Let's Catch-up: September 2023
Our mission is to empower families to foster resilience and prioritize mental health and emotional wellness in their children through educational programming, access to resources, and peer support. 
Technology: Let's Learn to Live with It
We can draw a line in the sand or stick our heads in it. Either way, we aren't going to accomplish much when it comes to helping our kids manage technology.

However, there is another approach... and we will find out all about it at next week's CATCH Lunch & Learn. Details and the registration link are below.

It's Suicide Prevention Month, and we're sharing a reminder that it's important, and can be life-saving, to talk about it.

My Red Said stations are back... yet another reminder about the value of conversation and connection.

As always, CATCH is here to help all families support their kids' mental health.

#parentingwithpurpose #prioritizingmentalhealth #valuingconnections
In this Issue
  • CATCH Lunch & Learn
  • How to Talk to Children About Scary Things
  • My Red Said: Stations Open
  • Talk Away the Dark
  • Parenting the Mental Health Generation
  • Parents Support Network
  • Coping Kits
CATCH Lunch & Learn
Raising Digital Natives: Ensuring Our Kids Use Tech Responsibly
Tuesday, September 12, 2023 @ 12pm, via Zoom

Are you worried about your kids' relationship with technology?

Do you really know what they do or see while on their phones?
Brittani Sitar
Join us and learn:

  • how to help children navigate their digital landscape wisely

  • why it's important to maintain authentic connection with your children around their tech use... and how to do so! 

Speaker: Brittani Sitar, Addiction Counselor, Mental Health Educator

Our Lunch & Learn series is possible thanks to the generosity of the Northbrook Woman's Club.
Save the Date

There's just so much to say about kids and technology! We'll dig into its impact on teenage relationships, cyberbullying, and self-esteem in our next Lunch & Learn in partnership with Plena Mind Center on November 14th at 12pm via Zoom.
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Recordings of all CATCH Lunch & Learn events are available on the CATCH YouTube Channel.

How to Talk to Children About Scary Things
Community Event: In Person

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 @ 7pm
Divine Mercy Parish Center, Sacred Heart Campus
1090 Gage St., Winnetka

Learn concrete tips and age-appropriate strategies to feel good about discussing life’s difficulties and disasters with your children.

This event is free, and all are welcome.

Speaker: Dr. Karen Cassiday, The Anxiety Treatment Center of Greater Chicago, Author of The No Worries Guide to Raising Your Anxious Child

This program is part of the Divine Mercy Parish Family Life Speaker Series in collaboration with CATCH and The Anxiety Treatment Center of Greater Chicago.
My Red Said: Stations Open
Start the Conversation
Let's talk about our mental health!

My Red Said stations are open at local schools and the Northbrook Public Library.

If your child attends any of the following schools, ask them: What does your red say? Then stop by the library to write your own message and read what others are sharing.
• Glenbrook North H.S.
• Glenbrook South H.S.
• Attea Middle Schol
• Field Middle School
• Maple School
• Northbrook Junior High
• Springman Junior High
• Wood Oaks Junior High

This is the third year of this mental health awareness campaign which is designed to help everyone start these difficult but important discussions.

When we talk about our mental health, we let others know they are not alone, de-stigmatize mental health struggles, and ensure people are getting the help they need.

This project is possible thanks to a generous grant from Northfield Township.
September is Suicide Prevention Month
It's Ok to Talk About Suicide
Yes, it's a scary topic, but there's no need to keep suicide in the shadows.

Mental health experts tell us discussing it is actually a key step in preventing suicide.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is offering some simple yet powerful resources to Talk away the dark including some easy conversation starters.
Parenting the Mental Health Generation
CATCH Podcast
How do you create a space where kids can unwind and feel comfortable expressing themselves?

Librarian Tara LaCerra from Northbrook's Westmoor Elementary School has some ideas.

In the first episode of our new season, she offers a glimpse of what's happening amongst all those books at her library and the power that comes from the stories on each page.

It's a heart warming conversation that brought our hosts to tears. Grab a tissue. You just might need it.
Find the CATCH podcast anywhere you get your podcasts.
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Parenting the Mental Health Generation, the CATCH podcast, is also available on the CATCH YouTube Channel.

Parent Support Network
New! CATCH Conversations

Are your child's mental health struggles impacting you and your family? Are you wondering how to start finding help?

We recommend seeking support for yourself first with a CATCH Conversation.

Sign up and a CATCH volunteer will reach out to schedule a time to talk, meet for a cup of coffee, or go for a walk to give you a chance to share what's going on and learn how CATCH can support you. 
Parents Connect: Peer Support
Plenty of parents are facing challenges raising children with mental health struggles.

When we come together and support one another, we build a community that makes each day easier.

Parents Connect groups are meeting weekly.

Parents Connect
Looking for professional support?
CATCH is here to help you find a mental health provider.

Look through our lists of providers or send a confidential email to CATCH, and we will provide you with names of trusted practices that might meet your needs. 
Coping Kits
Ready for Delivery!
We're in the process of packing more than 2,000 CATCH Coping Kits for students across the area.

This year, all freshmen at Glenbrook North H.S. and Glenbrook South H.S. will receive the kits along with 6th graders at:

Thank you to all of our volunteers, including our friends from Providence Farm, who spent hours this week filling bags with tools and resources to support our kids' mental health.

And a special shout out to everyone at our new work home: Northbrook United Methodist Church. Fantastic space, friendly folks, and even fresh coffee!
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CATCH is dedicated to making a difference in our community.
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