Membership Newsletter
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
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Welcome to Our Bi-weekly Newsletter
Here's our latest edition with prayers of thanksgiving, important news on our new mailing address and other news you can use! Take a look ...
Please share news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area so we may include them. We also value your feedback on this newsletter and how we may better serve you. Don't hesitate to contact
Dr. Roy Benavides (email Roy)
Jeff Butcher (email Jeff)
or Tom Welch (email Tom).
Submission consideration deadline is
Monday at 8 a.m. for the week of release.
Please share this newsletter with others
in your parish or community.
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Great Getaways at Great Prices that Benefit Our Ministry
The Brotherhood's Auction for support of our men's ministries is online NOW at moreinfo.news/auction2024. It's not too late to donate more auction items such as airline miles, vacation packages, sporting events, artwork, concert tickets, etc. Read how you can help in the September issue of the St. Andrew's Cross or contact Brother Lyn Reavis at lyn.reavis@brothersandrew.net. Thanks to all of our Brothers who have already donated items and to those who are bidding.
Please share this opportunity with family, friends and neighbors. Winners do not have to be members of the Brotherhood. The auction ends on Tuesday, December 10 at noon (EST).
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As we approach the General Election in November
"Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN." -BCP, page 822
Please continue your prayers for those brothers, churches, family and friends impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. You can financially support these individuals and churches through the Episcopal Relief and Development's Hurrican Relief Fund here.
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(L-R) Andrew Brewer, Brotherhood National Board Member and Andrew Bird, Diocesan Coordinator for the Diocese of Olympia
Ground Zero: Diocesan Conventions
Directly Speaking
By Executive Director Tom Welch
This is one of two times during the calendar year that many dioceses have their annual councils/conventions. In some cases, six to eight are held concurrently. It is also the BEST time and venue for us to gain exposure to our ministry to an audience that, for the most part for those gathered, knows little about us. Last week we had Brothers Andrew Brewer and Andrew Bird at the Diocese of Olympia (pictured above). Next week I will join a couple of Brothers at the Diocese of Virginia. Our presence at such conventions is our “ground zero” for engagement.
Part of what makes our presence known in fulfillment of your annual dues. Many thanks those fifty-five members who have already pre-paid dues for 2025. In short time you will receive your annual notice of dues renewal. You may take the initiative yourself from the top right corner of our website or in Membership Chairman Dick Hooper's article below. More and more members are renewing directly through the website, and that’s fine. Before you do that, please call us to check that we have your data correct, particularly your email address. Everything your national leadership does hinges on active, paid membership. It helps determine where I represent you in the field. It helps us re-present Christ to a hurting world, particularly men and youth, as we have since 1883. It helps raise our presence to the church as a whole. So, just a note of thanks from me to you for your faithfulness in that area.
Speaking of raising awareness of our ministry, this week I have worn our blue Brotherhood dress shirts at Virginia Theological Seminary as they host about 30 bishops from around the world-wide Anglican Communion. YES! It creates conversation. Those same types of conversation will happen if you choose to attend your diocesan conventions. In fact, if you think we may partner with you in time and presence at your conventions, reach out to your diocesan office, inquire when the next convention will be held, and reserve a table. Most every diocese charge nothing for tables with affiliated ministry status with the church.
Lastly, as the leaves turn, enjoy the simple gift of such color from our Creator. Give thanks for the seasons in your life, even the hard ones, and share the love of Christ with simple gestures of kindness to others. Enjoy this link of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons as you consider how you can make a difference in little ways. It may yield BIG rewards!
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A special welcome to these new members
joining since October 16:
Senior Members:
Rev. Charles Graves, Christ (#5335S) Beechwood, OH
Christopher Moschkin, Member-at-Large, Silver Springs, MD
Ben Simms, St. Stephen's (#4613) Culpeper, VA
Gerard Weatherby, St. Stephen's (#4613) Culpeper, VA
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Our monthly webinars are always on the first Wednesday of each month at
8 pm/Eastern.
Here's the link:
BStA Monthly Webinar Link
November 6
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Rev. Ken Howard
President of The FaithX Project presenting
"Missional Assessment: The Power of Knowing Your Congregation and Your Community"
The great-grandson of an Orthodox rabbi from Belarus, who thought he might become a rabbi himself, Ken Howard made the “mistake” of betting a college roommate that he could prove Jesus was not the Messiah. He eventually joined the Episcopal Church because it was “the most Jewish church I could find.”
Ordained for nearly 30 years in the Episcopal Church, Ken has started two congregations, including the first successful startup congregation in his judicatory in over 40 years, and has engaged in congregational redevelopment in two other congregations.
