Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... Joshi is recognized as an expert litigator in dealing with these kinds of sick-parenting cases and immediately replied, “Your reader is describing what the courts refer to as parental alienation. Regardless of what you call it — brainwashing, programming, or pathological parenting — American family courts understand that parental alienation exists. ..."
"... Dads are so special to their children and there is something so magical that happens whenever dad gets down on the floor and plays with the kids. ..."
"... They have grown in popularity as a way to manage disputes out of court and reduce legal costs, setting ground rules for communication between separated parents and helping to navigate questions about shared time, school work and discipline as collaboratively as possible. ..."
"... If the court lifts a residency restriction, then it may apply the over-100-mile version of the SPO or craft its own order. Whether the relocation will be allowed is based on the best interests of the child. ..."
"... Pakistan and the US will now be able to resolve cases of parental child abduction between the two countries as Washington has accepted Islamabad’s accession to an international treaty on child abduction. ..."
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