Chris Haley co-authored a published abstract, "Cenozoic off-track volcanism in the Centennial Valley and vicinity: Implications for the areal extent of of Snake River Olivine Tholeiites Associated with the Yellowstone Hotspot." He presented the information at the Geological Society of America meeting by Alyssa Endrich of Kansas State University. The authors of the paper include: A.R. Endrich, M.E. Brueseke, A. Karrasch, J.C. Haley, and D.P. Miggins.

Jennifer Slivka co-edited a special issue of the Journal of Medical Humanities with Cormac O'Brien titled, "Epidemics and Disease in Ireland: Literature, Culture, Histories." In addition to co-writing the Introduction, Slivka also contributed an article to the issue titled, "The Paradoxical Home and Body in Jennifer Johnston's The Christmas Tree (1981)."

Taryn Myers published “'Your Body is Not Representative of Who You Are': Exploring the Relations Between Feminist Attitudes, Feminist Identity, and Responses to Negative Body Talk Among Women" in Psychology of Women Quarterly with collaborators Erin Nolen of University of Texas Austin and Sarah Murnen and Adrienne Kvaka of Kenyon College.

Ms. Magazine published an article written by Kathleen Casey. InTeaching the Deep Roots of Abortion in America,” Casey addresses “the special obligation historians have to challenge the Supreme Court’s narrow view of the history of abortion in the U.S.”

President Scott D. Miller released the next chapter of President to President, in which he serves as the executive editor. In the fourth chapter of the 2022-23 series, “Higher Educational Relevancy: Aligning Programs, Economic Development, and Outreach to Community Needs and Aspirations,” University of Missouri–St. Louis Chancellor Kristin Sobolik, Ph.D., explores the importance of colleges working with local leaders to strengthen communities, better serve students, and achieve long-term goals. President Miller's daily blog, Dialogue, can be found at  
Marielle Postava-Davignon presented her work entitled "Exploring subterranean nesting behavior of Reticulitermes using vertical arenas" at the Joint Annual Meeting of the Entomological Societies of America, Canada, and British Columbia in Vancouver, BC.

Chris Haley presented a poster titled "Mapping and Analyzing Urban Heat Islands as a Means of Integrating Climate Justice into an Environmental Science Curriculum" at the AAC&U STEM Conference in Arlington, VA. The co-authors of the poster include Elizabeth Malcolm and Marcus Smaltz.

Annette Clayton, along with Jennifer Murphy doctoral candidate (Virginia Commonwealth University), presented an ePoster at the Council on Social Work Education's 68th Annual Program Meeting in Anaheim, California. Their ePoster, accepted in the clinical practice track, was titled "Virginia School Social Workers' Roles, Responsibilities, and Perceptions of Practice Efficacy."

Robert Ariel presented a research talk titled "Just What the Doctor Ordered: Prescribing Retrieval Practice Improves Memory and Metamemory for Important Medication-Related Information" at the Psychonomics Conference in Boston, MA.

Michelle Albert Vachris presented a paper titled "Innovation as an Escape from the Transitional Gains Trap: the Case of Scotch Whisky" at the 92nd Annual Meetings of the Southern Economic Association in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Benjamin Haller served as area chair for the upcoming Classical Representations in Popular Culture Area of the Southwest Popular/American Culture Conference for 2023, sending out a call for papers, organizing two panels of papers, and having his own paper on the Cyclops accepted for presentation.

Mandy Reinig presented on "Drugs and Alcohol: The Impact on International Student Emotional Wellness" as part of a multi-state panel at the 2022 NAFSA Region VI and VIII Conference in Pittsburgh, PA.

Bill McConnell led a presentation with three teachers from Norfolk Collegiate School on their NOAA-funded program, "Shared Waters." At the Virginia Association of Science Teachers conference, he presented a student-centered science unit focusing on local environmental issues where his aspiring teachers worked with Norfolk Collegiate teachers and their students to identify and clear invasive species on Norfolk Collegiate's campus.

Taryn Myers facilitated the meeting for Special Interest Group (SIG) Leaders at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies in her capacity as the SIG Committee Chair.

Taryn Myers presented a poster entitled "An accidental COVID-19 study: Changes in the relationships between appearance self-esteem, negative affect, and positive affect in Spring 2020" at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Her coauthors were VWU students and alums: Trevaughn McNeil, Jaqueline Carmines, Katy Alvarado, Jessa Mae Steiner, Denise McDonald, Madeline Gonsalves, Carli Williams, and Kenzie Branum.

Taryn Myers presented her research "The relationship between feminist beliefs and disordered eating in a sample of sexual minority men and women" on a panel she chaired entitled "Eating pathology in sexual and gender minority individuals: Prevalence, related sociocultural factors, and treatment."
The Center for Educational Research and Technological Innovation (CERTI) Advisory Council members Mindy Gumpert and Taryn Myers presented with Dr. Judy Jankowski, Head of School at Chesapeake Bay Academy (CBA), at the Virginia Association of Independent Schools annual conference in Richmond. Taryn Myers and CBA faculty joined the conference via Zoom to share CERTI's research and advancements in technology.

Kathy Stolley presented at the Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association virtual conference. Her talk was titled "A Member of the Family: Modifying Animal Bodies, Defining Family, and Evolving Human-Animal Boundaries."
Kathleen Casey gave a "salon talk" on racism in the suffrage movement on at Eleanor's Norfolk Bookstore in Ghent.

Kathleen Casey presented a paper titled “Queer History and the Possibilities of Purses” at the National Association of Women’s Studies in Minneapolis. While there, she also participated in a day-long workshop run by Ms. Magazine on translating academic writing for public audiences.

Amber Gruszeczka was appointed to the Open and Affordable Course Content Committee (OACCC) of the Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA). VIVA is a statewide consortium of academic libraries, and this committee recommends policies related to the promotion, adoption, and development of open and affordable course content throughout the state.

Taryn Myers was quoted in Industry Leaders in the article "Why did the beauty industry shift to testimonial advertising?" 
At the request of Victor Dorsey in Security, Kathy Ames modeled and 3D printed a replacement part for some broken door locks on campus. This part had become unavailable from the lock manufacturer so without this replacement model, the broken locks could not be repaired.

Students in Mindy Gumpert's SPED 382: Transition in Special Education course located resources for the Norfolk Public Schools Transition website to aid teachers and parents of students with disabilities (SWD). The students identified and vetted over 40 national, state, and local resources in Training, Independent Living, Employment, and Education to assist in transition planning for high school SWD.

As part of their coursework as social work majors Annette Clayton's students, Janae Brown (enrolled in SW 251 Diversity and Social Problems in Social Work) and Madison Dzwonkowski (enrolled in SW 401 Direct Practice with Individuals and Families), participated as student volunteers at the Virginia Association of School Social Workers' State Conference "Responsive Practices: Honoring School Social Work's Commitment to Social Justice, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity" in Virginia Beach. They also attended sessions on topics such as school-based mental health and supporting homeless children and youth.
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