August 2024

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St. Nicholas’ Mission is to actively share

Christ’s love for all people.

Our vision is to strive to be a welcoming community who

worships a caring and merciful God, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love.

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church

Pastor: Bob Farrow

Office: 706.628.7272

Upcoming Sunday Worship

Sunday, August 4

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost

Holy Eucharist followed by our Annual Parish Picnic at Blue Springs

Sunday, August 11

Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost

Special guest Ernie Kelly of the Pastoral Institute

Sunday, August 18

Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Sunday, August 25

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Evening Prayer

Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.

In the Parish

Annual Parish Picnic!

August 4

Our tradition continues with the outdoor service at the Callaway family’s Blue Springs on Sunday, August 4 at 10 a.m., followed by a covered dish picnic. Directions were emailed on Wednesday morning; if you did not receive them, please email the office.

It is fine to bring friends, swimsuits and towels! Lifeguards will be president. Please plan to come and enjoy worship and fellowship at this beautiful (and unique) location. 

NOTE: The Callaway family has asked that no images of Blue Springs be posted on social media or any other public forum. Please respect their wishes in this regard. 


Book Club Meets August 7

The St. Nicholas Book Club has chosen as its next read The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton.

From The Historical Novel Society: "Though I initially felt the story started a little slowly, I soon found myself gripped as Laurel dug into her mother’s story, finding clues that led her back in time to the London Blitz. ... The ultimate revelation left me feeling completely satisfied. Morton’s story is much more than a family saga; it’s an historical mystery that impacts multiple generations. This novel is definitely going on thekeeper shelf!"

First Sunday Brunch 

First Sunday Brunch has taken a break over the summer but will resume in October. At this time, we need hosts for October and November.

First Sunday Brunch generally draws around 25 people, though there is a sign-up sheet ahead of time so you can plan. (Teaming up with another host is a great way to keep things easy.)

There is a sign-up sheet on the bulleting board in the narthex.

Vestry Meeting

August 25

The August Vestry meeting will be held on after the service and a brief lunch break.

Here are the Minutes, Treasurer's Report, and Statement of Activities from July 2024.

Save the Date:

Fr. Greg Evans and Dr. Leslie Glenn Evans

September 7-8

Father Greg Evans and his wife, Dr. Leslie Glenn Evans, will be joining us the weekend of September 7 and 8. They will facilitate and meditation workshop entitled "Becoming a Mystic" on Saturday (which will require registration and tuition - stay tuned for more details.)

Father Greg will celebrate Holy Eucharist with us on Sunday, September 8 and lead a follow-up to the workshop afterward.

Mark your calendars and plan on joining us to welcome the Evanses back to St. Nicholas!

Your prayers are asked for Liz Dixon, Janet Hume, Vivian Daniels, Pamela Renfroe, and Marquette McKnight and family after the loss of Rick McKnight, St. Thomas Organist.

Continued prayers for all those in need within our community and those in the world who have suffered due to war and natural disaster, especially the people of Israel and the Palestinians.

Please send prayer requests to

Happy Birthday to...

the Rector's Discretionary Fund!

Did you know that St. Nicholas shares the love of Christ by providing assistance with utility bills? The Rector's Discretionary Fund offers up to $100 per applicant, once a year, to help folks make ends meet.

The need is great in our community and the Fund runs low from time to time. Wouldn't it be a fantastic way to celebrate your birthday - or any other milestone celebrations in your life - by making a tax-deductible donation to the Rector's Discretionary Fund?

Look for envelopes in the narthex to use for your celebratory donations.

Many thanks to Charles & Lynn Norris and Kellie Dixon, who celebrated their special occasions with an RDF donation.

Happy Birthday & Blessings to...


Dick Wood

Garrison Flournoy


Kelly Dimon


Reba Lantzy


Ashton Johnson

Happy Anniversary & Blessings to...


Chris and Andy Butzon


Terry Caudill


Lynn and Kenny Hall


Riley and Jay Johnson

If your birthday or anniversary is not included or is incorrect,
please email the Parish Office at

In the Wider Church

Click here to read the Episcopal Church Press Release Digest for this week.

The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta Celebrates 50 years of Women's Ordination to the Priesthood

Click here to read more.

In Our Greater Community

HCFC Reports on Successful

Back to School Resource Fair


The VILLAGE turned out at the Harris County Back to School Resource Fair to give our kids the tools for another successful year. Kids chasing each other with smiles on their faces, picking up book bags filled with school supplies, mugging the camera at the photo booth, frolicking in the Amerigroup bouncy house, showing off their skills with hula-hoops and loading up their bags with giveaways and prizes. FUN! FUN! FUN! All around. 

Thank you for being a part of this amazing village we call Harris County. Thank you for providing a safe, healthy environment for children, where our children are all given the tools and the security they need to develop and flourish, and to be able to realize their hopes and dreams.

Click here to view the photo album.

If you have an event coming up, an announcement you'd like to share, or have recently experienced a birth, death, or sickness and would like some EXTRA prayers, send them to or call the office at 706-628-7272.

Click on the links below to access St. Nicholas church documents and websites of interest.

July Vestry Minutes

June Treasurer's Report

June Statement of Activities

Annual Meeting 2024

2024 Annual Budget

The Lectionary Page

Donate Electronically

Instant Church Directory

Pastoral Institute

Tithe Chart

Bishop Wright's "For Faith"

Bishop Wright's Podcast "For People"

Book of Common Prayer Online

Called to Transformation (ABCD)

Camp Mikell

Cathedral Bookstore


Diocese of Altanta

Diocese of Atlanta - Connecting

Diocese of Atlanta - Events and Training

Diocese of Atlanta-Youth

Episcopal News Service

Episcopal Youth Community

The Episcopal Journal & Cafe

The Episcopal Church Glossary

St. Nicholas is a proud member of the Pastoral Institute's Congregational Care Plan. Click on the image above to learn more.

Deadline for submitting news items is noon Wednesday.

 Send news and photos to: 


The Spirit of St. Nicholas is published every month.

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church.

69 Mobley Road, PO Box 752, Hamilton, GA 31811


Visit our website