Ken is the founder and president of The FaithX Project, a nonprofit, faith-based consulting, research, and resource development practice with the mission of helping congregations survive and thrive in challenging times. FaithX does this through data-grounded discernment and vision-guided experimentation: helping congregations better understand and more effectively engage their vitality strengths and weaknesses, and the missional opportunities and challenges in the neighborhoods they serve.
Ken is also the author of two books and published several journal articles. He and his wife, Rhee, have two adult children and two West Highland Terriers, and will soon celebrate 49 years of marriage.
In Case You Missed Previous Webinars,
here are some recent ones:
October webinar with
Rev. John Blossom discussing
"Smart Giving"
Click here for a replay
September webinar with
Rev. Sandra Albom discussing the
Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church
Click here for a replay
August webinar with
Karen Weeks, President of Episcopal Cursillo Ministry
Click here for a replay
July webinar with
Marketing Consultant Elizabeth Coluby
Click here for a replay
June webinar with Rev. Jay Sidebotham talking
about "The Signs of Life"
Click here for a replay
May webinar featuring the
Human Trafficking Update by Rev. Brian McVey
Click here for a replay
April webinar with
Bishop Suffragan in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas
and the bishop for the east region of the diocese
March webinar on
'Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia'
Craig Coleman, Program Manager
Alzheimer's Association
Click here for a replay
February webinar with Rev. Matthew S.C. Olver
Executive Director and Publisher
The Living Church
Click here for a replay
January webinar featuring Rev. Can. Scott Gunn,
Executive Director of Forward Movement
Click here for a replay
AND IN THE WEEKS AHEAD.................
More Personal & Chapter Development
WEBINARS offered on 2nd TUESDAYS with two different sessions, at 7 and 8 p.m. (same link)
Through the efforts of our Growth, Renewal, and Development Committee, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is pleased to share opportunities for deeper involvement by all among our ranks. Here is a brief outline of webinar topics that will be provided in the months ahead. We ask that you pray for their growth, your involvement in them, and ideas to share with us.
The following is the Zoom Schedule for each night's two, 1-hour sessions for the next few months ... more to come:
November 12, 2024
7 p.m.--New Member Orientation Segment II--
What is a Christian; Discipline of Prayer
Jeff Butcher, Tom Martin
8 p.m.--Executive Board Orientation: Duties and Responsibilities
Roy Benavides, Jeff Butcher
December 10, 2024
7 p.m.--New Member Orientation Segment III--
Discipline of Study; Discipline of Service
Jeff Butcher, Tom Martin
8 p.m.--Diocesan Coordinators, Assembly Officers Part II
Tom Welch, Chris Matthews
January 7, 2025
7 p.m.--New Member Orientation Segment IV--
Members Duties/Responsibilities; Devotional Handbook
Jeff Butcher, Dick Hooper
8 p.m.--Chapter Officers: Chapter Development Guide
Jeff Butcher, Roy Benavides
Register for the sessions at:
After registering, you will receive the Zoom link for the session.
by Dick Hooper, Membership Chairman
November is the time when we are asked to pay $50 for ministry dues so that our Brotherhood can continue its goal of spreading the Good News of the Kingdom through our disciplines of prayer, study, and service in 2025. Our dollars support our seven ministries and provide educational opportunities focusing on how each member can use their talent to lead like Jesus. It is he who directs each one of us how to be a servant leader, and how our brotherhood is an instrument in achieving his goal.
Last year some chapters used a November meeting to collect the next year's dues, update their rosters, and send in their annual report to our national service center in Louisville. The same meeting was also an ideal time to rededicate their chapter to the purposes of the Brotherhood. The membership committee commends this method to all chapters this year because it strengthens our sense of common resolve as a community. We call it the “show up chapter meeting.”
Individual Brothers may also make a payment using our website with debit card, credit card or Pay Pal AND, new this year, you can set your renewal as an automatic yearly recurring donation by checking the "Make this a yearly donation" box. Another way to renew your annual ministry dues is to mail a $50 check directly to the Brotherhood of St. Andrew at P.O. Box 1382, Louisville, KY 40201.
As we did last year, the membership committee and the National Council wish to recognize chapters who strongly support our ministry by presenting them with the Houghteling Award, named after our founder. The award criteria requires:
making sure 75% of the chapter membership have paid dues for 2025 in a timely manner by January 31, 2025, AND
providing a 2024 annual chapter report including names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mails of members and an officer roster either online or printed, completed and mailed no later than January 31, 2025.
Last year 46 chapters met the criteria and were so recognized.
This report is critical to maintaining necessary records for the smooth operation of the national organization. Your chapter’s support of the larger ministry will be recognized by an emblem honoring your commitment to be placed on your banner. Why not have a celebration to emphasize the milestone?
