
Mid-December 2022

In this issue:

  • Update and thank you on Neighborhood Associations' funding
  • Holiday gift idea
  • Tree removal on Hennepin Avenue
  • City reminders for the season
  • November crime report and helpful hints
  • Gardening volunteers wanted at Jones-Harrison
  • Mark your calendars

Thank You for Your Calls and Donations!

Thank you to everyone who called Council Member Lisa Goodman or donated to CIDNA. We are pleased that Lisa proposed an amendment to the city budget, to raise the minimum amount given to neighborhoods, which did pass in the final budget. This additional amount, along with donations we received from you, puts us in a much better position going into 2023; we are looking forward to a great year!

Give a useful gift that showcases our beautiful neighborhood lakes this holiday season! Your purchase supports CIDNA's events and engagement activities for 2023. Mugs can be delivered to you in time for Christmas. Scan the QR code in the image above to pay and email us at info@cidna.org with your name and address and we'll reach out to coordinate your delivery.

CIDNA Letter Opposing Removal of

Hennepin Avenue Trees

The Cedar-Isles-Dean Neighborhood Association strongly opposes the City plan to cut down the trees of Hennepin Avenue. In our environmentally aware community, it is beyond understanding that the destruction of mature urban trees would even be considered. 

Minneapolis has an explicit and measurable goal to increase the urban tree canopy. But we are failing to meet it. For years Minneapolis has continuously lost trees because of the three Dā€™s: disease, weather disasters and development. There is nothing we can do about the first two Ds, but development is completely under our control. 

Read More

Please clear your sidewalk of snow and ice all winter to keep Minneapolis accessible for everyone. Snow- and ice-covered sidewalks and make it difficult to pass.

One- and two-family dwellings have 24 hours after the snow stops to clear their sidewalks. All other properties must have clear sidewalks within four hours.

Resources are available for people who are unable to shovel or clear their sidewalks. Several for-hire contractors and a few nonprofit organizations can help. If you need help, you can call 311 to find the best match in your area.

During a Snow Emergency, special parking rules go into effect. These rules allow City crews to plow streets. They also allow emergency vehicles and other traffic to get through.

If you live, work or travel in Minneapolis, you're expected to know the winter rules of the road. If it's been snowing a lot, check to see if the City has declared a Snow Emergency. The City suggests getting information about Snow Emergencies in more than one way. You can sign up for alerts, call 612-348-SNOW (7669), and more.

November Crime Report

There were seven recorded crimes in November in the CIDNA neighborhood. Two were thefts from parked vehicles, one, a burglary of a dwelling when the owners were out of town, and one, package was stolen from the front door of a house. A stolen vehicle was dumped on West Lake Street. A neighbor was swindled when they bought an item on Facebook that was faulty. Finally, the Speedway gas station was robbed on Thanksgiving weekend.

Helpful Hints

  • Keep an eye on cars parked, paying attention to unusual behavior.
  • If you order packages for the holidays, keep a close watch for delivery.
  • Buying items on-line from individuals (other than trusted businesses) requires homework on the seller.
  • Let your neighbors know if you are going to be out of town.

Jennifer Waisanen and Dean Kephart

Mark Your Calendars

CIDNA Board Meeting ā€” January 11, 6:00 pm

At the Jones-Harrison Community Room with an online option available. Email info@cidna.org to receive a Zoom link.

Palio Winter Games ā€” January 29, 1:30 - 4:00 pm

More info coming soon!

Cedar-Isles-Dean Neighborhood Association | 612-212-5508 | info@cidna.org
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