OCT 1 , Oct 15, 2024


Strategies for Tailoring Your Professional Profile and Application

Oct 22, 12 - 1p.m.


Landing a job in today's competitive market can be challenging, but understanding job descriptions is crucial to success. This session will apply insights from Industrial-Organizational (I/O) Psychology to help you decode the language used in job postings. You'll learn how to identify the essential skills, qualifications, and responsibilities described within the job listings, enabling you to tailor your application materials effectively. Additionally, we'll explore strategies for optimizing your online presence, particularly your LinkedIn profile, to match the requirements of your desired roles, increasing your chances of being noticed by potential employers.

ISAB Office Hours

Oct 21, 1 - 2p.m.

The International Student Advisory Board (ISAB) will be holding office hours throughout the semester to support the international student community. This is an avenue to share your experience as an international student, find avenues for support, and improve the international student experience. Register for office hours today by clicking here!

International Coffee Hour

Oct 17, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Hornbake Plaza 


International Coffee Hour is a great way to connect with other students/scholars (both domestic and international) and meet UMD staff and faculty while enjoying coffee, tea, and snacks! International Coffee Hour takes place Thursdays from 2:30pm - 3:30pm at various locations around our beautiful campus.

CPT Authorization Due by November 1st

The last date to request AND begin Curricular Practical Training (CPT) authorization is November 1st, 2024. If you plan to pursue an internship/co-op to take place this fall term, please submit your request for CPT via iTerp immediately.


Adventure Trips

Trips hosted by the Adventure Program (University Recreation and Wellness) are a great opportunity to learn new outdoor skills, travel, and meet new people. Check out upcoming trips today!

Applications Open for U21 Sustainable Micro-internships

Searching for an accessible, sustainable and international internship experience? Applications are now open for the Universitas 21(U21) Sustainable Micro-Internships to be held from November, 2024 to February 2025. This free, two-week online opportunity is available to UMD students of all disciplines and levels. Apply now!

Winter Global Classrooms Courses Open for Registration

Take one of our Global Classrooms courses this winter to stay globally engaged! See list of the courses here and register.

Pepsi Enhancement Fund: Apply for Program Funding!

Got a great idea for a campus event or program? Apply for a grant from the Pepsi Enhancement Fund! With $40,000 in funding available, you can receive up to $2,000 to bring your project to life. Open to student organizations and departments—don't miss your chance to create something that will impact the campus community.

Apply now and make a difference this spring!

GRadulting Workshop Series

More Info Here

The GRadulting Workshop Series is weekly hour-long workshops on a variety of topics relevant to UMD graduate students. They take place throughout the spring and fall semesters on Tuesday afternoons via Zoom or in person. Free lunch is provided for in-person events. Practical information is presented by experts from both on- and off-campus, and many workshops are recorded for those who are unable to attend in person.  

Men's Rugby Club

If you're looking for an exciting way to immerse yourself in campus life and make new friends, join Terp's Rugby. No experience? No problem! Our club welcomes players of all skill levels. Rugby is a thrilling sport that combines strategy, teamwork, and physical fitness. It’s a great way to stay active while embracing the spirit of camaraderie and sportsmanship. Plus, you’ll have the chance to travel and compete against other schools. Come be part of a dynamic and diverse team—join us on the rugby field! We practice Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4:00-6:00 pm on Frat Row. Contact: Instagram @terpsrugby; Garrett Schuppner (President) -240-898-5664,

Do you have an event or announcement that would be of interest to the UMD international community, or know an international Terp moving Fearlessy Forward?  We invite you to share by clicking here.

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ISSSNews is a weekly e-newsletter sponsored by International Student & Scholar Services with the purpose of communicating news and updates on immigration regulations, opportunities and events of interest to the international UMD community.