Another reminder: last year former president Conrad Jones presented a cup to Province III recognizing those brothers having the most Houghteling chapters supporting our ministry. This year will they have to pass the cup on to another province? Who will party this year? Wait and see!
Want to do a bit more? Please consider adding some extra dollars, lagniappe, as we say on the Gulf Coast, as a further pledge to our ministry. Remember The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is designated as THE men’s ministry of the Episcopal Church. Be proud and support this honor to the Brotherhood.
BSTA MembersWeekly Floating Group Reunion
You are invited to participate in forthcoming BSTA Weekly Floating Cursillo Group Reunions by Province.
The will be a Zoom format (Zoom URL below) reunions on Wednesdays each week at a time to be set by leaders and participants in each province. We are looking for leaders in each province to help us set these dates. Please contact your province president, Jeff Butcher, Roy Benavides, or Tom Welch about scheduling the Reunion Groups.
We will require participants to Register in advance for each of these meetings:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
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Thursday Night Bible Study Via Zoom
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew, The Brooklyn and Queens Assemblies, and The Diocese of Chicago wish to remind you to join the weekly Bible Study on Thursdays, 8 p.m. EDT/7 p.m. CDT/6 p.m. MDT/ 5 p.m. PDT. Joining this group will allow you to continue to gain deeper knowledge, awareness, and understanding of the Bible.
Click HERE to join the Bible Study Lesson on ZOOM
Sacred Ground
BIBLE STUDY ID: 448 502 7479 (no password necessary)
2. By PHONE:
ENTER ID#: 448 502 7479, THEN PRESS #
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After more than two years of chronic issues with the Brotherhood of St. Andrew Service Center snail mail, we now have a post office box. It provides more security and reliability for timely delivery. While our physical office address remains the same, we are in the process of populating all our forms, website, etc. with this new mailing address. Please use this address for all mail sent through the United States Postal Service:
Brotherhood of St. Andrew Service Center
Post Office Box 1382, Louisville, KY 40201
Please remember to update the address on any of your auto payments from your bank account to insure timely delivery. After October, forwarding of mail addressed to the street address will cease and mail will be returned to sender.
(For all mail/package vendors aside from USPS,
please still use our physical address.)
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Instructions for Accessing BSTA Member Only Portal | |
VP Dick Hooper and the Membership Committee of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew have an addition devotion for the Stations of the Cross. This is service is in addition to our Devotional Handbook. It is timely and well done. We urge chapters to include this service with your routine devotions during your time together as Brothers Andrew. The Power Point and Service is available on the Prayer page of the BStA website or you can download the guide here.
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Sustaining Members refers to those Brothers who make a routine, recurring monthly (or quarterly) donation over and above their annual ministry dues or a Life Membership. As a non-profit, 501c3 organization, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew depends on your support to bring Christ to men and youth throughout God’s kingdom.
Many Brothers do make additional donations throughout the year (Ex: special appeals, purchase of the Sweepstakes tickets, etc.), but this is a pledged commitment of recurring donations in a regular, consistent recurring donation throughout the year. It represents a commitment to financially support our ministry continuously throughout the year.
To join this important team, commit to a $5 or $10 (or more!) monthly donation by either mailing a monthly check with the memo "recurring donation" to the Brotherhood of St. Andrew National Office at P.O. 1382, Louisville, KY 40201 or make a recurring donation online with a credit or debit card or PayPal at
Make sure you check the "Make this a monthly donation" box after you enter the monthly amount! (see graphic below) Your monthly contribution is important, if not critical, to the ongoing vitality of our ministry to men and youth.
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Thanks be to these Brothers for their current commitment to financially support our ministry
throughout the year with a sustaining donation.
David Adams, Ron Argo, Roy Benavides, John Blossom, Jeff Butcher, Evans Clements, Ellis Clifton, Morris Evans, Eric Fisher, Peter Gilmour, Jerry Guthrie, Eric Haralson, Billy Harrison, Ken Holloway, Dick Hooper, Conrad Jones, Walt Joyce, Rob Kirschner, Leland Metheny, James Miller, Tom Nichols, James Peckham, David Penley, Lyn Reavis, Gordon Shumard, Arthur Simpson, Tom Simpson, Frederick Stevens, Justin Streeter, Ray Talbird, John Thompson-Quartey and Tom Welch.
