It's Not About The Religion,
It's About The Relationship!
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This week's message:
"Recover Your Joy"
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Happy Midweek Dear Church!
It is hard to believe that we are approaching the third week of Advent … Advent JOY! Worship last Sunday was filled with God’s Spirit. I hope that something in our time together resonated with your spirit and that you left with a renewed sense of your responsibility in bringing PEACE to God’s world. Thank you to everyone who made the day meaningful. A special thanks to the Cones family for lighting our Advent candle of PEACE.
I do not know about you but it seems as though this Advent season is flying by. Usually, by the time I get to the third week of advent, I am worn out, with all the preparations for Christmas. The Sunday of JOY brought me a respite from the preparations and gives me a glimpse of the “feast yet to come.” This year, as I approach the Sunday of JOY, I am feeling less stress than ever before. Part of my, more relaxed state, is due to the addition of Andy Riggs to our church staff as Minister of Music. For the past two advent/Christmas seasons I was picking, rehearsing, and presenting the music in our worship as well as my other pastoral opportunities. It was a JOY, as I had time each week to return to my musical past, those things that brought me life for so many years. Having Andy at my side, picking rehearsing, and presenting our music has given me the time to prepare my own heart for the coming of the Christ child. Thank you Andy for bringing new life and music to our worship.
During these weeks, we have kept our minds stayed on the “Light at the end of the darkness.” This morning, as I write, I am inspired that even though it is a time of darkness, it is the darkness that gives birth to “the new.” Instead of ignoring the dark, and wishing it away, we should embrace it as a time of growth and meaning. May your days in the bring you the comfort that “the new” is being born in you even now, enabling the light to come again.
As we prepare for the Sunday of JOY, may your heart rejoice, knowing that you are loved, embraced, and celebrated for all that you are. I love being your pastor.
Holding you close and lifting you high!
Pastor Greg
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A Message from Pastor Debbie | |
Joy, Joy, Joy
I always think of the song with the chorus “Joy in My Heart”. And I think of the decluttering process, in which you are to ask yourself, “Does it bring you Joy?” What a focus. What brings you joy? Joy is double-sided. Bringing joy to others, that Joy of Christ, is what brings us joy too. What can you do or say to others that reflects the joy of Christ? How can you declutter your life to make room for Christ?
Make sure to mark your calendar for 4:00 pm for Christmas Eve services. Invite someone, a neighbor, a co-worker, or a friend. We all need to hear the message.
Pastor Debbie
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Andy's Antiphonal Allegories | |
“Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy)” by Chris Tomlin | |
This arrangement of “Joy to the World” is full of energy and adds a new chorus. Please listen to this and familiarize yourself with the new chorus so you’ll be ready to sing with us in worship Sunday morning!
“Joy” by Kirk Franklin
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As you might have guessed, we will be talking about Joy this coming Sunday! This song is the epitome of joy for me. I love the lyrics and being reminded of how God brings joy to our lives. Listen along and be blessed by the words. If you find it hard to learn an entire new song in a few days time, learn the chorus to sing with us on Sunday. You’re always welcome to sing along for as much of it as you know!
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“Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love” by Joseph M. Martin | |
We will use one verse of this song each week through Advent as a sung response to the Lighting of the Advent Candle. Each verse speaks specifically to the theme for the week: Hope, Peace, Joy, or Love.
“Light at the End of the Darkness” by Larry Gatlin
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We will use the chorus of this piece to be our Closing Song for all of Advent. There’s a light at the end of Advent. The birth of Christ is what we look forward to. We will use this song to point us to the light that is coming. | |
Prayers for all caregivers and families
Sam Wiegert
Friends and family of Janet Madden, friend of Jim Euphrat
Sue, friend of Kristie
Joshua, friend of Rosemary
Sue Ryan
Jim Siltanen
Rocelle Melone
Joanne Jonas
Elaine Lemon
Nina Melad
Felicia and Nellie-Felicia’s Sister
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Adopt-a- Family
We are reaching out to you today because our old tradition of adopting families for Christmas is starting! This year we are adding a Military Family. Our Military family is selected by Operation Help a Hero. They are an all-volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to our military heroes and those they love. We wanted to get you this information sooner because their wrapped cards and gifts will need to be returned to the church by this coming Wednesday, December 14th. So look for that special tag on our Christmas Board this Sunday in the Narthex.
