Hello to all our friends,

Since Covid, the question I receive so often from patients is, “Why do I have to wait so long to get a referral to see a physical therapist from my doctor?” They talk about their pain and how long they have had to put up with it. They are frustrated, especially when we help them quickly. Their complaints are valid. Many studies have proven patients heal faster, have less days of pain and get back to their normal life more quickly if they go to physical therapy promptly. So, why does the patient have to wait to get a referral from their doctor?
This may surprise most of you, but patients don’t have to wait for their doctor to refer them or send a prescription to physical therapy! The law was changed in 2013! Any patient can go into a physical therapist’s office and be seen any time they want. Most insurances will cover this. Legally, a patient can see a physical therapist up to 42 days before having to be sent to a doctor.
Two weeks ago, a patient came into our clinic, prior to visiting his doctor. He had fallen on his left shoulder, knew it wasn't broken, and wanted me to examine him. He had pain with certain overhead movements and had some difficulty sleeping. He wanted to know if he should go see his family physician or an orthopedic surgeon.  
After examining his shoulder, I gave him a few exercises and told him he should do well without seeing either physician. I called him 10 days later to follow up and was pleased to hear that he had no more pain. He thanked me and said that it was unfortunate that I wasn't a doctor. He brought up that we should be marketing McDonald Physical Therapy to be the first provider seen if a person has shoulder, back or neck pain, as well as any kind of muscle strain. He made it clear that we needed to get this message out to the public.
This article was prompted by his advice. This is one of many patient success stories we've been involved in since the law changed in July of 2013, where patients have been able to come directly to us with a physical problem. Very little, if any, of a physician’s training includes the study of physical therapy so, often, physicians are unaware of how we can be an essential part of helping patients beyond just pre- and post-surgery.
I did tell my patient that I do have my doctorate. It is not an MD, by any means, but we physical therapists, are required to get our Doctor of Physical Therapy, (DPT) degree. I prefer to be addressed by my first name, though. We, physical therapists, are experts in the world of movement, strength, conditioning and the function of muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, etc.
So, how might this new information help you in your life? If you have muscle pain in your back, neck, hip, leg, ankle, etc., or a problem walking, getting in and out of a chair or car, getting up and down stairs, you should consider seeing one of our physical therapists. They will be able to examine and assist you, often solving your issue and/or easing your pain, yet when necessary, directing you to another medical provider. We will help you find direction and a plan to regain your strength, balance and endurance, as you work your way back to your normal activities.
We hope you are enjoying this mild winter! If you need direction for any sprains, strains, endurance or movement issues, please call and get examined. You will be back on track faster than you might imagine!

Enjoy the journey,
Fran McDonald President/CEO
Physical Therapy Guide to Heart Disease
and Heart Failure

Heart disease and heart failure are systemic cardiovascular diseases. They can affect exercise tolerance, endurance, and quality of life. Heart diseases make it difficult for a person’s heart to keep up with their body’s daily demands.

Heart disease is widespread. It resulted in 859,125 deaths in the United States in 2017, according to the American Heart Association. It also is the leading cause of death globally, with 17.8 million related deaths in 2017. This number is expected to grow to more than 2.2 million by 2030. Heart disease is the world’s leading cause of death each year, taking more lives than cancer and lung diseases combined.

Heart failure affects an estimated 6.2 million Americans older than age 20. This number is expected to increase to affect greater than 8 million adults by the year 2030.

If you have heart disease or heart failure, a physical therapist can work with you to help keep it from getting worse. Physical therapists also can help people reduce their risk for developing heart disease.

How Can a Physical Therapist Help?
Physical therapists design personalized treatment plans for each person's needs, challenges, and goals. They help you:

  • Improve your mobility.
  • Manage pain and other chronic conditions.
  • Recover from or prevent injury and chronic disease.

Your physical therapist will work with you and other members of your health care team to address problems caused by heart disease or heart failure.

Your physical therapy treatment plan will include a personalized exercise program and prescribed movement. This program will help you decrease the signs and symptoms of heart disease and/or failure. It also will improve your ability to take part in home, work, and other activities. Research shows that physical activity and exercise can improve exercise capacity. Physical activity and exercise also can help people with heart failure live longer than they would otherwise.

Your treatment plan may include:

Education. Your physical therapist will educate you on physical activity and exercise that is safe for you to do. They also will design a personalized exercise program and teach you how to increase your exercise capacity. Education may include recommendations for lifestyle changes and self-management behaviors. They also may teach you about any signs and symptoms to watch out for. Your physical therapist may refer you to other health care providers as needed.

Aerobic endurance. Patients with heart disease or heart failure are at risk for decreased exercise tolerance and endurance. Your physical therapist will help you increase your aerobic endurance through monitored exercise. They also will develop a home exercise program based on your needs and goals.

Research shows that an aerobic exercise program:
  • Improves quality of life.
  • Helps to decrease hospital admissions.
  • Improves time on walk tests.
  • Decreases the risk of severe disease leading to death.

Aerobic exercise can be achieved in many forms, including:
  • Walking.
  • Cycling.
  • Treadmill walking.
  • Dancing.

Muscle strengthening. Strength training is important to overall health. Maintaining muscle strength will help you perform functional activities and maintain or improve your overall strength. Research shows that exercise is safe and effective for most patients with heart disease.

Your physical therapist will work with you to determine the appropriate amount and intensity of your exercise training. They will design a safe, personalized program based on your unique needs and goals.

Improving your ability to breathe during activity. Research shows that increasing the strength of the muscles that aid breathing can improve exercise tolerance in people with heart failure. Your physical therapist will assess your muscles and ability to breath during physical activity and design an exercise program for your condition.

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McDonald Physical Therapy
(574) 233-5754