Weekly News — October 30, 2024



  • Daylight Savings Time Ends - new
  • Family Worship & Kids Service Project this Sunday - new
  • Community Trick or Treat Thank You - new
  • Community Thanksgiving - new
  • New Members Class Rescheduled - updated
  • Rev. Caroline Book Reading - new
  • November Adult Study About Heaven - new
  • Parents Night Out - new
  • November Lectio Divina Session - new
  • Christian Faith & Issues Tackles AI - new
  • Moms Group - new
  • Candlelight Christmas Concert
  • High School Fall Retreat
  • Worship Night
  • Prayers for Guatemalan Delegation
  • Chrisetta’s Kitchen
  • Christmas for Migrant Families
  • Upcoming Choral Concert


Weekly News

Daylight Savings Time Ends

Be sure to set your clocks back one hour when you go to bed on Saturday!

Family Worship & Kids Service Project this Sunday

In order for children to participate in Communion, we are offering an adjusted Sunday School program this Sunday. Families are asked to keep their children with them in worship until they are invited to join their teachers for a short lesson during the sermon. Students will use that time to make Giving Tree ornaments, a fun annual tradition for First Pres kids and youth, and then return for communion. We hope to see many of our kids in worship this Sunday for a multi-sensory morning!

Community Trick or Treat

Thank you to everyone who helped with our 17th Annual Community Trick or Treat. We welcomed 360 attendees through our doors, many of whom heard about the event through the Bucket School, Facebook, and from a friend or family member. Dozens of helpers donated candy, decorated the church, answered doors, helped with games and crafts, and handed out snacks at this popular annual event. We couldn’t have done it without you – thank you! 

You may also use this button to sign up:

Community Thanksgiving Sign-Up

New Members Class Rescheduled

Our November New Members Class is rescheduled and will now take place on Sunday, February 2. Reach out to Elizabeth Hess if you'd like to be included on the reminder list for that class.

Rev. Caroline Book Reading

November Adult Study About Heaven

Many Christians believe in some sort of afterlife, which we frequently refer to as heaven, but what does that mean exactly? You are invited to join fellow wonderers for a 3-week adult study during which we will look at what the Bible says about heaven, consider the perspective of a contemporary theologian, and see how all that compares to cultural conceptions of heaven. This study will meet on Wednesday nights, from 6:30 - 7:30 pm on Zoom beginning Wednesday November 6. Contact Sara Pantazes if you would like to participate.

Parents Night Out

All parents of kids ages 0-18 are invited for a get-together on Friday, November 8 starting at 6:30pm. Rudy and Monica Treichel are hosting at their home in Chester Springs. Sign-up using the button below. 

Parents Night Out Sign-Up

November Lectio Divina Session

Lectio Divina is an ancient, prayerful method of reading Scripture. Our next session will be Sunday, November 10, from 8:00 - 8:30 am in Room 214. Come early for this time of prayer then stay for coffee and worship. Whether you have prayed using this method before or it is new to you, our prayer is that opening yourself to the presence of God through Scripture, silence, and community will enrich your walk with the Lord. All are welcome. Talk to Sara Pantazes with any questions. 

Christian Faith & Issues Tackles AI

It has been in the news a lot lately but what is artificial intelligence (AI) and does it have anything to do with our faith? Join the Christian Faith & Issues class on Sunday, November 10 starting at 10:15 am in the Conference Room. Church member Tom Pantazes will lead a discussion on Generative AI through a Faith Lens, exploring what AI is, considerations, and how it might impact the church. Contact Dan Campbell with any questions.

Moms Group

The Moms Group normally meets the first Sunday of the month, but this month we are bumping to next week. Moms of babies through high schoolers are welcome to come! We'll meet Sunday, Nov. 10 from 4-5:30 in Room 210.

Use the button below to reserve your seat for this annual tradition!

Candlelight Concert Reservations

High School Fall Retreat

All high school students are invited to join us on a Fall Retreat from November 8th-10th at Refreshing Mountain Retreat Center! We are so excited for you to join us on this exciting opportunity, make sure to sign-up using the button below! 

High School Retreat Sign-Up

Prayers for Guatemalan Delegation 

There will be a table in Fellowship Hall between services on Sunday, November 3 with prayer cards for you to take and information about FPC's 21-year partnership with Iglesia Getsemani in Guatemala. This year our delegation to Guatemala includes Peter Guman, Jim and Nancy Haughton and Allen Thomas who will be there November 7-12. We seek your prayer support for them and for Iglesia Getsemani. There will be prayer cards at the table available for you to take on behalf of this journey and ministry. There will also be opportunity to write greetings to our brothers and sisters of Getsemani that our delegation will take with them to Guatemala.

Chrisetta’s Kitchen

Grand opening alert! We're delighted to be partnering with talented local chef Chrisetta Nyepan who is bringing the flavors of West Africa to the borough. Stop by the church's Darlington St. entrance M-Sat from 4-9 for take-out, or order through your favorite delivery service.

Christmas for Migrant Families

Each year First Pres supports the work and efforts of Chester County Migrant Ministry to provide Christmas gifts for our neighboring families in need. When you volunteer to sponsor a family, you will receive their names, ages, and some of their needs and wishes. Join in to share your gifts and your faith in a special way this Christmas season. Sign up by contacting Nancy Haughton ( Look for more ways to share Christmas love with these families coming in November.


Thursday First Pres Prayers

This Week’s Prayer Request:

God, you hold this whole world in your hands, and desire that we live in harmony with one another. We pray for your true peace in places of war and violence, and for healing in the midst of natural disasters. Make paths for healing, comfort, and restoration. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.

Each week we pray for our congregation at 12:00 pm on Thursdays.

Set an alarm or schedule it in your calendar to join us! You don’t need to only pray for the topic of the week, but you can continue to pray for previous topics as well or anything that God lays on your heart.

Prayer Requests

If you would like to add a prayer (in joy or in time of need) to our Prayer Band, complete the website form, send an email, or call the church at the number below.

First Presbyterian Church | 130 W. Miner Street | 610-696-0554

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