The DDA Connection


Deputy Secretary Webinar Tomorrow

Please join us tomorrow for the DDA’s Deputy Secretary Updates webinar. As usual, this monthly webinar provides you with our statewide updates, and if you have not registered, please do so by clicking the link below. We look forward to you joining us!


Federal Program Updates

DDA EVV - Live-in Caregiver Exemption Reminder  

The DDA is hosting an Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Live-in Caregiver Exemption webinar on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 from 10-11 a.m.  

During the webinar, the DDA will review the exemption request process and answer questions.



  • People can request an exemption with an effective date of July 1, 2023 or later.
  • The DDA will begin accepting and reviewing exemption request and attestation forms on August 1, 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions Updates

The DDA is happy to share updates to the Frequently Asked Questions based on the:

To view the updates, click on this link.

DDA Policy Reminder 

The DDA is seeking public input on the following proposed policy posted to the DDA’s Policy Stakeholder Input webpage: 

You can access the proposed policies here: DDA Policy Stakeholder Input Dedicated Webpage. 

Public comments will be accepted beginning July 14, 2023 through July 28, 2023. Please submit comments electronically to or mail them to the DDA Federal Program Unit at 201 West Preston Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201. Please include in the subject line of your email, “Input on Policy,” and include the name of the policy you are commenting on. (For example, “Input on Housing Support Services Policy.”)

If you have questions or need any accommodations, please reach out to the DDA Federal Programs Policy Lead, Danielle Coles at

Programs Updates


Should you have any questions, please contact our Statewide Director of Innovations, Stephanie Jones, at

Unable to join us in person? Join us via Facebook live by clicking visiting our Maryland DDA Facebook page!

Charting the LifeCourse Roadshow: A Statewide Success

During the week of July 11-14, the DDA collaborated with UMKC’s Institute for Human Development to share and discuss ways the Charting the LifeCourse Framework is helpful for all involved in the person-centered planning process. Geared specifically to CCS and Provider staff, we heard from people receiving services and their families, providers and CCSs who effectively used some of the tools to improve PCP development.

The DDA received great feedback. We always welcome recommendations to improve and enhance person-centered planning. 

If you were in attendance during the Roadshow event, please tell us your thoughts by taking our survey below. We want to be sure YOU are represented in our chosen panels, and your needs are being presented for discussion.

This statewide collaboration is the first of many opportunities to work together to discuss tools that support the person in developing a plan that they direct, and that their family and chosen team members help facilitate.


Followup Resources from the LifeCourse Nexus Training and TA

NCI Staff Stability Survey: Deadline Extended to 7/31/23

The 2022 National Core Indicators (NCI) State of the Workforce Survey (Staff Stability Survey) unique provider links went out on March 15, 2023 and the responses are pouring in. Thank you! 

The survey due date has been extended to July 31, 2023. Submit yours today! If you have any questions, please contact Leslie Thompson, Statewide Director of Provider Services, at

Self-Directed Services Verification of First Aid/CPR Requirements  

Due to the ending of Appendix K on June 30, 2023, all employees, who have not already done so, must submit a copy of their current First Aid/CPR certification to their FMCS by Monday, August 8, 2023, per DDA requirements.

If the FMCS does not receive the copies by Monday, August 8, 2023, the employee may not be authorized to work until it is submitted. 

The FMCS will communicate verbally and in writing with applicable employers, representatives, employees, support brokers and CCSs regarding this requirement and needed documentation. 

CCSs should coordinate with participants self-directing their services and the team to ensure these documents are submitted by Monday, August 8, 2023. 

First Aid and CPR Training must include hands-on, in-person training (meeting OSHA requirements). Employees can consider completely in-person courses or hybrid models of training that allow for some of the training to be completed online and hands-on portions completed in a classroom.

Participants and teams are reminded that employees may be paid for their time in these required training sessions using the “Training” line items of the service(s) they provide.

If you have any questions, please contact Kristi Culbreth, DDA’s Statewide Coordinator of Self-Directed Services at

Managing Diabetes:

Medications, Hybrid Closed Loop Insulin Pumps, and so Much More

The Developmental Disabilities Administration Regional Nurses invites the DDA agency nurses (RN CM/DNs) for a statewide nurse’s meeting on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Presenter: Kelly Birch, BSN, RN, CDCES 

Kelly Birch, BSN, RN, CDCES has been with TidalHealth Peninsula Regional for over 27 years beginning on a critical care telemetry unit as a Registered Nurse, and for the last 14 years in Nutrition & Diabetes Education. She became a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist in 2012 and works diligently on the management of diabetes patients, inpatient and outpatient, adults and children. Kelly does individual Continuous Glucose Monitoring training sessions, injectable medication instruction, group and individual training sessions with both adults and pediatric patients with diabetes. 



