Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By Bob Egelko - San Francisco Chronicle
"… In a setback for families on welfare, the state Supreme Court ruled Monday that their application for benefits must include income that one parent is required to pay to support a child who lives outside the home. …"
"The court's observations came during the hearing of a woman's plea seeking guardianship of her two minor children. It dismissed the plea, saying the paramount welfare of the kids remains with both the parents and in shared parenting."
By Lawrence J. Persick - The Legal Intelligencer
"… The most significant of those changes are to 23 Pa. C.S.A. Section 5322 and Section 5327, such that the concepts of “primary” and “partial” physical custody would be eliminated in favor of “equal parenting time.” Equal parenting time is defined as, “As close as practicable to 50% of time spent with each parent, but in no case exceed 60% of time with either parent.” …"
By Linda Reutzel - Southeast Missourian
"… While a recent statewide survey shows 85% of Missourians agree that a child would benefit from having equal time with both capable parents following divorce, Kentucky is the only state in the nation with a true shared parenting law. …"
"… The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) will celebrate Child Support Awareness Month in August with another opportunity for non-custodial parents who are behind on their child support payments to get their driver’s licenses reinstated for a reduced amount. …"
By Tim Lemire - Providence Journal
"… Children should not have to stand by and witness the depletion of their college fund or their family’s life savings because Mom and Dad use Family Court as an arena for battle, while judges issue one continuance after another. …"
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