November 2024


A Note From Our Pastor

I pray this note finds you happy, healthy, and holy. I would like to start by giving you an update on the rectory project. The architectural drawings are complete and we are working with the builder to decide different options to finalize the price of the project. We are currently sending the necessary documentation to the diocese to get approval from Bishop Lou to build the rectory. Once permission is granted, we will take the next steps in the process. As a reminder, we are hoping to break ground in March. 

There have been some developments with regard to the financing of this project. I previously stated that we were planning on utilizing the Capital Improvement Funds from both parishes to collect the money needed for this project and would take a loan out when needed. We had decided not to dip into parish savings (which we have been able to build up a little over the past four years) because we would have still needed to get a loan. Well, there have been a handful of parishioners from both parishes who reached out to me expressing a desire to give money towards this project. This, coupled with the proceeds of selling our current rectory, gives us almost half of the proposed cost for the rectory. Our parish finance councils agreed that with this amount of the rectory “covered”, we could afford to use money in savings which should prevent us from taking on any debt. This is great news! That being said, we still will give you opportunities in the future to support this project and that help will be greatly appreciated. 

An update with regard to St. Mary’s parish campus: we are getting bids to cover the gravel handicapped parking spots on the west side of the building with concrete. This will provide safer access to our building especially during the winter months. St. Mary’s has also saved some money in recent years allowing this project to be done. Avoiding taking out  loans for these projects at both parishes will help us look more promptly at the future needs of joining our parishes. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. 

As aforementioned, Bishop Lou decided last summer through the Growing Disciples initiative that St. Mary Church in Downs and St. Patrick Church of Merna will be joined, forming a new parish. The transition team, our parish staff, and myself are in the early stages of this process. We are currently awaiting a decision for our new parish name to be made by our bishop. As I look back at our diocese since Bishop Lou’s arrival, it’s been beautiful for me to see how the Holy Spirit has been working through his episcopacy. He has shared his vision for our diocese which includes vibrant parishes and a road map to get there. 

As your pastor and spiritual father, I invite you to see the Holy Spirit working throughout this next year as we move forward to a more mission driven parish and diocese. This doesn’t mean that there won't be challenges or changes, but we trust in God’s promises.

In Christ,

Fr. Schultz

Parish News & Upcoming Events

Foundations of Marriage

Marriage is a beautiful gift from God and maintaining a healthy, secure marriage takes a lot of hard work. Come learn strategies to help enrich your marriage from two Catholic Marriage and Family Therapists. We are offering a four-part series for married and engaged couples; each talk can stand alone if you are unable to attend all four. All talks will be from 7:30-8:30pm with an optional Q&A until 9pm in Shamrock Hall. Drinks and snacks provided. Please join us on Friday, November 8th for our first session, on Trust & Commitment. *Limited childcare is available for ages 9 months or mobile, through age 4. Please contact Jess Elliott with interest for childcare, or questions. RSVP by clicking HERE

Euchre Night

St. Patrick’s annual Euchre Night will take place on Friday, November 15th at 6:30pm in the Shamrock Hall. Don’t know how to play Euchre? No problem! Come at 6pm for a time of instruction and practice. For planning purposes, please sign up HERE. Cost is $10 and includes beverages, light snacks, and prizes (pay at the door). Contact Kristie Klingler with any questions.

November Encounter Night

Our next Encounter Night will be on Wednesday, November 6th at 7:30pm at St. Patrick Church of Merna. Come and rest in the presence of the Lord, with a night of reflection, silence, and music. Consider inviting a friend! Contact Jess Elliott with any questions.

Catholic Teaching Mass with Fr. Matt

Join us on Sunday, November 10th at 5:30pm at St. Patrick Church of Merna for a teaching Mass. Everyone is welcome to attend and this Mass will fulfill your Sunday obligation. Attendance is required for RE6, Confirm1, and Confirm2 students. Learn why everything in a Catholic Mass happens for a reason. It is the ultimate prayer!

Turkey Trot

Join us for the St. Patrick Church of Merna 4K Turkey Trot presented by our Faith at Home ministry! All proceeds will benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Please contact Lindsey with any questions.

When: Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, Nov. 28th)

Time: 9:15am (feel free to join us for 8:30am Mass in your running apparel!)

Cost: The entry fee is a donation of any size to the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

T-shirts: Shirts are optional, and an added cost. The deadline to order is Nov. 7th.

Registration: Click HERE!

K of C Annual Coat Drive

The Knights of Columbus Father Joseph A. Boylan Council #15175 is pleased to announce that the council will again conduct a Coat Drive this fall. This year’s drive will run from November 9th-December 6th. New or lightly-used coats can be dropped off during the day into the collection bins outside of Shamrock Hall. All donations will be taken to the St. Vincent de Paul Society in downtown Bloomington for distribution to those in need this season. Any questions can be directed to the Knights of Columbus.

