Bishop Chatard Family,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We hope that you and your family have enjoyed a restful summer and are excited to begin a new school year at Bishop Chatard High School. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on August 7! 

Our theme for the school year is "to begin is for everyone, to persevere is for saints," a challenge shared to us by St. Josemaría Escrivá. What a powerful way to begin a new year. We look forward to the excitement of new experiences, new memories, and new challenges in advancing faith, learning, leadership, and service. We also welcome the fruitful lessons of grit and perseverance that present themselves. In each, we are called to aspire to sainthood, and we embrace this calling going into this new year.

Please see below for important information, updates, and instructions on documents that are to be completed before the first day of school. 

Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we work together to inspire all in our community to live a Christ-centered life and to make the world a better place!

Go Trojans!

John Hasty, Principal

Bishop Chatard High School

Important Dates

Tuesday, August 6

Transfer Student Orientation

Wednesday, August 7

All Students Orientation (including Transfer Students)

Thursday, August 8

First Full Day for All Students - 8:55 a.m.

Wednesday, August 14

Back-to-School Night & Class of 2025 Parent Meeting

2024-2025 Orientation Information

All students are required to attend orientation. Please watch for separate emails regarding orientation sessions for transfer students, freshmen and upperclassmen. Please note that transfer students should attend both the transfer and upperclassmen sessions.

Back-to-School Night & Senior Parent Meeting 

Bishop Chatard will hold its annual Back-to-School Night on Wednesday, August 14 in the Varsity Gym. A meeting for parents of seniors covering important events and requirements of your student's senior year will immediately follow.

5:00-5:30 p.m. - Schedule pick-up

5:30-7:20 p.m. - Class visits

7:30 p.m. - Senior Parent Meeting

Policy Updates 

Technology and Personal Devices:

Personal devices are a common topic of question at all schools. Bishop Chatard will continue to allow cell phones during passing periods and lunch periods only. During class, seminar, and study halls, phones will be prohibited and expected to be stowed in cell caddies. The only change to this policy is in the event of a second cell phone violation. On a first offense, the device will be confiscated, the student will be assigned a detention, and the student will be able to pick up their device following detention. On a second offense, the device will be confiscated, the student will be assigned a Friday School, and a parent or guardian will be the only person allowed to retrieve the device from the main office. In each situation, the Dean of Students will communicate with parents the violation and steps moving forward. This policy is in place to protect our students' social and emotional well being, to protect learning, and to ensure we continue to provide an environment conducive to building lifelong commitments to faith, learning, leadership and service. We will continue to educate ourselves and our students on the potential risks, and positive and negative consequences associated with social media and other personal device uses. School personnel will continue to review this policy in accordance with local and Archdiocesan guidance. 

Use of Lockers:

Prior to the COVID 19 pandemic, Bishop Chatard utilized a policy that backpacks were to be stowed in lockers. After the outbreak of the pandemic, policies shifted to prevent close contact, including socialization in the hallways and at lockers. As we continue to grow as a school community, we continue to prioritize small class sizes, face-to-face communication, and academic, spiritual, and human formation. To help maintain an environment committed to that formation, Bishop Chatard is returning to our policy of keeping backpacks and belongings in student lockers. This expectation will be shared and further explained to students during orientation, including locations where younger students can keep athletic equipment that they may need to bring to school. 

PowerSchool Update

The annual PowerSchool update, which many Bishop Chatard families are accustomed to completing prior to the start of the school year, will occur soon. We ask parents to go into your Archdiocesan PowerSchool Parent Portal and update your information. Details about completing this process will be sent to you later this week.

School Pictures

School pictures will be taken during Freshman and Upperclassmen orientation. Please complete this form and have your son or daughter bring it with them to orientation. If you would like to purchase photos, payment for photos is also required at the time photos are taken. All students, regardless of whether photos are purchased, will have their picture taken.


Trinity Club

Bishop Chatard has many volunteer opportunities for parents. Every family is automatically a member of the BCHS Trinity Club, a wonderful way to meet other parents while participating in the mission and success of Bishop Chatard. Use this link to volunteer for an activity during the school year. You may also visit our web page to learn more about Trinity Parent Club.


Cafeteria Info and Free & Reduced Lunch

Free & Reduced Applications open August 1, 2024

A reminder that everyone needs to reapply each year, unless a student is considered Directly Certified (those that receive TANF, SNAP, Medicaid, or any FSSA Benefit). Income-based applications are processed within 24 hours and benefits are applied immediately. 

Students who are Directly Certified will receive formal notification by August 6, 2024. If you do not receive notification, please email or call the Foodservice Director.


Please do not assume that your student is receiving benefits unless you have received formal notification. Please reach out if you are unsure of your benefits. 


Please click here for information on the Free & Reduced Lunch Program and to apply.


Free & Reduced Help and Café Q & A Session During Freshman Orientation

The Foodservice Director and Cafeteria Manager will be available during the Freshman Orientation from 8:30-9:30 AM. They can assist and process your application on site and or answer any questions regarding the café. Please come to Room 100 (Door 10 entrance and downstairs).


Mealtime Accounts


Freshman Mealtime accounts will become active on August 1, 2024. Deposit funds online, set spending limits, and manage your account. Click here for links to menus, meal payment options and more. Click here for lunch payment options.

Quick Links

To view all back-to-school documents please visit the BCHS Form Directory here.

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