NIFDA Logo - 2011

President's Letter

February in Wisconsin is windy, snowy, and downright dreary. The grey days drag on, hibernation ensues, and my mood and energy deteriorate. At least that’s normally what happens…

Perhaps it’s the lovey-dovey Valentine’s Day mood, but I’m actually feeling pretty cheerful this winter. Here are a few reasons why:

1.) There's sunshine in Arizona. The NIFDA Board of Directors just returned from our annual meeting and convention planning visit in the Phoenix area. This Board never ceases to impress with their range of perspectives, thoughtful discussions, and inspirational ideas; they also supplied a solid dose of laughter from the first coffee to the final nightcap. Face-to-face time with "flag friends” who get it and an infusion of vitamin D lifts the spirits.

2.) Things are looking up for the flag industry. Backorders are being fulfilled, production timelines have shortened, and manufacturers are optimistic that costs will stabilize in 2023. Today, dealers are more nimble, more willing to pivot and adapt, and more creative in how we deliver for our customers. We’ve overcome the horribly cliched “new-normal” of recent years and are now seeking new avenues for growth. This is progress.

3.) Convention 2023 is on the calendar. I’m looking forward to the end of winter, the upbeat energy of summertime flag season, and the NIFDA convention next fall. Mark your calendars now for October 15-17, 2023, in sunny Scottsdale, AZ. The Board is preparing a full agenda of networking, professional development, and industry discussions plus the opportunity to lounge poolside, play a round of golf, and/or explore the desert landscape.

Feeling the winter blahs in your biz? Try reaching out to a “flag friend” or a NIFDA board member. Gather your team and take stock of how you’ve prevailed over industry changes. And be sure to mark your calendar for #NIFDA2023 in Scottsdale. Let’s keep looking forward and looking up!

~ Stacey Stewart, Board President


Save the Date!

February Member Updates


Annin Flagmakers

  • We continue to hire new sewers to assist us in keeping up with the continuing demands. 
  • As of this writing, we have in-stock 3x, 4x, 5x and 6x Nyl-glo and Tough-Tex U.S.

Eagle Mountain Flag & Flagpole

  • Summit Universal Flagpole Truck Assembly - Now in stock at our Texas location in single and double pulley configurations; Satin, Bronze, Black and White.
  • StarGazer's - Currently shipping all standard colors and configurations in 3-4 business days
  • RePatriot - U.S. and Texas flags are in-stock at our Texas location, 3x5, 4x6, 5x8 & 6x10

Eder Flag Mfg. Co., Inc.

  • Eder Flag is happy to share that we have expanded large U.S. flag production and our stock is increasing. Our staff is very steady with all production positions filled.  
  • In addition we have a large selection of satin shafts in stock and ready to move. Please contact the most experienced and knowledgeable flagpole team in the industry with any of your flagpole needs.

Erin Rope Corporation

  • Erin Rope continues to build stock on all sizes of White Solid Braid Halyard Rope.
  • 7 - 10 Days Lead Time on Colored Solid Braid Halyard Rope as well as Solid Braid Halyard Rope with Wire Center.
  • Stainless Steel Aircraft Cable in-stock.

J.C. Schultz Enterprises, Inc. / FlagSource

  • New online ordering for stock products on our website. Dealers only. Register to get access on
  • FlagSource is your big flag supplier of choice for U.S. flags and custom flags. Many features on our large U.S. flags will make our flags wear better and longer in the marketplace. Check out why we are one of, if not the largest big flag supplier in the industry!
  • View our new catalog for new products and our brand new custom express program. We guarantee shipments on custom flags or your order receives a significant discount or is free. See page 19 of our catalog available at

The National Flag Company

  • Applique work is moving in the right direction. We are now 5-7 weeks lead time depending on design.

Valley Forge Flag Company

  • The press that prints our 2-ply poly SpectraPro state and military flags is back up to full capacity, yet playing catch up now. Thank you for your patience.
  • If you are not getting our core item inventory updates, and you want to, please email Jeff Shaaber at, Or Steve Hartoin at Thank you for your business!


Kaplan Awnings

  • The Northampton County Executive, Lamont McClure, presented a proclamation on February 13th in recognition of Kaplan Awnings celebrating 100 years in business this year. Kaplan, the only shop in Easton that carries a full selection of American-made U.S. flags, was founded in 1923 and is currently in its third generation of family ownership. Click here to read the full press release.

Rocky Mountain Flag Company

  • Rocky Mountain Flag Company has partnered with a local construction company to update the flagpoles on the Empower Field / Mile High Stadium scoreboard. This will be the 2nd time that our company has installed the flagpoles on our local NFL stadium.

