March 1, 2023 | Issue 18
"Together We Celebrate the Arts"
Dear FJUHSD Staff, Students, and Community,

I can’t believe March is already here and spring is just around the corner. As we enter the month of March, we move into many exciting opportunities for our students and families, including our spring sports season, school dances, performing arts events, honoring our graduates, and preparing for registration for next year. 

In this month's Newsletter, our focused theme is “Together We Celebrate the Arts.” We have many awareness days this month in addition to a recap of some of our awareness days from last month! We will be recognizing our Visual and Performing Arts Programs at our March 14 Board meeting. We invite you to watch the live streaming of our Board meeting to see these wonderful accomplishments. You can find the link on our website at the day of the meeting.

As a reminder, Spring Break is March 20 to March 24. We hope you are able to take some time to relax and spend time with your family. We have added some new features to our newsletter this month. We have a new Table of Contents and many clickable links through our newsletter. Be sure to check this out and have a restful spring break.

Steve McLaughlin, Ed.D.
Board Meeting Highlights

Education and Assesement Services presented an update on the Ethnic Studies pilot course and Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Edward Atkinson introduced New Director of Safety and Risk Management Chris Davis at the February 14, 2023 Board Meeting.
FJUHSD FFA Week Celebration Recap
The District celebrated FFA Week on February 18-25, 2023. Enjoy the photos taken at each one of our school Ag sites, Buena Park, Fullerton Union, La Habra, Sonora, and Sunny Hills High Schools.
CTE Month Recap
The District Celebrated CTE month during the month of February. Troy High School's Run Time Terror and Baboons Together Strong cybersecurity teams will be heading to the National Championships in Washington DC March 17-21. Go Troy Cyber! 

CTE classes are offered at all school sites. Click here to visit our website to see a list of all the CTE programs we offer.
The FJUHSD Technology Department is here to help!
The FJUHSD Technology Services Department supports technology for students, teachers, and staff to promote and monitor educational growth at a high standard of excellence. We are committed to providing
up-to-date technology while providing a high level of customer service.
Visit our Technology Page for helpful information and technology support.
Shout Outs!

Congratulations to Fullerton Union High School student Joseph Lopez, who was selected for the 2023 Every Student Succeeding Award Program. FUHS Principal Laura Rubio states, "One of Joseph's passions and talents is photography. Joseph continues to show the sharpness of his mind through the lens of the camera." Joseph was recognized at the Every Student Succeeding Breakfast Celebration with his family.
SOHS Girls' Soccer Program
SOHS Girls' Soccer Program for exemplifying what it means to be a student-athlete. We are so proud of each and every one of you. Your commitment to hard work and dedication to excellence is reflected in your achievements on the field and in the classroom. Keep up the great work!
Troy High School Olympiad Team
Congratulations to the Troy High School Olympiad Team for taking first place at the prestigious MIT Invitational! This is the fifth time that the Troy Team has won at MIT. This year’s competition featured eight of the top ten teams in the Nation. The competition was close, but in the end, Troy finished 19 points ahead of Mountain View, a team from Northern California. The team had many outstanding performances, winning 12 medals in all. The top medal winners were Bella Liu and Anne Hiraki who each won four medals! Melinda Ji won three medals and Ayushi Mehrota, Andrew Tsai, and Ianna Lin each won two medals. The team is currently preparing for the State and National Championships.
District Arts Exhibition Showcase
Click the image below to view the showcase
Awareness Days For March
FJUHSD recognizes the following Awareness Days for the month of March.
Read Across America Day March 2

National Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day March 4 

Women's History Month

Arts Education Month 

Music in our Schools Month

Athletic Training Month

American Red Cross Month 

National Nutrition Month
"Vintage Rouge"
Charlotte McAllister
Together We Celebrate
Districtwide Healthy Relationships Campaign
During the month of February, our contracted partner Phoenix House, partnered with each site to host campaigns during lunch throughout the District. Promoting healthy relationships, the campaign offered students the opportunity to engage in any of the following three activities:

With the prompt “I deserve to be treated with…” students were given heart-shaped stress balls and encouraged to write a word to complete the sentence. The students kept the stress ball as a personal reminder and stress-reducing tool. 

