ¼ mile away!).
We hope to see you there!
Click here to register!
Raising Goats in Haiti
Since late 2022, the Global Mission Table has been partnering with the Lutheran Church in Haiti to build livelihoods for vulnerable families through a goat project. With the community of Les Cayes as a pilot, we provided funds to both build a sturdy pen and purchase five male goats for breeding. These goats are being maintained by the pastor of the Lutheran church in Les Cayes who also is an agronomist. Next, fifty female goats were purchased in 2023 and distributed to qualifying families in Les Cayes, to be bred with the male goats and developed into herds.
Pastor Livenson recently sent some pictures, to describe the project's progress. Of the fifty female goats, only 6 fell ill and died due to disease or calamity. The others are producing milk and breeding with the male goats, all of whom are thriving. We give thanks that amid the instability of Haiti, this project is having a successful outcome.
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Making Disciples
A retreat for those who work with youth in faith formation
Join Luther Springs for the Making Disciples retreat, September 26-29.
This retreat is designed to support all those who work with children, youth and young adults in faith formation. Our event begins Thursday evening for a time of networking and hospitality.
On Friday, we will host two all-day intensive care tracks:
First track: Andy Jung from Fuller Youth Institute will join us as we explore Growing Young and how to engage younger generations in a way that breathes life and energy into the whole church.
Second Track: Young Adult/Campus Ministry Leader Summit for leaders currently leading or wishing to develop campus ministry or young adult ministry sites. Campus ministry leaders from across the ELCA will guide leaders interested in creating Campus Ministry opportunities or strengthening existing ministries.
Saturday and Sunday, we will offer workshops geared to equip you in your ministry to and with children, youth, and young adults.
Come for one night, two nights, or all three. There is also a one-day commuter option.
September 26-29, 2024
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Peace, Fort Myers seeks a Music Ministry Director
The position is full-time with benefits. Primary responsibilities include playing the organ and/or piano at a 9:30 a.m. Sunday service, directing the choir and the handbell choir, and planning and participating in a 5 p.m. Saturday night service. For a more detailed job description, please visit Peace’s website: peaceftmyers.com.
Applications can be submitted to: jcarter13@comcast.net by October 25.
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Atonement, Wesley Chapel seeks Church Office Administrator
This position requires interaction with the public, a friendly demeanor, and good communication skills. This individual should be a self-starter who can initiate and complete tasks independently, be well-organized, and can multi-task. This individual provides administrative support to various ministry teams and is a key liaison with the congregation. This individual must be proficient in Microsoft Publisher and PowerPoint, Word and Excel. They will manage the church website using Wix, and the church calendar on Google. 25 Hours Weekly: M-F 10am-3pm. Compensation commensurate with related work experience. Resumes can be sent to discoveralcwc@gmail.com.
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Palm Harbor seeks Interim Music Director
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Palm Harbor is in need of a Director of Music to plan and organize the music ministry for worship services at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Palm Harbor, FL. Our services are Saturday at 5 p.m. and Sunday morning. We are a small ELCA congregation currently in transition awaiting a full-time pastor. Click here for details.
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September 21: School of Lay Ministry Annual Retreat and Graduation Worship, Mandarin Lutheran Church, Jacksonville
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