EarthWays Spring 2023 Newsletter
 A Letter to Spring, and to You, Our Community

Hello, Dear Spring!

Every year we have our old lingering doubts that you will really come again, especially on dark and dreary days. We dream of you, we call you in, and yet we know you only come bit by bit, as you are ready. Yet, sweetly and faithfully, here you come again…peeking out through blossoming trees, nodding through daffodils cheerfully waving, even on cold and chilly days. Thank you for restoring our faith in renewal, reminding us of the possibility of new beginnings.

With Love for What is New,
EarthWays LLC Guides
EarthWays Upcoming Programs Spring into Summer 2023

March 19, 2023, 9am-5pm
Sonoma Coast Beach
Logan Falley and Vanessa Eyen

(full with a waitlist~see program in Fall)
April 8, 2023, 9am-5pm
Helen Putnam Regional Park
Scott Eberle and Sara Harris, Guide Emeritus

May 13, 2023, 9pm-5pm
Sonoma Coast Beach
Scott Eberle and Vanessa Eyen

May 27, 2023, 9am -5pm
Sonoma Mountain Regional Park
Logan Falley and Sara Harris, Guide Emeritus

May 30-June 9, 2023
Inyo National Forest
Roy Remer and O. Schreiber

The High Sierra: A Love Story
by Kim Stanley Robinson
A Review 
For nature lovers everywhere—especially those living in California—here’s a book worth reading. The High Sierra is a masterful mix of history, geology, geography, and hiking memoir.

And, yes, ultimately a love letter too!

The title is reminiscent of Meredith Little’s recent book—The School of Lost Borders: A Love Story—even if the kinds of writing found in each book are quite different. Meredith’s book began as oral history: recorded interviews that later were transcribed and edited by others. The High Sierra instead is written by a hugely successful science fiction writer—author of the bestselling Mars trilogy and many others—who now tries his hand at an entirely new form. Both, in their own ways, are masterful.

Check it out. It may not be easy, late-night reading in your own bedroom, but it certainly is a great read while you’re settled in a tent, far from home, after a tiring day exploring your own favorite outdoor playground. Especially if that playground is the Sierra range.

Available at Copperfield's.
Trebbe Johnson in conversation with
Francis Weller
 Trebbe, author of Radical Joy for Hard Times, will be visiting our area and doing a reading from her newest book, Fierce Consciousness: Surviving the Sorrows of Earth and Self. Francis Weller, author of The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief, will introduce her and then they will have a conversation after her reading.

Date: Tuesday, April 4
Time: 5:30pm-7pm
Place: The beautiful Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
900 Sanford Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Sliding scale: $10, $15, or $20 (donation to the Foundation)
You may reserve a seat here:
Cloud Appreciation Society
Yes! Who Knew?

Formed in 2005 in the UK, this world-wide cloud fan club now has 60,000 members. If you join ($37) you get a daily cloud plus the story from somewhere in the world. You can learn so much about clouds. Start looking up!

Check them out here:

Guide Emeritus

After co-founding EarthWays LLC about 22 years ago, the time has come for me to step back from guiding and let EW carry on. My cohorts presented me with a certificate of Guide Emeritus! I can show up from time to time as a guest guide and stay loosely connected to EarthWays. Thank you to my fellow guides and all the participants I have been blessed to work with over these years. You have changed me. It is my prayer we all continue to honor the earth in whatever way is ours to do. Till we meet again…
With Such Deep Gratitude,
Sara Harris


Look up at the sky 
the heavens so blue 
the sun so radiant 
the clouds so playful 
the soaring raptors 
woodland creatures 
meadows in bloom 
rivers singing their  
way to the sea 
wolfsong on the land 
whalesong in the sea 
celebration everywhere 
wild, riotous 
immense as a monsoon 
lifting an ocean of joy 
then spilling it down over 
the Appalachian landscape 
drenching us all  
in a deluge of delight 
as we open our arms and  
rush toward each other 
all of us moved by that vast  
compassionate curve 
that brings all things together 
in intimate celebration 
celebration that is 
the universe itself. 

-- by Thomas Berry,
written for Paul Winter's wedding

We hope to see you soon