Thank you to Elizabeth, to our headliner, comedian Al Lubel, to committee chair Hannah Moss and members Shari Cohen, Nancy Triest, Brett Panter, Jo Rosen, Beth Tryon, and Nicole Lupiloff, and to my colleagues Barb Giles and Tracey Proghovnick for their help.
And many thanks to our sponsors:
Nancy & Jim Grosfeld
Robin & Leo Eisenberg Family
Lisa and Dan Mendelson
KMR Food Distribution
Nancy & Robert Heinrich
Hannah and Dr. Gordon Moss
Bluma Schechter
Shai’s Landscaping
Superior Meats
Opening Act
Susie & Bob Bluestein
Joyce & Dr. George Blum
Brody’s Custom Clothing and Provisions
CKC Agency / Carolyn Krieger
Shari Cohen
DyHydro Services
Marvin and Betty Danto Health Care Center
Rochelle and Bill Elson
Fusco, Shaffer & Pappas
Drs. Lynda & Conrad Giles
Linda Golding
Jewish Hospice & Chaplaincy Network
Synde Keywell
Andrea Laker
Medical Care Alert
MJS Packaging
Jerold & Ellen Minkin
Anita & Robert Naftaly
Bobbie Patt & Fred Fechhermer
Jo Rosen & Andy Nickelhoff
Joni & Neil Satovsky
Steve & Teri Sinkoff & Family
Nancy & Brent Triest
Lorraine & Robert Zack
It was a jolly good time and every penny goes to FRIENDS of Jewish Senior Life to enrich the lives of our residents. We are continuing to raise money for Friends of JSL, so if you couldn’t attend, please visit the website to make a donation.
100 Years of Volunteers
2025 marks the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Jewish Home for the Aged, which has evolved into FRIENDS of Jewish Senior Life. We are planning a year-long celebration of our remarkable tradition of volunteerism and the generous volunteers who give their time to make Jewish Senior Life the vital, connected, lively community it is. We’ll be looking for photos and stories to share all year. If you have some or if you would like to help create the displays and events honoring this remarkable milestone and the folks who helped JSL reach it, please give me a call!
And if you’d like to join this 100-year-old tradition by becoming a volunteer, we’d love to have you! Sign up at
Shabbat Shalom!
Beth Robinson
FRIENDS of Jewish Senior Life