February 19, 2023
Our next meeting is Monday, February 20, 2023. Our meeting is from 9:30AM to 11:00AM, but may go to 11:30AM.
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There are bills to review & take positions on | |
Jeanette Hensley and Rich Mauro will lead us in reviewing bills that have been added to our CCA Bill Tracker. We will also take positions on bills that were reviewed at last week's meeting and we will be looking for at least one member to step forward for each bill we are keeping on our list.
View our meeting agenda to see a list that prioritizes bills for discussion
at the Monday morning meeting - CLICK HERE
Our approach is to review the bills one week and then the following week our members vote on whether to monitor, support, strongly support, or oppose. If we keep a bill in our Bill watch account, we need a member to step up as a point of contact.
We ask that those who have volunteered to track a specific bill
be prepared to report to the group on its status.
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News about the CCA Capitol Gang | |
- There is still time to get more involved with the CCA Capitol Gang. Send us an email if you are interested - CLICK HERE
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- Is your Coloradao Center for Aging membership current? Remember that to vote on bill positions you must be a member. Send us an email if you are unsure if you are a member - CLICK HERE
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Questions about CCA Advocacy Committee
Jeanette Hensley - email - 303-249-5598
Co-Chair of CCA Advocacy Committee
Rich Mauro - email - Direct: 303-480-6778
Co-Chair of CCA Advocacy Committee and Senior Policy and Legislative Analyst Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG)
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Zoom Link for Monday's Meeting | |
Topic: CCA: Advocacy Committee Meeting
9:30AM - 11:00AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 481 5119
NEW Passcode: CCA2023#
One tap mobile
+17193594580,,8814815119#,,,,*01201897# US
+12532158782,,8814815119#,,,,*01201897# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 881 481 5119
Passcode: 01201897
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbZvU5bskJ
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News & Highlights from CCA | |
February 22, 2023 - Wednesday, 10:00AM - 11:30AM (MT)
Colorado Commission on Aging Workforce Committee
Colorado Commission on Aging Workforce Committee is inviting you to attend a Workforce Committee reviewing updates on the Direct Care Workforce Collaborative (DCWC). Discussion will include policy and legislative ideas.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 2019 5506
Passcode: 718251
One tap mobile
+17193594580,,81920195506#,,,,*718251# US
+16699006833,,81920195506#,,,,*718251# US (San Jose)
View Agenda - CLICK HERE
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March 15, 2023 - Wednesday, 7:30AM - 10:00AM
Please register to join Lt. Governor Primavera, Health Cabinet executive directors and industry leaders for the Health Cabinet Affordability Summit hosted by the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
This FREE virtual event on health care affordability for Coloradans is designed for policy makers, advocates, payers, care providers, health care leaders and other industry stakeholders. The agenda will cover hospital and prescription drug affordability, rural hospital opportunities, value based payments and partnering to Keep Coloradans Covered after the end of the public health emergency.
Auxiliary aids and services for individuals with disabilities and language services for individuals whose first language is not English may be provided upon request. Please notify Kelly O'Brien at 303-868-4983 or kelly.obrien@state.co.us or the Civil Rights Officer at hcpf504ada@state.co.us at least one week prior to the meeting to make arrangements.
Register Today
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Are you a caregiver for a person with dementia who is receiving home care?
If you are a caregiver living approximately 2 or more hours away from your care recipient, you may be eligible to participate in a new research study evaluating the administration of a non-drug intervention designed to help long-distance caregivers of persons with dementia. To learn more, contact the Project Director, Evan Chunga, at
Richard.Chunga001@umb.edu or contact the Principal Investigator, Dr.
Verena Cimarolli at vcimarolli@leadingage.org or 202-508-9411.
View Flyer - CLICK HERE
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Have you experienced age discrimination when applying for a job?
If you have, and are open to sharing your experiences, the Older Worker Policy Collaborative would love to hear from you! By sharing your story, you'll be helping to support policy change to make Colorado's workplaces fairer for people of all ages. If you're interested in either learning more or speaking with someone, you can sign-up here, and we'll be in touch. Please know that your name, experience, and any identifying information will never be shared without your explicit consent.
Share your story - CLICK HERE
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Colorado’s governor wants to reduce your utility bill.
Don’t expect a big decrease anytime soon.
"Gov. Jared Polis on Monday asked state regulators and his administration to take every possible action to reduce the cost of utilities for Coloradans. But that’s much easier said than done, and no one should expect their sky-high natural gas and electric bills to go down anytime soon ... " - READ MORE
Website https://coloradosun.com
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How much money are candidates for Colorado GOP and Democratic Party chair raising and spending? We’ll never know.
"How much money are the candidates to lead the Colorado GOP and Colorado Democratic Party raising and spending? We don’t know and we won’t find out. That’s because there’s no state law or party bylaw that requires candidates for state party chair to report their fundraising and spending, though there are campaign finance disclosure rules for people who run for city council, legislature and Congress ..." - READ MORE
Website https://coloradosun.com
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Colorado Democrats are turning 2023 into the year of housing. But should the state wade into local land decisions?