Silver Shamrock Delivery

St. Patrick Parishioners born in 1948 or earlier will receive a special delivery on Saturday, December 7th from the parish. The Silver Shamrock Poinsettia delivery is a way to honor and celebrate our senior parishioners. If you are not home when the delivery comes, a note will be left and you can pick up your poinsettia at church that weekend.

VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help with the delivery. This is a wonderful activity to do as a family! Click HERE to sign up! if you would like to sign up and/or receive more details. Contact Jana Schopp with any questions.

GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays

All those grieving the loss of a loved one are invited to attend this holiday seminar offered by our GriefShare ministry. Join us on Thursday, November 14th at 6:30pm in Room 6. This is open to the public, so feel free to share this information with others!

Reverse Collection Begins at November 16th & 17th Masses! 

 During Masses on Nov. 16 & 17, parishioners will be invited to take a donation slip from the collection baskets, thus “reverse collection”. You can drop your donation off through Sunday, Dec. 8. This parish wide service project is a wonderful way to share your treasures with others.  

Our parish will be supporting the following organizations this year: 

  • St. Nicholas Charity on Wheels 
  • Faith in Action 
  • St. Vincent de Paul
  • Christ Child Society of Central Illinois 
  • Salvation Army Safe Harbor Homeless Shelter 

We are so grateful for the generosity and support of our entire parish! 

A Walk Through the Joyful Mysteries with Fr. Matt

Join Fr. Matt as he helps us to unpack the deeper meaning of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary and prepare us for the beauty of the Advent season. The study will be held on Monday evenings November 18th – December 16th in Shamrock Hall. Each session begins with a lecture by Fr. Matt from 5:30-6:30pm, followed by an optional Q&A session until 7:00pm. NO materials are needed, just a heart for wisdom. To assist with planning, registration is needed. Please click HERE to sign up. Contact Marylynn Meredith with questions.

“Adore” Advent Resource

Advent is a special season for the Church - it is the time when the world prepares to celebrate anew the coming of Christ. This Advent, slow down and take a few minutes each day to remember WHO this season is really about: Jesus. Using Adore, you will focus on a new theme each week that you can relate to your own life. Adore is perfect for both individual and group use. To order, click HERE. If you have questions regarding this resource, contact Marylynn Meredith.

Downs Food Pantry Collection

The last day to bring items for the Food Pantry holiday food basket collection will be Sunday, November 10th. Because of your generosity, we only need 20 more cans of cream of mushroom soup and 30 more boxes of pie crust mix or ready-made Graham cracker crusts. The plastic bins are placed at each entrance of St. Mary Church in Downs. Thank you for all of your donations for this collection.

Youth Ministry Update

Greetings from IGNITE!

Our High School youth ministry is growing! For those that may not know, our high school youth group has merged with the other Catholic parishes in town to form one united student ministry. Our mission remains the same, and Ignite Student Ministry exists to reach all teens for Christ, and serves as the unified Catholic High School Youth Group in Bloomington-Normal. Here's a look at what we've been up to:

  • On the first Sunday of each month, we have Mass and Meal, which is held at Epiphany's new Sunday night Mass offering. Our teens, in the name of Faith and Fellowship, attend Mass together and share an evening meal, discussing a little about our faith as we get to know each other.
  • We also have some more familiar programs, too, as our Unplugged nights are times of Adoration and Reconciliation at all our parishes in town, and our Speaker Nights are still evenings at St Pat's, when we get to hear about how God works in the lives around us.
  • We have Reach Nights and Serve Nights where we are physically outside the walls of the church or serving our community at large, and our new Just For Fun (JFF) nights are full of games, fellowship and fun!

In the next couple of weeks, we are partnering with Faith in Action to do our annual Leaf Raking Service project around town, and we will hold a Friendsgiving JFF night at Central Catholic HS to celebrate the gift of a church family. We ask for your continued prayers for our teens and this ministry, and want to thank our parish for the support our group receives!

Annual Diocesan Appeal

Annual Diocesan Appeal Update

Thank you to all who made a pledge to the Annual Diocesan Appeal! We have received our first progress report: at St. Patrick Church of Merna, we have received 359 gifts/pledges totaling $163,211 towards our goal of $243,744; St. Mary Church in Downs has received 58 gifts/pledges totaling $30,154 toward our goal of $40,514. Your gift supports ministries that give food to the hungry, education to all who desire to join the Catholic Faith, training to our seminarians, Pre-Cana for engaged couples, adult faith formation, support for parishes and leadership in our schools, and much more. If you have not completed a pledge card, please do so today! There are envelopes at the Welcome Center or at the entrances to the church, or you can make your gift online using the button below. Every dollar raised to make our goal supports important diocesan ministries, and every dollar raised over our goal will be kept in our parishes. We are grateful for your support!

Learn More and Donate Here

St. Patrick Church Of Merna

1001 N Towanda Barnes Rd.

Bloomington, IL 61705

(309) 662-7361

St. Mary Church in Downs

108 E. Washington St.

Downs, IL 61736

(309) 662-7361