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E-Spirit Weekly Newsletter | November 5, 2024


The physical and emotional toll of recovering from Helene and Milton can be overwhelming. Have hope in Christ and know that there are resources to help. Listed below are the specifics of organizations ready to assist on the path to recovery. For immediate needs, the Florida-Bahamas Synod offers small emergency grants to individuals and families $500-$1,000. Contact a local ELCA pastor and they will review and submit the request to the Bishop’s Office. Checks are sent to the congregation for distribution. The Red Cross and United Way can assist with shelter and food needs. Crisis Cleanup is a coordination website for relief agencies. Financial assistance can be applied for from FEMA, FDEM, SBA, FHFC and the Florida Disaster Fund. Remember that you are not alone, we are the body of Christ, and we walk this path together. 


State and Federal relief agencies

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

FEMA provides disaster recovery assistance to individuals and households, including grants for temporary housing, home repairs, and other needs. Requests for Public Assistance (RPAs) must be filed within 30 days of the disaster declaration. Hurricane Milton was declared on October 11, so in most counties, the deadline is November 10.    


Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM)

FDEM provides disaster recovery resources, including emergency services, housing assistance, and information on local recovery centers.


Small Business Administration (SBA) Disaster Loans

SBA offers low-interest disaster loans to homeowners and renters for rebuilding and repair. They also offer loans to businesses affected by disasters.


Florida Disaster Fund

The Florida Disaster Fund provides financial support for recovery efforts. Individuals and communities can apply for funding to help rebuild and recover.


Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC)

FHFC provides assistance to individuals who need housing after a disaster, including rental assistance and home repair programs.


Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP)

D-SNAP provides food assistance to individuals and families affected by disasters who may not qualify for regular SNAP benefits.


National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

NFIP provides flood insurance claims assistance for individuals affected by flooding due to hurricanes. Filing claims quickly can speed up recovery.


Operation Blue Roof Program Begins for Hurricane Milton Recovery

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville District, has launched the Operation Blue Roof Program to assist homeowners affected by Hurricane Milton with temporary roof repairs. This free program, funded by FEMA, provides fiber-reinforced sheeting to protect homes from further damage until permanent repairs can be made. Eligible counties include Brevard, Citrus, Charlotte, DeSoto, Hardee, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Indian River, Lake, Manatee, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Sarasota, Seminole, St. Lucie, Sumter, and Volusia. Homeowners can sign up until November 5 at, by calling 888-ROOF-BLU (888-766-3258), or by visiting an ROE collection center. The program is available for primary residences and permanently occupied rental properties with specific roof types. More details are available on the program's website.


Clean up and Recovery Assistance

American Red Cross

The Red Cross provides shelter, food, relief supplies, and emotional support to individuals affected by disasters. They also assist with medical needs and connecting families.


United Way

United Way helps connect individuals to community resources like food, housing, employment assistance, and emotional support. United Way’s 2-1-1 service is a free hotline for connecting people to local services.


Corporation for National and Community Service (AmeriCorps)

AmeriCorps deploys volunteers to disaster areas to help with recovery, including debris removal, rebuilding, and community support.


Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity can help with rebuilding homes damaged or destroyed by hurricanes. They often organize volunteers to assist with construction and repairs.


Starfish Disaster Recovery

Provides clean-up services following hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods to mitigate further damage and prepare for recovery efforts.


Crisis Cleanup

Crisis Cleanup is a coordination website for relief agencies. We try to connect survivors who need help, with volunteer groups who can help.


Florida-Bahamas Synod/LDR

Small emergency grants to individuals and families $500-$1,000. Contact a local ELCA pastor and they will review and submit the request to Bishop’s Office. Checks are sent to the congregation for distribution. 


Mental Health and Counseling Support

Crisis Helpline

After a disaster, emotional recovery is important.


Disaster Distress Helpline - Counseling Services

The Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) is the first national hotline dedicated to providing year-round disaster crisis counseling. 

  • Call or text 1-800-985-5990.
  • Español: Llama o envía un mensaje de texto 1-800-985-5990 presiona “2.”
  • For Deaf and Hard of Hearing ASL Callers: Please text or call the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 using your preferred Relay provider.

Boundaries and Inclusion Education 2024

Region 9 Boundaries and Inclusion Education (R9BIE) plans annual, and three-year rotational, boundaries educational opportunities and learning events. Therefore, the Florida-Bahamas Synod encourages our rostered ministers, seminarians, and interns to participate in the Region 9 boundaries educations. The cost to attend annual Boundaries Education is covered by the Synods of Region 9. The 2024 Focus is Cultural Competencies:

Plan to attend one of the following events:

  • Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024, 9am - 1:30 pm
  • Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024, 9am - 1:30 pm

Register here. Registration for each session will close one week prior to each session.

