August 2023 | Issue 33
The TriCircle Connection
We inspire families, individuals, and communities to overcome the disease of addiction by creating real, long-term solutions!
Click here to visit our website today!
“Perfection is found in accepting your imperfections.” - Bridgett Devoue 

From the Desk of Ana Gopoian
We Are Perfectly Imperfect

I stumbled on this article by Julia Mazzella when searching online for some desperately needed self care tips. Her words ring true for so many people, for so many reasons. 51 Self Care Quotes and Tiny Reminders to Love Yourself gave me the nudge I needed to better monitor my inner dialogue and to step away, take a deep breath, splash some cool water my face and then forge ahead once again. With her first paragraph, I was goat-roped into reading all the way through:

"Oh, life. We work until we can barely keep our eyes open. We push our bodies and minds to keep up with impossible standards of productivity, achievement and beauty. We forget to take care of--or love--ourselves because we’re too busy taking care of and loving others. Living in a constant state of stress and work is not living at all though; it’s existing in a self-made state of fight or flight. Not only is it unnatural to live in this state for extended periods of time; it’s unhealthy, too."

She goes on to say, "An overly busy person is like a ticking-time bomb. When your schedule is filled to the very last minute, if even one thing goes wrong, it can completely set you off. The smallest thing can make you want to rip our hair out. Your anger or whatever emotion it is, is completely disproportionate to whatever caused it, of course. Someone cut you off on the road, someone was late for an appointment, you can’t find a file you need--all of these things are minor in the grand scheme of things. But because you haven’t left yourself even a second to breathe, any one of them can feel like they’re shattering your carefully laid plans."

Some of the quotes she offers in the blog are invaluable when we are trying to hold it all together:

  • “Calm your mind, life becomes crystal clear.” 
  • “It’s important to have a balance in your life between work and play.” —Bobby Flay 
  • “Remember: The thing is not the thing. It’s the thing you think about the thing.”
  • “Know when to let it go.” 
  • “You can’t always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.” —Wayne Dyer
  • “Life should be touched, not strangled. Let it happen at times and at others move forward with it.” —Ray Bradbury 
  • “Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action.” —Walter Anderson
  • “Control your own thoughts, stop letting them control you.”
  • “Smile, breathe, and go slowly.” —Thích Nhất Hạnh 
  • “It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos.” —Donna Karan
  • “Will it matter a year from now?” 
  • “We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.” — Dolly Parton

Needless to say, I finished the article in record time and thought it would be a great resource to share with all of you. Remember...

Together WE are Stronger!
Visit Our New Website!
Welcome to

Please click on the link above or the image below,
and let us know what you think!
The 2023 TriCircle Memorial Scholarship
Committee Has Selected a Recipient!

TriCircle has identified the recipient of this year's $2,500 memorial scholarship This scholarship was originally created in honor of Michael F. Gagnon II. The winner will be announced at our upcoming Gala Brunch on
Sunday, October 22, 2023, at the Wallingford Elks Club. The recipient will be our guest of Honor at the Gala and will read the winning essay aloud.

Self-Care is Not Overrated!
This retreat is for the self-care of parents, guardians and loved ones who have had someone in their lives die due to a substance related passing. We will be providing a support group meeting, yoga, meditation,
art project, refreshments, dinner, and smores by the bonfire.
This retreat is for the self-care of parents, guardians, and loved ones who have someone in their lives affected by the disease of addiction. We will be providing a support group meeting, yoga, meditation, art project, refreshments, dinner,
and smores by the bonfire.
Self Care Retreats are made possible by funding from DMHAS.

What is SMART Recovery? SMART Recovery is a fresh approach to addiction recovery. SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. This is more than an acronym: it is a transformative method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change. Join us!
Our August Spotlight

The Return of Clinician
Michael Black, LPC, LADC
Once Again Providing A Safe Space to Receive Support and Share Hope

Michael Black, is a TriCircle Licensed Clinician and Facilitator for
Hope After Loss Group in Meriden

We could justifiably call him Comeback Black! After a long and life threatening health challenge, Michael Black is back - more motivated and dedicated to TriCircle's mission than ever.

Michael is the youngest of five children. At an early age, his oldest sister was involved in a drunk driving accident and later succumbed to her injuries. This was a devastating loss for Mike and had a profound impact on his life growing up. In Southwestern Michigan, drugs were a constant problem that plagued Mike’s siblings, and he watched another sister spend most of her adult life in and out of jail and rehabilitation programs. Today, all of his sisters are in recovery, thanks to the help of these programs. This ultimately influenced Michael to choose a career path of substance abuse and mental health counseling to try to help other families cope with the destructive nature of addiction and to find hope and recovery.

Michael has worked in various capacities in the field of addiction services and mental health counseling. Mike spent five years working as the Program Manager at a licensed substance abuse program in Middletown. Mike has served as a psychotherapist working with clients suffering from traumatic events and has a particular interest in working with veterans and victims of crime. Mike now works as the Senior Clinician on the Assertive Community Treatment Team for Gilead Community Services. Mike received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Urban and Community Studies from the University of Connecticut, a Master of Business degree from Liberty University, and a Master of Science degree in Counseling and Human Services from Post University. In his free time, Mike enjoys traveling, fishing, and reading.

