Christ Church, 

This email contains all the information and links for Sunday.


In-Person Worship Services, 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM

Livestream, 10:30 AM

Facebook Link

YouTube Link


9:30 AM – We will have a special Veterans Day service at 9:30 AM in the Church Nave. Our keynote speaker will be CAPT Sterling Gilliam, USN (Ret), Director of the National Naval Aviation Museum.


8, 9:30 & 10:30 AM – Nursery is available for children ages infant through 3 years old. 

9:15 AM – Sunday school is available for children & youth.

10:30 AM Service – Children's Chapel – This service includes a Children's Chapel during the sermon, designed especially for children ages 4 and up. During the sequence hymn, children are invited to follow the cross down the main aisle and will return during the peace, just in time to have communion with their families.


High School EYC – Bible Study at Bagelheads – Thursdays from 7 AM - 8 AM

Middle School EYC – No EYC this Monday night because of the Veterans Day holiday.

Read the November EYC Newsletter


There will be no Adult Christian Education Offerings this Sunday. Please join us for a special Veterans Day Service at 9:30 AM in the Church Nave.

9:30 AM – Christ Church will conduct a special Veterans Day Service at 9:30 AM in the Church Nave. This year, our keynote speaker will be CAPT Sterling Gilliam, USN (Ret), Director of the National Naval Aviation Museum.


We ExperienceEmbrace, & Extend God’s unconditional love.


  • The Doors are Ajar – This Sunday – The Open Doors Campaign has been our capital campaign that sought to create a more welcoming, hospitable, and accessible space for everyone who comes to Christ Church. We are excited to celebrate the first phase of construction is now complete. Come this Sunday to celebrate the Doors are Ajar, the completion of this first phase. After both services on Sunday, tour the new spaces and meet with staff and campaign committee members to hear more about the new spaces and the status of ongoing construction.


  • Veterans Day Service – This Sunday – 9:30 AM – CAPT Sterling Gilliam, USN (Ret) and Director of the National Naval Aviation Museum will be our guest speaker.


  • New Formation Class – "What Is That?" – Sundays, November 17 & 24 – Join Fr. Michael and Rev. Katie as we study the meaning and discuss the symbols found throughout our Church. This class will be held in the new library on Sunday mornings.

  • Thanksgiving Community Ecumenical Service – November 25, 5 PM This year, Christ Church will be hosting the Downtown Churches and the Temple for the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service.