City of Cumming


November 2024

Join Us as We Honor Veterans on Nov. 11th

This year's Veterans Day Ceremony will be held on Monday, Nov. 11th at 11 a.m. at the Cumming City Center's Lou Sobh Amphitheater. This year's program is presented by VFW Post 9143, and features patriotic music from the Forsyth Central High School Wind Ensemble, Christian Fine Arts of Forsyth, the "Betty Brigade and Java Joe" student performers, keynote address, rifle salute, and more. The Veterans Day Ceremony is free and open to everyone. Please note: no chairs will be provided; please plan to sit on the amphitheater seat wall or bring your own lawn chair or blanket. The event will be held rain or shine so please plan accordingly.

New Holiday Event at the City Center on Nov. 9th

It's almost time for the holidays and the Cumming City Center is offering a new event to help everyone get into a festive mood! Sip Into the Season is a new event featuring festive, holiday-inspired beverages and snacks at the various tenant businesses. On Saturday, Nov. 9th, from noon to 8 p.m., follow a fun "Sipping Trail," enjoying specialty beverages, curated vendors, and fun activities throughout the City Center. "Seasoned Sippers" who finish the entire trail will have an opportunity to receive a special holiday prize! Discover a new favorite spot in the City Center, and stay for the Moby Dick Party Band concert in Lou Sobh Amphitheater in the evening. Pick up a punch card from any participating location and hit the Sipping Trail from 12-8 p.m. on November 9th!

Kick off the Christmas Season on Nov. 23rd at the Cumming City Center

It's the most wonderful time of the year at the Cumming City Center! This year's Winter Market and Christmas Tree Lighting will be presented on Saturday, Nov. 23rd. The market, which features almost 100 curated vendors offering a wide range of holiday products and great gift ideas, will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The market also features yummy snacks, kids' activities, and photos with Santa!

Stick around after the market for this year's Christmas Tree Lighting, sponsored by Local Church Forsyth and featuring live music by Will & The Exclamation, from 6-7 p.m. The big man in red will be back to help count down to the magical moment when the City Center's giant Christmas tree is lit for the season!

Election: November 5th

The General & Special Election will be held on Tuesday, November 5th. Please be advised that any voter who has not yet voted must cast their ballot at their assigned voting place on November 5th (Advance Voting ended on November 1st). The assigned polling place for the Cumming Precinct is the Cumming Recreation Center, 437 Pilgrim Mill Road. No there is no voting at Cumming City Hall. Polls will be open on November 5th from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For complete election information, click here.

Due to the election, the Cumming City Council November Work Session (typically held the first Tuesday of the month) has been rescheduled to Wednesday, November 6th at 6 p.m.

Customer Service Alert: Software Upgrade Will Disrupt Payment Ability Nov. 12th - 15th

The City of Cumming is upgrading its software in order to better serve our customers! Due to this upgrade, a related disruption of service will prevent customers from making online/electronic payments or scheduling services with Cumming Utilities and the Planning & Zoning Department during this timeframe:

  • Tuesday, Nov. 12th beginning at 6 p.m. UNTIL
  • Friday, Nov. 15th at 8 a.m.

If you need to make a payment to Cumming Utilities during this timeframe, you will only be able to use the physical, silver drop box outside Cumming City Hall (100 Main Street). If using this option, make sure to place your check or money order (no cash) inside an envelope and write your name, address, phone number, and amount paid on the envelope.

For Cumming Utilities questions, call 770-781-2020; for Planning & Zoning Department questions, call 770-781-2024.

'Cumming Home' Lighting Requests Now Being Accepted

The City of Cumming is now accepting lighting requests for the 'Cumming Home' Water Tower at Exit 14 on Georgia Hwy. 400. The application period is November 1st through December 2nd. Requests received after 5 p.m. on December 2nd will not be considered. Non-profit and charitable organizations are invited to apply by filling out the application form and returning it to

Recreation: Fall Dance & Gymnastics Begin Nov. 4th

The Cumming Recreation & Parks Department (CRPD) is offering a new session of dance classes and gymnastics, both beginning on Nov. 4th. The dance classes will continue through Dec. 21st and the gymnastics classes will continue through Dec. 20th. Click here to register for any of these and other CRPD programs!