A large poster with “Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships” allowed students to write characteristics for each category. Students engaged in dialogue with Phoenix House staff about reasons for the choice of descriptors they put in each category. 

Blank color cards were provided to students where they could write encouraging messages to family and friends. The prompt asked students to remind a loved one of what they deserve in a healthy relationship and encouraged them to share this note with that loved one. 

The campaign also provided each student with a journal that had encouraging words on the cover. In addition, 2-1-1 cards highlighting resources for students were offered. Lastly, two QR codes were on the table for any student who needed crisis-based support. The QR codes were sent to the national Crisis Text Line and Didi Hirsh’s Teen line. We are thankful for our partnership with Phoenix House and the intentional impact they had across our district this month. 
Donations Given to the District in Support of our Students
At the Board meeting on February 14, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders donated $500 in support of the students on the Competitive JV Cheer team at LHHS. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders for your generous donation.
At the Board meeting on December 14, the North America Scholastic Esports Federation (NASEF) donated video gaming equipment to the students at LVHS/LSHS. The Esports club meets on Tuesday and Thursday after school. Thank you NASEF for your generous donation.
At the December 14 Board meeting, the Barona Band of Mission Indians donated $5,000 in support of the students at Fullerton Union High School. The money purchased equipment used by the students in the BEAST Program. BEAST stands for Biology, Engineering, Arts, Science and Technology. Thank you Barona Band of Mission Indians for your generous donation.

At the September 13 Board meeting the Orange County Farm Bureau donated $5000 in support of the AG students at Sonora High School. Thank you OC Farm Bureau for your generous donation.
Sunny Hills High School Class of 1968 donated additional student seating, including benches and picnic tables in support of the students at Sunny Hills High School. Thank you to the Class of SHHS 1968 for your generous donation.
Facilities & Construction Updates
Remodeling the Offices at the District Service Center
We are in the middle of demolition right now at the District Service Center (DSC). We will be moving walls and refining the space for a more collaborative team environment. We are also adding new office space to bring our construction team to the DSC. The DSC staff has relocated to our tenant building until the completion of the new space which is scheduled for May 1, 2023. DSC staff is in the bidding season so our team is very busy with the process it takes to fill our summer with exciting projects.
Sonora High School - Pool
We are still battling with saturated soils. We need the rain but not when you are digging a giant hole in the ground. The excavation is nearing completion. We are currently making progress on the underground piping and work at the chemical building.
For the 2022-23 school year, FJUHSD was approved to implement Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) at Buena Park, Fullerton Union, La Habra, and La Vista High Schools. Parents with students who attend these schools will not be required to complete a lunch application form. Conversely, FJUHSD was not approved for CEP for Sunny Hills, Sonora, and Troy High Schools. While meals will continue to be served to students at no cost at non-CEP schools, the District will be encouraging parents who may qualify for free and reduced meals to complete a 2022-23 lunch application. The District Food Services team is here to support. Please contact us for questions or assistance at (714) 870-2820 or by email at
California State University, Fullerton
Teacher Job Fair
The District will be in attendance at the Teacher Job Fair being hosted by California State University, Fullerton on March 14, 2023, from 5 pm to 7:30 pm. Human Resources staff will be available to answer questions regarding teaching opportunities with FJUHSD. For more information please click on the map above to be redirected to the CSUF website.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline

988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. While some areas may be currently able to connect to the Lifeline by dialing 988, this dialing code will be available to everyone across the United States starting on July 16, 2022. 

When people call, text, or chat 988, they will be connected to trained counselors that are part of the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network. These trained counselors will listen, understand how their problems are affecting them, provide support, and connect them to resources if necessary.
We hope you find this newsletter a helpful resource. If you know someone who would like to receive this newsletter, please have them visit our website to view the newsletter or click the “subscribe” button below to make sure they never miss a newsletter.