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2024 Houghteling Chapters
Congratulations and THANK YOU to all our chapters achieving designation as a Houghteling Chapter with over 75% of their rosters being current in 2024 annual pledges! They are:
Advent Sun City West AZ
All Saints Baldwin NY
Christ Clinton MD
Christ Covington LA
Christ Pensacola FL
Christ Cathedral Lexington KY
Church of Ascension Knoxville TN
Church of Ascension Miami FL
Church of Good Shepherd Friendswood TX
Church of Our Savior Palm Bay FL
Church of Resurrection East Elmhurst NY
Church of Transfiguration Opa Locka FL
Emmanuel Athens GA
Emmanuel Virginia Beach VA
Holy Comfort Spring TX
Holy Trinity Decatur GA
Holy Trinity Hot Springs Village AR
Pohick Lorton VA
St Agnes Miami FL
St Andrews Fullerton CA
St Andrews Downers Grove IL
St Barnabas Tullahoma TN
St Benedicts Plantation FL
St Davids Cambria Heights NY
St Edwards Lawrenceville GA
St Francis in the Fields, Harrods Creek, KY
St James Apostle Conroe TX
St Johns Naperville IL
St Josephs Boynton Beach FL
St Kevins Opa Locka FL
St Lukes Louisville KY
St Marks Islip NY
St Marks Brooklyn NY
St Pauls by the Sea Jacksonville Beach FL
St Peter and St Paul Marietta GA
St Peters Kerrville, TX
St Peters Rialto CA
St Philips Brooklyn NY
St Stephen/St Martin Brooklyn NY
St Stephens Culpeper VA
St Timothys Centennial CO
St Uriel Sea Girt NJ
St Lukes San Antonia TX
Trinity Fredericksburg VA
Trinity Elkton MD
Trinity Mattoon IL
140+ Reasons to Celebrate!!
We now have 140th anniversary coffee mugs, ink pens and ball caps available to celebrate our story and spread the news. They are a great way to welcome new members, introduce yourself to prospective members and as a “thank you” for time spent with talking to your rectors and other clergy. The mugs and pens link from which to order is:
Chapter Supplies - Brotherhood of St. Andrew (brothersandrew.net)
The caps link from which to order is:
Apparel - Brotherhood of St. Andrew (brothersandrew.net)
"12:00 Central Time"
Join us...
What better way to level set during the middle of the week? We will hold a weekly Wednesday noon (CDT) prayer time over ZOOM that is open to all brothers and guests. Let's pray for the Brotherhood, for our Brothers, and even share some stories of how Prayer has impacted you or someone you know!
We can all spare 20 minutes in prayer. It's like stopping at the faith service station to fill your prayer tank!
Please join us every week when you can to recharge your prayer batteries!
The Zoom link for Mid-Day Prayers can be accessed by clicking here.
Copy and paste this Zoom link into your calendar so you can join us for 20 minutes
every Wednesday at 1 pm EST/noon CST/11 am MST/10 am PST!
If you'd like to help lead, pick an empty date and contact roy.benavides@brothersandrew.net
It's simple...we already have the script made out (in our devotional handbook or the Book of Common Prayer)!
Prayer Leaders Schedule: Click Here
It is never too late to remain a member
in good standing!
or mail a check to the National Office at
P.O. Box 1382, Louisville, KY 40201
Annual Ministry Dues are:
Senior Member (men age 21 & older) -- $50
Junior Member (young men under 21) -- $10
Associate Member (women) -- $25
become a Life Member for one-time ministry dues of at least $1,000
Ministry News!
Keep up with Brotherhood news via the monthly
St. Andrew's Cross newsletter found on the website at
St. Andrew's Cross Archives
and or via FACEBOOK at
Scouting and Youth
Racial Reconciliation
Social Justice
Restorative Justice
Discipleship and Mentoring
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We need stories from Chapters and Ministries
Kathy Copas, our editor, would like to include more news of chapter events and ministry meetings or events. If you have something to share, please send it to
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Prayer Requests
If you have a personal prayer request, please contact (502) 450-5640 to submit your requests.
Learn to Pray the Anglican Rosary
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Some Current Reading by Brothers
Signs of Life: Nurturing Spiritual Growth in Your Church
by Jay Sidebotham
by Susan Mettes, David Kinnaman - foreword, et al.
Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth
Richard J. Foster
What are you currently reading?
Do you have any book recommendations?
Does your chapter have a book study?
Write to us and give us the title and author so we can share it with your Brothers!
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This newsletter was made possible thanks to your generous financial support.
Thanks so much!
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Podcast Suggestions
Brothers looking to grow spiritually may find Podcasts from Forward Movement as a strategy to add to their “rule of life,” enhance their walk or drive time, or add to their daily or weekly study and prayer. The following link is to Forward Movement Podcast, which gives you several options to add to your podcast app.
Click Here for Podcast from Forward Movement
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