  • Define classes of non-insulin diabetes medications and contraindications
  • Correctly identify insulin by onset, peak, and duration
  • Identify Diabetic Ketoacidosis and recommended treatment
  • Describe how a “Closed-Loop” insulin pump works

Operations Update

LTSS Transition - Technical Assistance Available

Are you a provider who has yet to transition into LTSSMaryland? Do you feel like your agency would benefit from some extra assistance leading up to your transition? Never fear! The Early Adopter Group (EAG) Provider’s Technical Advisors are here!

Providers preparing to transition into LTSSMaryland may request technical assistance from a Technical Advisor (TA). These advisors have already transitioned 100% of their services as early adopters in July and October 2021 and can help you do the same. 

Upon completion of a short Request Form, your DDA Regional Office will match providers requesting technical assistance by making referrals to the appropriate assisting provider.

For questions regarding the Technical Assistance process, please contact Leslie Thompson, Statewide Director of Provider Services, at

Check Tracing Self-Service

DDA Providers - DID YOU KNOW?

If you are missing a payment for services rendered, you can utilize the Check Tracing Self-Service option to have the issue resolved. Simply follow the instructions below for submission via email.

Contact with the following specific information:

Subject Line: to read “Tracing Request: (Your Provider Name, MA ID and Tax ID)” 

Body of Email: Include the following information with an updated W-9 attached:

  • Provider ID #:
  • Tax ID:
  • Check Date(s) :
  • Check Amount:
  • Remit Advice#
  • Check#:
  • Requestor Name:
  • Email contact:
  • Requestor Direct Telephone Number:
  • Provider Address:

If you have multiple checks, please submit an Excel file with the above information. The above information will allow them to investigate the matter and expedite the processing of requests.

The average processing time for requests is 60 days (more difficult or multiple requests 90 or more days) from the date of receipt of accurate and required documentation (i.e., W-9 and check information).

The Check Tracing Unit asks that providers do not send duplicate inquiries within the 60-day timeframe as this causes additional processing delays. For inquiries submitted during non-business hours, holidays or state closures, the next business day will be the official received date for the check tracing request.

Health and Welfare Reviews conducted by Liberty Healthcare Corporation (Maryland Quality Improvement Organization) initiated on July 14, 2023

Liberty Healthcare Corporation will begin conducting Health and Welfare reviews to evaluate compliance with the DDA standards related to Critical Incident Reporting, OHCQ Investigations and Restraint-related incident procedures.

Health and Welfare reviews will include: 

  1. Review of the critical incident process that includes reviewing the completeness, timeliness, and results of each step in the process (provider reporting, OHCQ investigation and provider corrective actions).
  2. Review of critical incidents in correlation to Health Risk Screening Tool assessments of participants.
  3. Review of the process for unauthorized restraint incidents. 

Please review the Health and Welfare Review Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) guidance. The guidance provides details on related definitions, sampling procedure and the Health and Welfare review process.

The initial review period for the Health and Welfare Reviews began on July 14, 2023 and will evaluate random samples of critical incidents, OHCQ investigations of incidents/complaints and unauthorized restraint-related incidents between January 1, 2023 and March 31, 2023. 

Please find the link to the Health and Welfare Review Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) guidance. It can also be found on the QIO webpage

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Mettrick, Executive Director of Liberty Healthcare’s Maryland Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) at or La’Kisha Alvarado, QIO contract monitor/Program Manager at


Fatal Five E-Learning Training Modules

The DDA and IntellectAbility are excited to announce the release of The Fatal Five E-learning Training modules. Click here to see how to access these trainings.

Upcoming Events

7/28 The Deputy Secretary’s Webinar Series of Monthly Updates

8/1 DDA Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Live-in Caregiver Exemption Webinar

8/1 Support Broker Initial Certification Training

8/3 DDA Statewide Nurses Meeting: Sepsis

8/8 Support Broker Re-Certification Training

8/10 Maryland Department of Health DDA Rate Review Advisory Group

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Click here to view the archive.

Click here to view upcoming events on our DDA Training Calendar.

DDA Vision

People with developmental disabilities will have full lives in the communities of their choice where they are included, participate and are active citizens.

DDA Mission

Create a flexible, person-centered, family-oriented system of support so people can have full lives.

DDA Headquarters

201 W. Preston Street, 4th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: (410)767-5600

Fax: (410)767-5850

Toll Free: 1(844)253-8694