Cornwall Public Library Newsletter - January 2023
From the Director's Desk...
When I was a child, I didn't believe my father when he told me that as you get older, time seems to go faster; now I see that he was right!  It doesn't seem possible to me that the past year is already gone! Despite often being cold and dreary here, January is still the start of a New Year and laden with possibility. Come see what the library has to offer to help your possibilities happen!

One thing I know we can help with is finding a job with our new "Job Seekers" display. Located near the Adult computers, there is an up-to-date list of Civil Service exams, books on resume writing, and other items that will be helpful to job seekers. Any questions? Just ask!

I recently finished The Old Place by Bobby Finger. It's a story of friendship, tragedy, love, and lies - how one affects the other, how one cannot be lazy in a friendship, and how telling the truth is the only way to redemption and possible forgiveness. Of course, there's more to the story than that, but the bare bones of it might make you want to read it. If you do, let me know what you think!
I hope all your possibilities are good ones and I wish you all a very Happy, Healthy New Year!

Charlotte A. Dunaief
Library Director
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Wednesday, January 11

All meetings are open to the public. The current agenda and meeting packet can be found here.
Art Exhibition
"A Paris Portrait"
by David Nicholls

Meet the Artist Reception
Thursday, January 5

David Nicholls has been taking photographs since his teenage years. Initially, his principal interest was in recording historic buildings, with little attempt at making artistic statements. But new possibilities opened up when he bought his first digital camera in 2004. The digital format enabled a multitude of processing possibilities, allowing his work to become more varied and creative. Regular trips to Europe help to ensure that historic buildings remain a focus of his work, but with a more imaginative treatment than before.

Mr. Nicholls' work will be on display in the Library Community Room until February 23rd.*

*Because this room is also used for programs, patrons are encouraged to call prior to a visit to make sure the exhibit will be accessible for viewing.
Winter Weather Delays & Closings
Finding ourselves now in the season of snow and ice, please remember to check our website for weather delay or closing notifications BEFORE you head to the library. We will always post that information right at the top of our homepage -
Programs For Adults
Midday Matinee
Tuesday, January 3

Enjoy a break in your day and take in a movie. January’s selection is Sound of Metal - Rated R.

A drop-in event - no registration required.
Teen Tech Tutoring
Monday, January 16

Got tech questions? Let our savvy teen volunteers assist you. Bring your devices and your questions. No appointments needed - first come, first served.
Monday Night Movie
January 30

Enjoy free popcorn and a movie with this new program. January's selection is the 1981 thriller Blow Out - Rated R.

A drop-in event - no registration required.
The Harlem Renaissance:
Courage, Grace and Vision
Monday, February 20
via Zoom

Janet Mandel, retired art history / world languages & culture instructor looks at many of the inspired artists who produced astonishing and ground-breaking works that transformed African American identity and history, as well as American culture.

Registration opens January 15 via the library website. A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants on the day of the program.
Creative Writers

Always open to new members. A virtual option can be made available if needed. Call the library at 845-534-8282 for more info.
Member's Choice
Book Group
January 4 @4:00pm
This Tender Land
by William Kent Krueger

New members are always welcome. Please call 845-534-8282 if you need a virtual option.
Mystery Book Group
January 19 @2:00pm
Body Double
by Tess Gerritsen
Out & About
Book Group
January 25 @7:00pm
A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor
by Hank Green

Join us in January at Citrus for some food, drinks & lively discussion. New people are always welcome! To help coordinate with the restaurant, we are now asking anyone planning to attend to register via the library website.
Book Chat & Chocolate
January 26 @7:00pm
The Shell Seekers
by Rosamunde Pilcher

New members are always welcome...and chocolate is always served!
Programs for Kids & Teens
Family Story Time
Select Tuesdays
January 10, 17, & 24
9:30am OR 10:30am

Enjoy a story time with the whole family. Registration is required and opens via the library website one week prior to each class.

Adults only need to register their
child(ren) - not themselves.
PJ Story Time
Select Wednesdays
January 4 & 18
All Ages Welcome

Wear your PJs, bring a favorite cuddly, and enjoy stories & songs at the library.

Registration is required and opens via the
library website one week prior to each program.
Saturday Morning Story Time
January 14

Enjoy a special story time for the whole family on the weekend. Space is limited. Registration is required and opens via the library website one week prior to the program.
Dog Tales
Select Mondays
January 9 & 23
Grades K-12

Come read to a furry friend from Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause.

Please register via the library website for a
15-minute time slot of your choosing. Registration opens one week prior to each program.
Chess Time
Select Saturdays
January 14 & 28
11:00am - 12:00pm

All ages and skill levels are welcome. Bring a friend or play with someone new. An instructor will be available to answer questions.

A drop-in event - no registration required.
Art Afternoon
Tuesday, January 17
K-12th Grades
Working with Watercolor Pencils

Learn the different techniques for using these special pencils to create your own watercolor masterpiece. Dress for mess.

Registration is required and opens via the library website one week prior to the program.
Come join us for a...
Winter StoryWalk®

Enjoy a walk inside the library, stopping at each panel to read a portion of Life by Cynthia Rylant. For added fun, see if you can complete our accompanying I SPY activity.

The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with
the Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition and the Kellogg Hubbard Library.
January 12 @4:30pm
K-2nd Grades
A Bad Case of Stripes
by David Shannon

Register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Book Break
January 19 @4:30pm
3rd & 4th Grades
Horton Halfpott
by Tom Angleberger

Register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Readzza Readzza
January 26 @4:30pm
5-8th Grades
Liar & Spy
by Rebecca Stead

Register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Teen Book Group
January 9 @6:30pm
9-12th Grades
The Resolutions
by Mia Garcia

Register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
January 20 @5:45pm

Grades 6-12. A library teen advisory board for established members only. Please contact Lisa SinClair at for more information.