Year-round activities: Did you know the CRPD offers year-round fitness classes and All-In Passes? Fitness classes are held at the Recreation Center on Pilgrim Mill Road, and the Dobbs Creek Recreation Center offers open-court play for basketball, volleyball, and pickleball. All-In Passes can be purchased that allow for unlimited fitness classes and open-court play. Click here for more information and to purchase All-In Passes.

Cumming Aquatic Center: Winter Swim Lesson Registration Opens Nov. 4th

The Cumming Aquatic Center will open registration for Winter Group Swim Lessons on Monday, Nov. 4th at 8 a.m. The lessons will be held from January through March, 2025. To register, click here.

Half-Price Family Friday will also be held this month on Nov. 15th. Every third Friday of the month, come enjoy the Aquatic Center's indoor pools at half-off daily admission cost between the hours of 2 and 6 p.m.! This promotion does not apply to memberships, programs or group exercise classes. Click here for more information.

Parents Night Out will also be held on Nov. 15th from 6-10 p.m. Come drop off the kids for an evening of pizza, swimming, games, and more! Click here to register.

BBQ Event at the Fairgrounds on Nov. 16th

The public is invited to come sample competition barbecue during the Atlanta BBQ Store Classic at the Cumming Fairgrounds on Saturday, November 16th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The public is invited to purchase sampling tickets to try competition BBQ pulled pork. There's also food trucks, vendors, live music, kids' activities, and a chance to get a sneak peek into the world of competition barbecue! Proceeds from the event will benefit The Place. For complete information about the Atlanta BBQ Store Classic, click here!

Reminder: Register Now for the City of Cumming Christmas Parade

This year's City of Cumming Christmas Parade will be held on Saturday, December 14th, beginning at 5 p.m.! Any group or individual interested in being in the parade should register now. Please click here for the registration form. Completed forms must be returned to (or by U.S. Mail: Cumming City Hall, Attn: Crystal Ledford, 100 Main Street, Cumming, GA 30040) by 5 p.m. on Monday, December 9th.

Mayor & City Council October Meetings Recap

During their Regular Meeting on October 15th, City Council presented three proclamations and honored two new police officers:

First Responders Day - Proclaimed October 28th as First Responders Day in the City of Cumming. Representatives of Patriots of Liberty Society, Children of the American Revolution accepted the proclamation.

Family Promise of Forsyth County Week - Proclaimed the week of October 19th to 27th as Family Promise Week. Family Promise works to assist children and families who are dealing with homelessness or housing insecurity by working with area church congregations and volunteers.

Retired Educators Day - Proclaimed Sunday, November 3rd as Retired Educators Day in the City of Cumming, and asked residents to honor the efforts of local retired educators.

New Police Officers Sworn In - Cumming Police Chief PJ Girvan swore in two new Police Officers: Misty Howell and Justin Blackwell, both of whom bring many years of law enforcement experience to their new roles with the Cumming PD.

City Council also took the following actions during the October Work Session and Regular Meeting:

