Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
Dear Supporter,
We hope you enjoy these insightful articles to help parents foster closer relationships with their kids, resources about parenting teens, teen parenting, and more!
"...With the disruption of Covid-19, many families are beginning this school year navigating poor connections created over more than a year of pandemic living. The good news is that you have the power to change the dynamic here, and the beginning of the school year is a great place to start...."
“…The program is informed by Generation Hope's 10+ years working directly with teen parents in college, is rooted in its student-centered approach, and builds upon its research on the experiences of parenting college students.…”
"... Parenting research shows we spend a lot of time worrying about our kids, that much of our worry is relational, and that it includes wondering how to talk to our kids!

As busy-ness and device time increases, families are spending less time building strong cultures of communication before the complexity of teen years..."
"...Deciding how to share or divvy up rights to living and potential living beings can be one of the most emotionally charged issues in a divorce. Here’s an overview of how the legal system tends to handle these choices when spouses can’t agree...."
"...There are 5 common beliefs that motivate a parent to lodge a false allegation of abuse against the other parent (table). If any of these beliefs are discovered, the allegation of abuse is likely false. Detecting these beliefs in a parent requires careful interviews over several sessions...."
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Family Reunion helps to assure that healthy families are the foundation of communities and society. 
Educational Videos
Family Reunion has 7 educational videos on a variety of family related issues. Check them out on our website.
Family Reunion | 661-829-6847 | |
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