We will also be adopting 2 Families from our neighbors at Solara. We are also happy to say we are adopting 2 seniors in a nearby Poway retirement facility too!!!
We are looking forward to making the holiday season joyous for others!
With your generosity and gifts, we can make a difference in our community. And as always, We couldn’t do it without you!
Thank You in advance for making this happen!
You all are truly a blessing.
Holiday Cheer from the Outreach Ministry
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“There’s a Light at the End of the Tunnel”
The advent season began on Sunday, November 27th. This year, we will focus on the truth that, “there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.” The days of advent are dark; a time to ready your hearts for the glorious light of the Christ child on Christmas. As we travel together through the four weeks to Christmas, we are all called to embrace the darkness, while at the same time, striving forward toward the light at the end of our darkness
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Baby Shower of Mary and Baby Jesus
Every year, your Board of Trustees plans a special party to honor the birth of Jesus and our dear congregation. On Sunday, December 18th, following worship, they will host a Baby Shower for the new mother and her beloved offspring. This event gives us all the opportunity to catch up on our tithes/offerings or make a special Christmas gift, as we approach the end of the church fiscal year. There will be cake and shower party games. You won’t want to miss it. Bring your checkbook and help us all reach our goals for 2022. You are a blessing.
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Christmas Eve Worship 2022
Mark your calendars for Christmas Eve Worship.
This year, Christmas Eve falls on a Saturday. CCPUCC will offer ONE worship service on December 24th, at 4:00 p.m. Make your plans now to be with us on this amazing day.
NOTE: There will NOT be a Sunday morning worship service on Christmas Day.
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Homemade Pie Celebration and Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets | |
The Past Three Weeks at CCP!
Wow, the glorious work of this Church is always something that can make you feel like you are using God's hands as your own.
On Sunday, November 20th we had a Homemade Pie Celebration with eighteen delicious pies and then continued onward to assemble ten Thanksgiving dinner baskets for our community.
The following Sunday, November 27th, our congregation blessed homemade scarfs that we then brought to Ladle Fellowship, serving San Diego's homeless community with hot meals and clothing, that afternoon. Everyone wore one or two scarves during the service and each one received many prayers.
And to continue the work of God, we are adopting families again this year for Christmas. There is a board in the Narthex full of ornament tags with the family's wishes. These gifts for Adopt- A- Family, need to be returned to the Church by this coming Wednesday, December 14th.
We love doing God's glory and sharing his love. It is a blessing to have a Church that is proactive in every way. This is The Community Church of Poway.
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The JOY of FOOD!
Each week there will be a “Recipe of the Week” for the Buzz!
There will be a red basket in the Narthex where you can drop off your favorite recipes or please email them to It can be any recipe from family favorites to ones recently discovered! We will be encouraging you to share your thoughts after you made the dish too.
This week's recipe is Oh-So Easy Apple Bread!
Sent in by Mina Foster, thank you!
Click Here for Oh-So Easy Apple Bread!
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Adult Scripture Review:
Sunday’s following worship in the fireside room!
Email Susan Gurriell
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Who's got an upcoming BIRTHDAY?
The Community Church of Poway wishes the following member a Happy Birthday. We hope you have a blessed day celebrating YOU!
Isaias Paniamogan Dec. 8
Patty Averell Dec. 10
Pat Peterson Dec. 14
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Things to Look Forward To! | |
Books & More
On January 3, we'll begin a discussion of The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration, by Isabel Wilkerson. This historical book interweaves the stories of 3 individuals who were part of the Great Migration, a quest for freedom, lasting from World War I to the 1970s.
Books & More will meet at our regular meeting place, the Fireside Room on Tuesdays at 10:00 am.
This is the Books & More meeting schedule for December:
We'll meet at 10:00 am in the Fireside Room on Dec. 6.
We'll be off-site on Dec. 13.
No meetings on Dec. 20 or 27.
All are welcome to join us.
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Centering Prayer:
Tuesdays at 6:30 Contact Colleen Clementson
at or on
her cell at 858-663-6584, for the ZOOM invite
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Your Favorite Weekly Joke | |
Thank you for checking out our BUZZ! Here is what you were waiting for! If you have a favorite joke or any tips to make the BUZZ even better, please send emails to :)
Joke of the Week:
J: What is a skunk’s favorite Christmas song?
A: Jingle smells...
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