  • Approved a rezoning application for Boxville Storage, which will be located at the intersection of Mary Alice Park Road and Marketplace Blvd.
  • Approved a Conditional Use Permit for Ford's Place, LLC, located at 529 Canton Hwy., for a supplemental vehicle compound.
  • Approved the low proposal from JDS, Inc. for a Settingdown Creek Gravity Sewer project.
  • Authorized Mayor Troy Brumbalow to sign documents relating to a GEFA loan for AWRF Biosolids Management and a vac truck/sweeper.
  • Approved, in a 4-0 vote with Councilman Christopher Light recused, an amendment to a Planned United Development approved by the City on April 20, 2024, located on both sides of State Route 20 at 519 and 520 Canton Hwy. The development plan was revised from 191 townhomes and 207 condominiums to 240 townhomes and 61 single-family, detached homes, and includes 12 variances and a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Life Church.
  • Authorized Mayor Brumbalow to sign an agreement with Axon Enterprises, Inc. and to approve up to $25,000 for the purchase of the equipment for a Real-Time Crime Center for the Cumming Police Department, which will maximize law enforcement's ability to respond to crimes as they occur, and to do so with precision and speed.
  • Approved, in a 4-1 vote with Councilman Christopher Light opposed, annexation of 9.98 acres on Bettis-Tribble Gap Road, and rezoning the property from County Agricultural (A1) to City Single-Family Residential (R-1), for the purpose of constructing 10 single-family detached homes.
  • Approved rezoning of 0.69 acres from Single-Family Residential (R-1) to Office Professional (OP) in order to re-establish the use of the existing structure as an office.
  • Approved the low bids from H.W. Hodge Company for 12 wireless remote winches, and from J. Pruitt Electrical Contractors for the wiring of the winches for use at the Dobbs Creek Recreation Center. These winches will replace 12 manual winches currently being used to raise and lower basketball hoops at the gym.
  • Authorized Mayor Brumbalow to sign the Transmittal Resolution relating to the City's Capital Improvements Element for Fiscal Year 2023 as part of ongoing comprehensive planning efforts.
  • Approved the low proposal from Jasper Grading and Pipeline for installation of storm drain for the Brooks Farm development.
  • Authorized Mayor Brumbalow to sign the Highway 20 Widening Project Cost-to-Cure Agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation, which will pay the City $27,671.32 as compensation from GDOT.
  • Approved the low proposal from Townley Construction for installation of an emergency bypass sewer line for Utilities' Advanced Water Reclamation Facility.
  • Rescheduled the November Work Session (if needed) to Wednesday, Nov. 6th at 6 p.m. in light of the General Election on Tuesday, Nov. 5th.

Click here to view meeting agendas and minutes.

SAA Arts Center: November Events

The Sawnee Association of the Arts presents the 21st Annual Christmas Arts & Crafts Festival at the Forsyth Conference Center at Lanier Tech (3410 Ronald Reagan Blvd.) on Saturday, Nov. 9th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Sunday, Nov. 10th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is the largest indoor arts & crafts festival in Forsyth County and features more than 80 vendor booths offering original handcrafted works by professional artisans and craftspeople. There's also an "Elf Corner" where children can shop, photos with Santa, and artist-decorated Christmas trees ranging in size from 1 to 4 feet in the "Festival of Trees" area.

Additionally, the SAA presents the following exhibits in November:

  • Tom Gonzalez Solo Art Show - Through Nov. 30th with an Opening Reception with the artist on Saturday, Nov. 2nd from 3-5 p.m. Thomas Gonzalez spent years as an Art Director, Creative Director, and Principal Designer, primarily with The Coco-Cola Company. He has been recognized with several advertising and design-related awards. This is his first solo art show with more than 50 of his paintings being featured in the First Floor Main Gallery at the Cumming Art Center, 111 Pilgrim Mill Road.
  • Forsyth High School Students & Teachers Art Show - Through Nov. 30th with an Opening Reception on Saturday, Nov. 2nd at noon. All eight Forsyth County high schools have been invited to participate in this annual art show featuring art teachers and students throughout Forsyth County. Show will be in the Second Floor Main Gallery at the Cumming Arts Center.

For more information about Cumming Arts Center events, click here.

Holiday Closure

All City of Cumming non-essential facilities and departments will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving on

  • Thursday, November 28th &
  • Friday, November 29th.

We wish everyone a safe, happy, and bountiful Thanksgiving!


City Council Work Session - November 6th at 6 p.m. (Note: This meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, November 6th due to the Election on Tuesday, November 5th)

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - November 19th at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - November 19th at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

Click here for previous meeting videos.

Click here for City Council Agendas and Minutes.

Click here for Planning & Zoning Board Agendas and Minutes.

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