"After decades of tossing around the idea of the state stepping into local land use decisions as a way to combat rising home prices, the Colorado legislature is vowing to take meaningful action on the concept this year. But not without pushback from the people whose power they may overstep. Cities and towns are grappling with ways to protect local control as some of their power to make zoning decisions seems to be on the chopping block .." - READ MORE
Website https://coloradosun.com
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IRS won’t tax most relief payments made by Colorado, other states last year
"The IRS announced Friday that most relief checks issued by Colorado and other states last year aren’t subject to federal taxes, providing 11th hour guidance as tax returns start to pour in. A week after telling payment recipients to delay filing returns, the IRS said it won’t challenge the taxability of payments related to general welfare and disaster, meaning taxpayers who received those checks won’t have to pay federal taxes on those payments ..." - READ MORE
Website https://coloradosun.com
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Senators Say Health Worker Shortages Ripe for Bipartisan Compromise
"Senators are eying the growing shortage of health care workers in the United States as one of the few problems where there is room for bipartisan solutions, even in a deeply divided Congress gearing up for a presidential election cycle. The shortage that’s only worsened since the pandemic is a prescription for skyrocketing costs, suffering, and unnecessary death, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the new chairman of the Senate’s top health committee, warned in his committee’s first hearing Thursday ..." - READ MORE
Website https://khn.org/
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Proposed Changes to Federal Standards for Collecting and Reporting Race/Ethnicity Data: What Are They and Why do they Matter?
"Data are a cornerstone for efforts to advance health equity. How we ask for, analyze, and report information on race and ethnicity affects our ability to understand the racial and ethnic composition of our nation’s population and our ability to identify and address racial disparities in health and health care. The accuracy and precision of such data has important implications for identifying needs and directing resources and efforts to address those needs ..." - READ MORE
Website https://www.kff.org/
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In case you missed these articles ... | |
Property Tax Deferral Program Overview
Leaving this article in the newsletter in case you missed it!
Colorado's Property Tax Deferral Program has traditionally helped seniors and active military personnel continue to afford to live in their homes by deferring the payment of their property taxes - LEARN MORE
Source https://co.colorado.gov/
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Changes to SNAP Benefit Amounts - 2023
"There are several changes that may affect SNAP household’s benefit amounts over the coming months. The temporary boost to SNAP benefits put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic, known as emergency allotments, will end nationwide after the February 2023 issuance ..." - READ MORE
Source https://www.fns.usda.gov/
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February is National Senior Independence Month
"National Senior Independence Month is observed every year in February. This month allows senior citizens and community members to share resources that help the elderly live independent and full lives. Even though with age we tend to become more dependent on those around us, we can continue to live a fairly independent life with local senior centers and retirement organizations helping with resources and building a community of like-minded people. Encourage the elderly you know to engage with senior centers - this allows them to have higher levels of health, social interaction, and life satisfaction ..." - READ MORE
Website https://nationaltoday.com/
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February 20, 2023 - Monday, 9:30AM - 11:00AM
CCA Advocacy Committee Meeting via Zoom
There will be a CCA Advocacy Committee Meeting on Monday, February 20, 2023 from 9:30AM to 11:00AM. Newcomers and visitors are welcome - LEARN MORE
Website https://coloradocenterforaging.org/
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Thursday, February 23, 2023 - Thursday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM MDT (2 – 3 PM ET)
Protect Your Clients and Yourself from Thieves, Scammers, and Cyber Criminals
Predators 2023! What you need to know to outsmart today’s identity theft, fraud and cyber crime predators. What new tools are they using to steal money and personal information? How can you protect yourself and your clients from their predatory tactics? This webinar will give you an update on how ID thieves, scammers and cyber criminals operate, and will provide you with tips to protect yourself and your senior clients from their actions. We will also discuss some red flags for who is high risk for being a victim of one of these crimes.
Register Today
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February 27, 2023 - Monday, 9:30AM - 11:00AM
CCA Advocacy Committee Meeting via Zoom
There will be a CCA Advocacy Committee Meeting on Monday, February 27, 2023 from 9:30AM to 11:00AM. Newcomers and visitors are welcome - LEARN MORE
Website https://coloradocenterforaging.org/
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March 1, 2023 - Wednesday
Disability Rights Advocacy Day at the Capitol (DRAD)
Join Representative Ortiz, along with many community partners throughout the state on Disability Rights Advocacy Day on March 1, 2023. This is a day to bring awareness to many issues facing Coloradans across the state who have disabilities, and to act. There will be a press conference to share a package of bills that relate to accessibility in many areas, and we are looking for people with lived experience to participate and share their stories. The day will also include recognition of the day in both legislative chambers and provide people with disabilities the opportunity to meet with legislators from their area to talk about the issues that matter most to them. Breakfast and Lunch will be provided, and we aim to provide support for transportation if needed. Our goal for this event is to provide people with disabilities the opportunity to get involved and be present where decisions are being made. Questions? Contact Erica Voisine with Disability Law Colorado by email.
Rep Ortiz wants to highlight Bills on Disability Rights Advocacy Day - CLICK HERE
View Event Flyer - CLICK HERE
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March 1, 2023 - Wednesday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM
Age Friendly Healthcare: What you can do!
Do you know how ageism - prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination against people based on their age - can impact your health, and what it looks like in our healthcare systems? Join us for a presentation and discussion about how ageism shows up in healthcare. We will share details about the impacts of ageism on your health, and how to become proactive advocates for better healthcare experiences - LEARN MORE
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Looking to Sharpen your tech Skills?
Cyber-Seniors provides FREE technology support and training for senior citizens
Founded in 2015 by the creators of the award-winning documentary film CYBER-SENIORS, this non-profit organization provides senior citizens with tech-training using an intergenerational, volunteer model.
Website https://cyberseniors.org/
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Live Online Classes for Seniors from Senior Planet
If you’re a senior aged 60 and older, these live online classes are designed just for you! Learn about finance, wellness, fitness, computers and technology, and so much more. You will also find a real community of fellow life-long learners.
Website https://seniorplanet.org/classes/
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CCA Advocacy Committee Meetings 2023 | |
The first CCA Advocacy Committee will be meeting every Monday while the legislature is in session. Note that we may not have meetings on certain Federal and State holidays. | |
If you are not a member of Colorado Center for Aging - Join Today! | |
Colorado Center for Aging is a 501c3 non-profit organization,
born out of the roots of Colorado Senior Lobby (CSL) - LEARN MORE
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