One More Word on Love

Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

The Gospel of John tells the story of a quiet and intimate moment between Jesus and his disciples. The setting is like that of a family that has gathered to say goodbye to a loved one. Soon Jesus will be arrested and taken away. The fear and worry and anxiety hang thickly in the air but Jesus is able to speak through the fear. He begins by saying, “Little Children.” 

He shares with his closest and dearest friends what is central to their faith and to their lives. There is not a word of systematic theology. There is nothing about how to convert to Christianity. He is not telling them what they have to believe in order to get to heaven when they die. He’s not telling them how to become Christians. Nope.

Instead, he gives them a new commandment, “that you love one another.” That doesn’t seem new. Afterall, the Old Testament, Jesus’ Bible, is full of teachings about loving one another. Love God and love your neighbor are clear commands.

The new part comes in his next sentence: “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” He’s defining for them what love looks like in their community. He is telling them and us, too, what it means to practice loving in the way Jesus loved. 

The Gospel of John was most likely written 70 years or more after the time of Jesus. There may have been some theological issues or conflicts in this still relatively new movement. So John reaches way back in his memory to a sweet and precious moment when he taught friends about love.

One of the sweetest weddings I have ever led was a quiet one many years ago. The groom had a rough life. He’d spent some time in prison, dealt with alcoholism, and finally, through the help of great friends, found a way to begin anew. His bride’s life had not been easy either. She was well-educated. She had a PhD in nursing, taught at the local college, and was a sought-after consultant for hospitals and medical institutions. She had suffered through a brutal marriage, though. She was verbally and emotionally abused for years. Breaking out of that relationship wasn’t easy, but like her groom, she had great support from wonderful friends.

The two of them met at the church I was serving. They fell deeply in love. A year later, we held a private ceremony. All three of us dressed up like we were going to a grand party. We walked to the chancel together. I lit the candles on the communion table. And then I began the ceremony, “Little children, let us love one another.” Their eyes filled with tears. So did mine.

In their vows they made a promise to love each other “as long as life endures.” At that moment the groom smiled and adlibbed, “We have endured a lot already, but our love has given us a new life together.” Like Jesus, they had found the courage and the will, to give themselves to each other in love. 

Love is the greatest gift.

Sunday, October 6,

9 and 11 am FC North

Soli Deo Gloria

Join First Community this Sunday, October 6 as we celebrate Soli Deo Gloria and World Communion Sunday. This special service of music and word will feature our First Community combined choirs and a guest orchestra, showcasing the beautiful Dixit Dominus by Marianna Martines and the timeless music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Also, First Community's young people will take their first communion, and we will welcome new members in both services. It's going to be a powerful worship experience, and we hope to see you there to celebrate the beauty of music and faith together.

(Please note that there will be no 10 am service on that day.)

This week in Sunday School

  • Our K/2nd at 9 am, and K/1st at 11 am will hear the Godly Play story, The Good Shepherd. If the shepherd loses even one sheep, he will search until it has been found.
  • Our 3rd-5th at 9 am, will hear the Godly Play story called World Communion. Today is a special day when Christians all over the world celebrate communion. We are part of the celebration.
  • Following 4th grade First Communion, the 4th-7th grade class at 11 am will be led by Reverend Sarah Kientz. The class will reflect on the Communion ceremony and discuss why communion is an important ritual for Christians.

Wrapping Up: Measuring What Matters

As we approach the end of the year, we are also wrapping up our 2025 generosity campaign, Measuring What Matters. This campaign has been an incredible journey. As part of the campaign, we were able to showcase the spirit and mission of First Community through three powerful videos. If you haven't had a chance to see them, or want to watch again, you will find them below. These videos have highlighted the impact of our generosity on the community and the world, and we are proud to have shared them with all of you.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who have already submitted their estimate of giving cards. Your support and generosity are truly appreciated, and they have played a vital role in helping us achieve our goals. Your contributions make a real difference in the lives of so many, and we are grateful for your ongoing support. To date over half of the estimates of giving received are showing an average increase of 15% and the total amount of the estimates received show an increase of 15%.

For those who have not yet submitted their estimate of giving cards, we want to encourage you to please take a moment to do so. Your participation is essential as we work towards reaching our goal. Every single contribution matters, and together, we can make a significant impact. No matter the size of your contribution, it all adds up to create positive change in our community and beyond.

