Pennsylvania State Parks

July 2024 E-Blast


Summertime and the living is they say! We hope that your July has been enjoyable so far. It's been so hot 🥵! Have you found a way to stay cool? This edition offers some suggestions for beating the heat.

Before you do go outdoors in these temps, prepare for Hot Weather Hiking, try to avoid Dehydration,

& design your own First Aid Kit (thank you to the American Hiking Society for these great tips)! This month's E-Blast is deliberately shorter, but we included some quick & fun activities plus a lot of varied PD opportunities for educators.

July is Park & Recreation Month! There are the more than 160,000 full-time park & recreation professionals — along with 100's of 10000's of part-time & seasonal employees & volunteers — who maintain our country’s local, state, & community parks (including PA State Parks!) Park & Recreation Professionals Day was July 19th. When you are next in a PA State Park, please take a moment to thank staff for all that they do. #ParkAndRecDay #ParkAndRecreationProfessionalsDay

E-Blast Contents -

  • Section 1: Teaching Ideas - Stay Cool! Keep Kids Learning!
  • Section 2: In-Person Educator Professional Development Workshops
  • Section 3:  Neurodiversity Webinar - 7/25/24
  • Section 4: Explore the Outdoors - LNT Series Part 7
  • Section 5: Striving Towards Inclusion
  • Capstone: PA State Park Info. & Updates

Take the Environmental Literacy Goal Survey

The Chesapeake Bay Program's Education Workgroup would like your input on what the future of environmental literacy work in the region should look like! You are invited to complete the 10-15 min. feedback form on the Environmental Literacy Goal of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement, & its 3 outcomes: Student, Sustainable Schools, & Environmental Literacy Planning. Please complete the survey by July 24th

Section 1: Teaching Ideas - FREE!

Nature Rafts

Stay Cool!🆒Celebrate Lakes Appreciation Month, play in the Water, 💦 & integrate some STEM into summer!

💧 With so little rain, it is important to conserve water. Project WET is offering this FREE Water Conservation Lesson (ages 8+)

💧Stay Cool & explore water's different states by Making Frozen ❄Treasures! - from Tinkergarten

Keep kids minds & hands busy!

FREE! Beaded Insect🐜 Stick Craft! - from Little Pine Learners

Kids Can Build & Cook with the Sun ☀!

Celebrate a 🥤 Plastic Free July – Be Part of the Plastic Pollution Solution!

Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – for cleaner streets, water, & beautiful communities. 

Section 2:

In-Person Educator Professional Development Workshops

See ALL of the Upcoming Educator Workshops on the DCNR Calendar

July 2024 Educator Workshops

Project Learning Tree Explore Your Environment: K-8 Educator Workshop🌳

Monday, July 29, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

In-Person at Lackawanna State Park, 1839 Abington Rd., North Abington Twp., PA 18414

Act 48: 4.5 hrs.

Fee: $15.00 payable in advance; fee can be paid over the phone via credit card - call the park office at 570-945-7110.

Project Learning Tree (PLT) is an award-winning EE program designed for teachers & other educators working with youth from K - grade 8. Focused on trees and forests, this curriculum provides engaging, hands-on activities to connect students to our woods & nature.

This workshop will introduce you to PLT and it's resources through indoor & outdoor activities and networking opportunities. It is open to classroom teachers & non-formal educators, including pre-service teachers, homeschool parents, naturalists, & scout leaders. All participants will receive Project Learning Tree's Explore Your Environment K-8 Activity Guide. Registration is required. Register NOW! Questions? Contact Tony DeSantis, EES at 570-945-7110 or

Project Learning Tree Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers Educator Workshop🌳

Tuesday, July 30, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm

In-Person at Erie County Conservation District, 1927 Wager Rd, Erie, PA 16509

Act 48: 6 hrs.

Fee: Free, Pre-registration required + FREE LUNCH!

The Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group (AHUG), DCNR Bureau of Forestry’s Cornplanter District, and Erie County Conservation District are hosting a one-day professional development workshop for educators. Discover new techniques for teaching students about some of the most exciting & perhaps greenest careers in Pennsylvania – jobs that promote the health of our forests & our planet while providing sustainably produced forest and wood products we use every day. Each participant receives the new PLT Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers Educator Guide (value $25.00), an opportunity to participate in hands-on demos of sample lessons, an intro. to other PLT curricula, plus a free lunch! Register by July 24th – Email your name, affiliated school district/organization, & grade level to Questions? Contact Becky Carson, AHUG at (814) 837-8550 or

August 2024 Educator Workshops

Project WET and MWEE💦No Stream in Sight Educator Workshop

Tuesday, August 6, 8:30 am - 3:30 pm

In-Person at Boyertown Middle School East, 2020 Big Rd., Gilbertsville, PA 19525

Act 48: 6 hrs.

