February 3, 2023

Silver Beaver Nominations

Do you know an extraordinary Scouter? The Silver Beaver Award is for Scouters of exceptional character who have provided distinguished service within the Spirit of Adventure Council. Nominations for Awards, including Silver Beaver are due April 1st. The Silver Beaver Awards will be presented as well as Veteran Awards, Venturing Awards, and other recognitions at the Annual Council Recognition Dinner.

Please submit all forms and applications to Angela Rzeszut or delivered to the Woburn Service Center (2 Tower Office Park, Woburn MA 01801).

Canoe & Kayak Treks

As we hunker down this weekend in the bitter cold, it's a great time to look ahead to the Spring and Summer. Book your Canoe or Kayak Trek below.

Canoeing - In-Person Premium Program (11-17)

Great for young kids and families! The canoe trek is a 2.25 mi trip out, down the Neponset River to Pope John Paul park, accompanied by a Base Camp guide. Stopping for a picnic lunch, paddlers will learn about the Neponset Estuary and the unique ecosystem it creates. Fun and learning await before the group canoes back and returns to Milton. Program includes All canoeing equipment and guides Lunch on Saturday 1/2 day Saturday open program wristbands Departure time in Milton varies depending on tides. 2 week advance registration required. All registrations are pending until confirmed by instructor.

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Kayaking - In-Person Premium Program (11-17)

The kayak trek is a 2.25 mi trip out, down the Neponset River to Pope John Paul park, accompanied by a Base Camp guide. Stopping for a picnic lunch, paddlers will learn about the Neponset Estuary and the unique ecosystem it creates. Fun and learning await before the group kayaks back and returns to Milton. Program includes All kayak equipment and guides Lunch on Saturday 1/2 day Saturday open program wristbands Departure time in Milton varies depending on tides. 2 week advance registration required. All registrations are pending until confirmed by instructor.

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Scouts BSA Advancement Changes

Merit badge requirement updates from 2023 Scouts BSA Requirements (33216):

American Business (2c)

Animal Science (1, Avian Option a, c, e)

Archery (1a, b, c, d, 3b, 4a, b, c, d, 5ac, 5af1cd, 5bc, 5bf1cd)

Architecture (1b)

Composite Materials (1c, 3a, b)

Cooking (2c, d, 4a, 5b, d, e, g, 6a, f)

Cycling (1a, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Option A a1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Option B a1, 3, b1, 2, 3, c, d, e)

Digital Technology (3a, 3e, 4a, 5a, 7c)

Disabilities Awareness (6)

Emergency Preparedness (3)

Environmental Science (3, 3f2, 5)

Family Life (6b1, 2, 3)

Farm Mechanics (1d)

Game Design (1b, 5b, 8a, b)

Genealogy (1a, b, c, 4a, b, c, d, e, 8b, c)

Geology (5d2)

Golf (3, 7g)

Hiking (2a, b, c, 4, 5)

Inventing (6b)

Mammal Study (3a, b, c)

Nature (4g2, 4h1, 6a, b)

Personal Fitness (4d)

Plant Science (8 Option 3 Field Botany A2, B, F1d, F3c1, 2, 3)

Programming (1b, 3a)

Reptile and Amphibian Study (3d, 5)

Salesmanship (2b, 2d, 3, 4, 6a3)

Small-Boat Sailing (6i, j)

Snow Sports (2b, 7 Downhill a, h, i; Cross country a, b, d, i; Snowboarding i, k; Snowshoeing e, i, j)

Sports (5)

Swimming (5a)

Calendar of Events


2/4 - Yo-Yo Adventure – Cranston, RI

2/4 - Modular Design Adventure  – Woburn, MA

2/4 - Nuclear Science Merit Badge – Woburn, MA

2/6 - Environmental Science Merit Badge Online

2/7 - Public Speaking Merit Badge Online

2/7 - Gardening Merit Badge Online

2/7 - Digital Technology Merit Badge Online

2/8 - Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge Online

2/11 - Chess Merit Badge – Milton, MA

2/12 - Weather Merit Badge Online

2/14 - Camping Merit Badge Online 

2/14 - Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Online

2/15 - American Heritage Merit Badge Online

2/15 - American Labor Merit Badge Online

2/15 - Genealogy Merit Badge Online

2/21 - Inventing Merit Badge Online

2/21 - Woodwork Merit Badge – Woburn, MA

2/21 - Family Life Merit Badge – Woburn, MA

2/22 - Music Merit Badge Online

2/23 - Personal Management Merit Badge  – Woburn, MA

2/23 - Painting Merit Badge – Woburn, MA

2/27 - Reptile & Amphibian Merit Badge Online

2/27 - Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge Online

2/27 - Basketry Merit Badge Online

2/28 - Sustainability Merit Badge Online

2/28 - Citizenship in the World Merit Badge Online

2/28 - Law Merit Badge Online

3/1 - Fingerprinting Merit Badge Online

3/4 - Rank Knots – Woburn, MA

3/4 - Gardening Merit Badge – Woburn, MA

3/7 - Plant Science Merit Badge Online

3/7 - Athletics Merit Badge Online

3/8 - Personal Fitness Merit Badge Online

3/13 - Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge Online

3/14 - Disabilities Awareness Merit Badge Online

3/15 - Family Life Merit Badge Online

3/18 - Art Merit Badge – Woburn, MA

3/21 - Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge Online

3/22 - Personal Management Merit Badge Online

3/26 - Weather Merit Badge Online

3/28 - Public Health Merit Badge Online

3/29 - Music Merit Badge Online

4/1 - Yo-Yo Adventure  – Cranston, RI

4/2 - Weather Merit Badge Online

Spirit of Adventure Council

Customer Service Center 

2 Tower Office Park

Woburn, MA 01801

(617) 615-0004


New England Base Camp

411 Unquity Rd.

Milton, MA 02186

(617) 615-0004

Contact Us