NIFDA is now inviting ALL members to share relevant news and updates in the monthly newsletter. Participation is optional.

You may submit your news and updates using the button below at any time. Form entries will be accepted until noon on the 14th of every month, unless otherwise noted (example: you can submit entries to be included in the March newsletter any time between now and March 14th).


New Member Alert

Empower Hardware Distribution (M)

Digger Maston

740 N Edgewood Ave

Wood Dale, IL 60191


*Website under construction


Member Education

Whether you have 5 free minutes a week or 20 minutes a day, this digital resource is an infinite tool. Gain a different perspective about business and life in general while multitasking throughout your day. 

Kathy Cruz â€“ Savvy Shopkeeper

Kathy owns and operates a store in Ohio with her sister. In addition to brick and mortar, she runs a website to benefit retailers, a mastermind group and a weekly 20 minute podcast. Although she doesn't own a flag business, her resources and podcast are relatable to every business model.

Short on Time? Try Lewis Howes "5 Minute Fridays" podcast. Five minute episodes dedicated to business, life and much more. 


Vexillologist as we all know is a person who studies Flags. Here a handful of single podcasts or short series that elaborate on the ideas and passion of Vexillology:


What would you add to this list?

Feel free to let us know via email or directly to our NIFDA Members Only Facebook page: NIFDA Members Only Group. Not a member of this group yet? What are you waiting for? Join us!


Member Spotlight

Reflections on 40 Years in the Flag Industry

I started Pacific Coast Flag on August 1, 1983. I have always loved the American Flag. My great uncle served in WWII in the Navy. Both my aunt and uncle started a summer camp in 1946 (Kennolyn Camp). I went to camp when I was five and every morning at 9 we raised the American Flag, and at 5 we lowered the American Flag. From that point on, I was hooked.

When I was 13, my Dad suggested I get a part time job. Living in Santa Cruz, most people my age worked at our amusement park (The Boardwalk). A very close family friend (Alan Wadsworth) had his own business (Western Flag & Western Label). He offered me a part time job and gave me the Monterey Bay Area as my territory. After two years, with his encouragement I started Pacific Coast Flag.

It’s hard to believe that was 40 years ago. I always was interested in law enforcement, and I joined the California Highway Patrol when I was 20. A few years later, I was able to transfer back to Santa Cruz where I worked graveyards with my future business partner (Brent Shultz). He felt I had a gold mine selling flags, but I didn’t know how to run the administrative parts. We hit it off because we complemented each other, and we have been business partners for over 30 years. We both retired from the CHP in 2019, and now have time to focus on growing PCF.

Pacific Coast Flag started in Santa Cruz, then moved to Freedom, California, before moving to Sacramento and Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. We are a home business and meet clients by appointment, or we go and see them.

I focused my attention on the hospitality industry. We currently have clients in all 50 states and 21 countries that are in the hospitality industry. I also have focused on businesses and government agencies. We don’t actively go after individuals for business.

Since I was born in San Francisco (3rd generation San Franciscan). I have always had a love for The City and focus on gaining clients around the Bay Area. One client that we have had for over 25 years is known worldwide; we supply the flags for the Golden Gate Bridge. We also supply flags for the world-famous cable cars. In addition, we decorate one cable car (26) every year for Flag Day/4th of July and Christmas.

Over the last 40 years, I have learned customer service is number one, not price. We have had a few very loyal clients for over 35 years. I have learned that saying thank you with a handwritten note goes a long way.

We joined NIFDA in 2000 and the lifetime friends we have made are incredible. The networking benefits us and our fellow dealers/manufacturers. It was an honor to be a past President of NIFDA, and I was blown away to receive the Betsy Ross Award in Philadelphia.

James Giraudo, Partner

Pacific Coast Flag

Spotlight your business in an upcoming NIFDA Newsletter. We would love to learn more about your business, leaders, team, special projects, and what makes you unique! Click below to fill out the form.


Member Benefits

The members-only website gives you exclusive access to our membership directory, newsletters, virtual roundtable recordings, monthly industry news, and member announcements.

We strongly encourage you to review your current listing and make all the necessary updates so your business can be presented to our members in the best way possible!

Contact Marine, our Virtual Assistant at for questions or to update your logo and listing.

The NIFDA members only Facebook group serves as an online forum for selling excess inventory, finding products or services, posting job opportunities, and connecting with fellow flag friends. 


Are you looking for a hard to find or specialty product? Then reach out to the NIFDA Dealer Network. 

We send out Dealer Requests every Friday, or sooner if there is a tight deadline. Fill out the form here.

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