Fee: Free!

No Stream in Sight: How to Teach About Watersheds Without Easy Access to Water!

The MWEE (Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience) is a framework that focuses on student-led investigations into local, place based, environmental issues & challenges students to increase their environmental literacy though an action project. But what can you do if you don't have a stream or pond in your school yard? How can you teach about watersheds without water? In this workshop you will join professionals from the BCIU & DCNR for a hands-on exploration of your schoolyard as a watershed. Participants will be introduced to the MWEE framework, explore the new PA STEELS standards, & participate in activities from the Project WET curriculum that showcase ways to use a typical schoolyard as an outdoor classroom for watershed investigation - even if the school doesn't have a stream or pond on site. The first 10 educators to register will receive Project WET workbooks for their students. All participants will receive a copy of the Project WET 2.0 Curriculum & Activity Guide that is filled with water & watershed-based lessons plus free online access to the Project WET Portal.

Participants who attend this workshop & complete the MWEE 101 course online, will also earn MWEE Ambassador Certification. Register NOW through the Frontline Education portal (You must sign up for a free Frontline Education account if you are from outside of Berks County (or if you are a non-formal educator)). Questions? Contact Sarah Presogna, EES Supervisor at

Aquatic🦆WILD Educator Workshop

Tuesday, August 6, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

In-Person at Wildwood Park/Olewine Nature Center, 100 Wildwood Way, Harrisburg, PA 17110

Act 48: 5.5 hrs.

Fee: $25.00 per participant 

Join educators from Wildwood Park and DCNR- PA State Parks to explore water habitats from wetlands to streams to oceans. Discover aquatic plant & animal adaptations, get wet examining aquatic organisms, determine the importance of riparian zones, & investigate real-world issues affecting earth’s water systems. Participants will receive the updated Aquatic WILD K-12 Curriculum & Activity Guide with 40+ hands-on activities that incorporate place-based, STEAM activities about wildlife, people, & the aquatic environment.

This workshop is for any educator interested in teaching about aquatic wildlife & ecology such as classroom teachers, non-formal educators, college students studying to be teachers (pre-service), school administrators, homeschool teachers, & youth leaders. Register NOW! Questions? Contact Theresa Alberici at 717-221-0292 Ext 4358

Watershed💦Education - Two-Day Educator Workshop

Monday, August 12, 12:30 pm - 8:30 pm & Tuesday, August 13, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (must attend both days)

In-Person at Presque Isle State Park, 301 Peninsula Drive, Suite 1, Erie, PA 16505

Act 48: 15.0 hrs.

Fee: $30.00 payable in advance

Educators, are you looking for a thoughtful curriculum that engages middle & high school students and connects them to their local communities and environment? Join Pennsylvania State Park educators to explore the Erie Bluffs State Park watershed and discover how to use local natural resources as valuable teaching tools. 

Watershed Education (WE) is an inquiry-based, interdisciplinary curriculum for middle - high school students. Developed by the DCNR - Bureau of State Parks, WE blends hands-on classroom and field investigations modeled on professional research methodologies, student data collection & analysis, community networking & partnerships, and stewardship & service-learning activities. WE promotes in-depth, multi-modal learning & understanding of water resources while encouraging students to examine their watershed holistically. This workshop is open to educators teaching grades 6 – 12.

Participants will:

·    Receive a copy of the award-winning DCNR Watershed Education Curriculum

·    Conduct a biological survey, measure physical stream parameters, & test chemical properties of a stream

Register NOW! Questions? Contact John Laskos, EES at or 814-833-7424.

Old Growth Forest🌲Educator Workshop

Thursday, August 15 & Friday, August 16, 8:30 am- 4:30 pm

In-Person at Cook Forest State Park, 100 RT 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217

Act 48: 12 hrs

Fee: $100.00 secure registration by 8/7 with check or money order made out to the Commonwealth of PA and mailed to: Cook Forest State Park, ATTN: Old Growth Forest Ecosystems Workshop, P.O. Box 120 Cooksburg, PA 16217

This course is considered an Advanced Project Learning Tree workshop. It will emphasize old growth forest characteristics when delineating forest types between ancient & younger age stands within Cook Forest State Park, Hearts Content, & Anders Run Natural Areas. Various forest measuring tools and techniques will be utilized. Advanced tree ID via ancient bark character & shape will be presented as well as field ID of reptiles, birds, & amphibians associated with old growth forests. Attendees will receive a copy of ‘Eastern Old Growth Forests: Prospects for Rediscovery & Recovery’ by Mary Byrd Davis & the ’Sierra Club Guide to the Ancient Forests of the Northeast’ by Dr. Bruce Kershner & Robert Leverett. Contact Dale Luthringer, EES at or (814)744-8475.