Synod Council Summaries


Summaries of the Synod Council meetings are available on the website. Click here to view the Florida-Bahamas Synod Council Highlights from September 6-7, 2024. View past summaries here.

Ordinations & Installations

November 7, 5 PM - Ordination of Courtney Noya  at All Saints, Lutz; Bishop Suarez will preside. Courtney has been called to Christus Victor in Naples. 


Act Love Walk Ministry Brings Hope and Joy to Local Hotels

On Saturday, September 28, 14 youth and adult volunteers from Nativity Lutheran's Act Love Walk mobile ministry (Palm Beach Gardens) set out to make a difference in the community. They visited two local hotels, Inn of America and InTown Suites, which had been identified as places where residents could use a helping hand. The dedicated team delivered food, toys, ice cream, resource lists, and handmade cards of encouragement to the residents and guests.

One of the highlights of the visit was an in-house developed puppet show that entertained the youngest lodgers, bringing smiles and joy to their faces. The residents were eager to interact with the team, expressing curiosity about the ministry's mission. Hotel staff provided enthusiastic feedback, noting the positive impact of the visit.

The Act Love Walk ministry distributed approximately 572 pounds of food and numerous individually wrapped ice creams, which were particularly popular among the recipients. This initiative was made possible through the hard work of volunteers and a generous V2A grant.

Founded with the words of Micah 6:8 in mind, Act Love Walk embodies the call to "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."

Respite in the Wilderness for Rostered Ministers and Church Professionals – Program

January 16 -18, 2025 (Thursday morning through Saturday morning)

A gift from NovusWay to rostered ministers and church professionals. Enjoy a retreat of rest and renewal through prayer and study as we prepare for the busy season of Lent. Join Assistant to the Bishop Rev. Dr. Derek Hoven in a journey through the texts for Lent. With room for introverts and extroverts, we will dwell in the Lenten lectionary and work on themes, frameworks, and creative possibilities for Sunday and mid-week worship opportunities. To register, go to or call 828-209-6301. If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Sue Mendenhall at 727-415-9887.

Lutheran Men in Mission Ambassador-Gram


The latest Lutheran Men in Mission Ambassador-Gram is now available for view. Click here to see current news from LMM including upcoming events and virtual opportunities for study and worship.


November 17, 3 p.m. Cello and Harpsichord Concert

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

455 Missouri Ave

Largo, FL 33770

Scott Kluksdahl and Hedi Salanki present a concert celebrating the release of their newest album featuring the music of Neapolitan master Giulio de Ruvo. Scott Kluksdahl serves as Professor of Cello at the University of South Florida, where he has been on the faculty since 1991. Dr. Hedi Salanki-Rubardt is Distinguished University Professor and director of piano and chamber music at the University of West Florida. Free and open to the public.

New Life Lutheran, Sarasota seeks Office Administrator

The purpose of the position of the Office Administrator is to staff the office of New Life Lutheran Church, and assist Pastor Jeff Gross. New Life Lutheran Church has a membership of 125 people and was chartered in 2013. The mission of the church is to “Serve Christ and Proclaim God’s Love.” To view the full job description and instructions on how to apply, click here.

Lutheran Church of the Palms Honors Foster Care Heroes on ELCA Day of Service

This year, on Sunday, October 6th, after worship, Lutheran Church of the Palms in Palm Harbor participated in the ELCA Day of Service - “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Collaborating with Lutheran Services Florida, they identified 300 foster care parents who provide shelter for children and youth in the community.

On this special day, church members wrote heartfelt notes of thanks to these dedicated foster care parents. The notes were then delivered to the Development Outreach Specialist in Largo. Along with the notes, the congregation provided grab-and-go breakfast items for the 102 members of the case management staff, expressing appreciation for their tireless work supporting foster families and children.

By recognizing and supporting these families and staff members, Lutheran Church of the Palms exemplifies the Lutheran belief that every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life, flows freely from a living confidence in God's grace.


ELCA Receives Lilly Endowment Grant for Children’s Ministry

The ELCA has received a $1.25 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help establish Curious Christian Children: Reimagining Kids in Worship, a new initiative of the ELCA’s Ministry with Children. Read more...

New Advent Resources

New resources are available from ELCA World Hunger to enrich the life of your congregation during Advent. Centered on the theme “Humming with the Word,” materials include an Advent calendar, study and an action guide for your congregation. Read more...


  • September 20, 2025: School of Lay Ministry Graduation Retreat & Worship, New Life Lutheran Church, Sarasota
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