We are delighted to have him back in the saddle and know that his valuable contributions to TriCircle and the mental health and wellness of the people we serve will have a lasting and meaningful impact for generations to come.

Together WE are Stronger!
2023 Save the Dates
Tues, Aug 1, - 7:00-8:00pm
(Every Tuesday Forward)
SMART Recovery Meeting, 248 South Cherry Street, Wallingford
(Master's Manna)

Wed, Aug 2, and Wed, Aug 16 -
(1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month) TriCircle's Drop In Setback, 1741 Pub & Grill, 70 Lyman Rd, Middlefield

Fri, Aug 11, and Fri, Aug 25 -
(2nd and 4th Friday of each month) TriCircle's Drop In Setback, Dad's Restaurant, 740 North Colony Rd, Wallingford
Sat, August 12 - 9:30am - 2:30pm -
TriCircle offering CPR/AED/First Aid Certification for Infants, Children, & Adults, Narcan Training, & DETERRA Drug Disposal Information. For more information and registration, call (860) 349-7074

Sat, August 26 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm -
JOIN US ON THE MAT for Yoga with Dana Brinker-Simjouw
169 Colony St, Meriden, 2nd Floor

Sat, August 26 - 2nd Annual Raianna's Run for Opioid & Overdose Awareness, New Haven Elks Club #25, 80 Old Broadway W, North Haven, riding to Softails 980 New Haven Road, Durham.

Fri, Sept 1 - Foreigner Historic Farewell Tour with Special Guest Loverboy at Mohegan Sun Earth Skybox (details below)

Sat, Sept 23 - Outrun Addiction, Enfield Education Annex, 1254 North Maple Street, Enfield

Sat, Sept 30 (Rain Date, Sat, Oct 7) - Hope After Loss Retreat, The Story Barn, 952 Main Street, Somers

Sun, Oct 1 (Rain Date, Sun Oct 8) - Hope & Support Retreat, The Story Barn, 952 Main Street, Somers

Sun, October 8 - "With A Rose", hosted by Philip's Foundation Inc., in memory of Philip Lyons, Lighthouse Point Park, New Haven

Sun, October 22 - 10:00am-1:00pm TriCircle's Annual Gala Brunch, Wallingford Elks Lodge, Wallingford

Historic Farewell Tour
Friday, September 1, 2023
Mohegan Sun Earth Skybox Suite


Would you like to be a
Sponsor of this event or
donate a raffle prize?

We are back at our regular Setback location, 1741 Pub & Grill in Middlefield. Join us for some great food, fabulous friends and lots of fun!

Our Setback is so popular,
we have added another one!
Join us at Dad's in Wallingford!
Looking for a purpose driven, fun and fulfilling opportunity to showcase your amazing gifts and talents and give back?

TriCircle is searching for people who are action oriented and passionate about our cause to work with the Fundraising & Events Advisory Board or the Memorial Scholarship Committee. We need your enthusiasm and creativity, and we welcome you to join us. Please contact: for more information.

If your superpower is planning, organizing, and/or helping to implement events, then here is your chance to shine - the Fundraising & Events Advisory Board needs you now! Meetings are held on
the last Tuesday of every month from 6:00 - 7:30 pm at
TriCircle, 169 Colony Street, 2nd Floor, Meriden

If you are interested in honoring your loved one through our TriCircle Memorial Scholarship, please inquire about making a donation or joining the committee by contacting Trish Williams at:

Community Service Hours Are Available for all of the above!

Together WE are Stronger!
We had a BLAST at the Twisted Trails 5K Color Run! Thanks to our Host, Tamarack Lodge, and all our Awesome Sponsors and Volunteers!
Searching for a Compassionate Group That Truly Understands?

TriCircle's Hope & Support Groups provide a safe and confidential space for parents, guardians and others who are concerned about a loved one's substance use or addiction. All are welcomed and encouraged to utilize these services at no cost.
Click below to head to our website for Hope And Support Group meeting details including location and meeting schedule.

TriCircle's Hope After Loss Groups offer a place where everyone understands. There is no judgment or blame, but rather support and understanding. Join us as we work together on this journey moving forward in life. All are welcomed and encouraged to utilize these services at no cost. Click below to head to our website for Hope After Loss
Group meeting details including location
and meeting schedule.

Zoom options will continue to be available
for both support groups.
Please email Ana for more details!


169 Colony Street
Second Floor, Room 28
Meriden, CT 06451

We are pleased to be located inside the Women and Families Center.
This will allow for wonderful opportunities for us to expand
the reach of our support services and resources
as we cultivate this collaborative partnership.
This location also provides increased accessibility
on the bus line and nearby train station.

Together WE are Stronger!

Your input is greatly appreciated!

If any of our readers know of an organization, group or idea that will add strength, availability and reach
to our collaborations and services, please
reach out to us at

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TriCircle and consider a donation today!
PayPal Giving and Venmo are also ways to give.
Click the images below or scan the QR code to find out how!