WILD About Raptors 🦅 Educator Workshop

Tuesday, August 20, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

In-Person at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, 1700 Hawk Mtn. Rd., Kempton, PA 19529

Act 48: 6.5 hrs.

Fee: $15.00 payable in advance;

Join PA Game Commission (PGC) and Hawk Mountain Sanctuary (HMS) Educators for an in-depth, educational experience with Pennsylvania birds of prey. You will receive your own copy of the award-winning Project WILD K-12 Curriculum & Activity Guide as well as lessons & activities to integrate raptor lessons into your teaching. You'll learn about raptor biology, adaptations, research & monitoring practices, and have time outside to practice ID skills. This workshop is suitable for both formal & non-formal educators and is targeted towards grade levels 3-12. Register by 4/9/24. Register NOW. Questions? Contact Jordan Sanford, PGC Wildlife Outreach Coordinator at or 717-787-4250 ext. 73337.

PLT Trees 🌳& Me Educator Workshop

Saturday, August 24, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

In-Person at Lackawanna State Park, 1839 Abington Rd, North Abington Twp, PA 18414

Act 48: 2 hrs.

Fee: $10.00 paid in advance

Trees & Me is Project Learning Tree’s (PLT) latest resource for families & teachers to use with children ages 1 - 6. Focused on trees & forests, this curriculum provides fun, hands-on activities to connect young children to nature. This workshop is open to all formal & non-formal educators including pre-service teachers, homeschool parents, naturalists, & scout leaders. All participants will receive the Trees & Me: Activities for Exploring Nature with Young Children Guide. Register NOW! Questions? Contact Tony DeSantis at

Project WILD🦊Educator Workshop

Tuesday, August 27, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm 

In-Person at Pennypack Environmental Center, 8600A Verree Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19115

Act 48: 5.5 hrs.

Fee: $10! Pre-registration is required. 

Join Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) and Pennypack Environmental Center educators for an in-person educator workshop. You will receive your own copy of the award-winning Project WILD K-12 Curriculum & Activity Guide as well as lessons & activities to integrate wildlife education into your teaching. You'll learn about mammal biology, adaptations, research & monitoring practices, & have time to practice ID skills. This workshop is suitable for both formal & non-formal educators and is targeted towards grade levels 3-12. To register, contact Jordan Sanford, PGC Wildlife Outreach Coordinator, at or 717-787-4250 ext. 73337. Payment - cash, check, or money order made out to: the City of Philadelphia. Mail payment to Pennypack Environmental Center or bring day of workshop. Register by: 8/12/24. 

September 2024 Educator Workshops

Project WILD Educator Workshop: WILD About🦋Pollinators

 Saturday, September 14, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

In-person at Laurel Hill State Park, 1454 Laurel Hill Park Road, Somerset, PA 15501

Act 48: 4.5 hrs.

Fee: FREE! Pre-registration required.

Project WILD is a curriculum designed for students K-12. This workshop will focus on activities from the curriculum related to pollinators & their habitat. All participants will receive the Project WILD: K-12 Curriculum & Activity Guide with lesson plans and resources for offering wildlife related experiences for students. This workshop is designed for formal, non-formal, & pre-service teachers. Register NOW. 🦋

Project Learning Tree:🌳Trees & Me Workshop

Saturday, September 21, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

In-Person at Norristown Farm Park, 2500 Upper Farm Road, Norristown, PA 19403

Act 48: 2 hrs.

Fee: $15.00 upon arrival (cash or check)

The Project Learning Tree (PLT) Trees & Me Guide was developed for use with young children focusing on nature-based experiences with a specific focus on trees. This workshop is open to all educators who work with students from Pre-K to 1st Grade, from formal teachers to naturalists, scout leaders, & others! Participants will receive a copy of the new PLT Trees & Me Guide. Register NOW. Questions? Contact Rebecca at 

Growing Up WILD🦊Educator Workshop

Saturday, September 21, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

In-Person at Norristown Farm Park, 2500 Upper Farm Road, Norristown, PA 19403

Act 48: 2 hrs.

Fee: $15.00 upon arrival (cash or check)

Growing Up WILD (GUW): Exploring Nature with Young Children is an early childhood education activity guide (ages 2-7) that builds on children’s sense of wonder about nature and invites them to explore wildlife & the world around them. Through a wide range of activities, it provides a foundation for developing positive impressions about nature while also building lifelong social & cognitive skills. In this hands-on workshop, participants will be introduced to the curriculum, guided in its use, and shown the resources available through GUW, Project WILD, Bureau of State Parks, & Montgomery County. Register NOW. Questions? Contact Rebecca at

PA Songbirds🐦Educator Workshop

Saturday, September 28, 8:00 am - 1:30 pm

In-Person at Lackawanna State Park, 1839 Abington Road, N. Abington Township, PA 18414

Act 48: 5 hrs.

Fee: $15.00 payable in advance; pre-registration is required.

Pennsylvania Songbirds is a hands-on, interdisciplinary K-8 teachers’ resource and activity guide developed by DCNR’s Bureau of State Parks & Audubon Mid-Atlantic. Participants will have the opportunity to earn 5 Act 48 hours while they enhance their knowledge on observation & ID of songbirds, bird biology, habitat, migration, & much more! This workshop is open to classroom teachers and non-formal educators including pre-service teachers, homeschool parents, naturalists, & scout leaders. Participants will receive the newly updated PA Songbirds K-8 Teacher’s Guide, & they will also have the opportunity to see a bird banding demo & go on a birding walk. Registration required by 9/20/24. Register NOW. Questions? Contact Tony DeSantis, EES at or 570-945-7110.

More Educator Professional Development Trainings are scheduled.

Visit the DCNR Events Calendar- Teacher Workshops to find additional training opportunities! Click the arrows to see upcoming months.

Section 3:


Thursday, July 26th at 12 pm on Microsoft Teams FREE!

Join the Meeting ID: 224 535 902 661 Passcode: bYJfqG

+1 256-715-9946, 103250174#

Section 4:

Explore the Outdoors!

Leave No Trace Series - Principle 7: Be Considerate of Other Visitors

Wrapping up the 7 principles of Leave No Trace, we leave you with this last principle..." Be Considerate of Other Visitors". We've all been somewhere enjoying a vista, trail, campsite, or wildlife viewing and been startled by another visitor. While we all want to enjoy our experiences our own way, we encourage you to be considerate of others and and share the space. To learn more about being considerate to other visitors and shared use of trails, consider viewing this DCNR video highlighting "Tips for Sharing the Trail". 🥾

Project Learning Tree (PLT) - In Your Own Backyard Activities 🌳

Summer vacation offers loads of free time for our kids. What better time then now to support & encourage independent exploration via the backyard, neighborhood, or playground. Project Learning Tree offers families these forest-based inquiry activities for FREE! Explore the PLT Activities!

Section 5: Striving for Inclusion

- Learn more about DCNR's DEIB efforts-

Celebrate National Disability Independence Day - July 26!

National Disabilities Day is celebrated annually on July 26th in commemoration of the 1990's signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Discover the many ADA opportunities available at Pennsylvania State Parks and State Forests by visiting the DCNR Interactive Map. Select the "ADA Amenity Search" option to get started.

To discover upcoming programming, visit the newly designed DCNR Calendar of Events.

If you have a specific question or need an accommodation to participate in park activities due to a disability, please contact the state park or state forest office you plan to visit directly.

PA State Parks are YOURS!

Book your virtual, in-person programs, and field experiences with PA State Park Educators! Find a PA State Park. Need help connecting to a PA State Park with an Educator on staff? Reach out to Carissa Longo

DCNR facilities and Programs are OPEN to ALL👐

  • Many Environmental Education programs require pre-registration. Explore the DCNR events calendar for details & to register.
  • Plan your outing before you leave. Learn about facilities, download a park map on your phone or print it, and review regulations here: Find A Park
  • Take care of & respect the resource. Park, picnic, hike, hunt, & more only in designated areas.
  • Check the weather before you depart, wear proper footwear, and bring lots of water. Wear orange if hiking in designated hunting areas. Please clean up after pets 🐕.
  • Do not litter 🚮.
  • Alcohol is not allowed in PA State Parks.
  • Make a Reservation (up to 11-months in advance) at a PA State Park Campground, Camping Cottage, Cabin, Yurt, or Pavilion.


You can help keep state parks safe for all by following these practices:

  • Use the restroom before you leave your house 🏡
  • Bring a bag and either carry out your trash or dispose of it properly
  • Continue to practice social distancing, take hand sanitizer with you & use it
  • If you are sick or have been exposed to someone who is sick, stay home

🥤 Stay Cool! 🍉

Carissa Longo, Natural Resource Program Specialist

(Coordinating Project WILD & Pennsylvania Songbirds Curricula for all of PA)


Christine Ticehurst, Natural Resource Program Specialist

(Coordinating PLT & DCNR's GO Teach Curricula for PA State Parks)


Kim Lott, Natural Resource Program Specialist

(Coordinating Project WET, & DCNR's Watershed Education & PA Land Choices Curricula for PA State Parks)

Visit the DCNR Events Calendar- Teacher Workshops to find additional training opportunities! Click the arrows to see upcoming months.

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