We are immensely proud of the progress we have made throughout the Measuring What Matters campaign, and we are excited to see the continued generosity of our community. Thank you for being a part of this journey, and thank you for making generosity matter.

Make Your 2025 Estimate of Giving Today

Measuring What Matters Video Series by Michael Barber

The Gathering

Are you looking for some midweek fun and inspiration? Well, look no further! We are thrilled to announce the launch of a brand-new series, "The Not So Late Show with Glen and FC Clergy," which kicks off this Wednesday night at the Gathering!

Each Wednesday evening, from now through October 30, Glen will be hosting lively and engaging interviews with our beloved clergy. It's a fantastic opportunity to get to know them better and share some laughs together.

To make the evening even more special, we'll be serving up delicious deli sandwiches, chips, and mouthwatering desserts. It's the perfect combination of good food, good company, and good conversation.

Check out the graphic for the weekly schedule, and mark your calendar for this week's event. You won't want to miss it!

Remember, life is better when we're together, so come join us for an evening of fun and fellowship at the Gathering's "The Not So Late Show."

Blood Drive

All who come to give blood Oct. 1-31 will receive a $10 Gift Card by email. Plus, automatic entry for a chance to win one of three $5,000 gift cards. See details at Register to give blood HERE.

Children and Youth Ministry

Have you ever wondered how balloon artists make their creations? If so, participants as young as 12 years old to all adults who are “young at heart” are encouraged to join us. 

Erica Carlson of Erica’s Entertainment will be teaching a class on balloon twisting. The fee is $10 which provides you with a hand pump and 100 balloons. You will learn the art of making 5 different items. After you “graduate” we hope to enlist your skills for youth events. Click the graphic to register. 

The Children’s & Youth Ministry is trying something new this fall: Children’s Church!

On chosen Sundays, children will be dismissed from worship to attend a casual, kid-friendly worship service that will feature music, a noisy offering, acted-out Bible stories, and hands-on activities. This will take the place of Sunday School on the following days at the following services:

  • Sunday, October 13: 9 am at North
  • Sunday, November 10: 10 am at South
  • Sunday, January 12: 11 am at North 

Children of all ages are welcome to join us, but pre-K children must attend with a parent. No registration required! We hope families choose to attend these worship services so that their kids can experience Children’s Church!

The Youth Team is excited to invite you to our annual Halloween Hullabaloo! Join us right after church Sunday, October 20, 12-1. Non-scary costumes welcome at the event.  You can even preview your costume during worship at 11.

Join us just outside the patio doors.  

Fall Youth Retreat 

Saturday, October 26 - Sunday, October 27, Camp Akita 

Registration is now open for the Fall Youth Retreat! Youth in grades 6-12 are welcome to join us for a weekend of fun down at Camp Akita. Friends are welcome, even if they have not attended Crossroads or other FC youth programs. The Youth Retreat is $75 per participant. Full and partial scholarships are available. Our weekend will feature Halloween-themed games, hiking, crafts, reflection, and friendship, all in the backdrop of beautiful Camp Akita! Registration closes Monday, October 21. Contact Rev. Sarah Kientz with questions. 

Youth Retreat Registration

Sunday Morning Childcare Volunteers

To ensure we have two leaders present, we are looking for a volunteer to help during each service. 

There is no lesson to teach in Sunday childcare. We ask that you spend your time welcoming and supporting our youngest members as they play in the room during services. 

Staff or designated volunteer team member will teach the lesson in Sunday school. Occasional volunteers will help take attendance, support the children during the lesson and response time, serve snacks, and be an added layer of safety. 

Sunday Childcare: Infant – Pre-K
Sunday school: K-8th

Midweek Mission, Heart to Heart Thanksgiving Food Drive 

This year’s Thanksgiving food drive benefiting the Midweek Missions Thanksgiving Basket project and Heart to Heart food pantry, will begin on October 1. Please support our efforts by donating the food items we need to pack baskets for 20 Franklinton families and provide Heart to Heart with the food clients will need to prepare a Thanksgiving meal-kit.  

Look for boxes where donations can be dropped off close to the K-5 classrooms, in the Rose Wing entrance and close to the coffee station at First Community North. Donations at South can be placed in the marked box in the coatroom donation area.  

The drive will conclude with a churchwide Thanksgiving food collection on Sunday, November 10 during all worship services. On that day, donated items should be brought into worship and placed on the chancel to be blessed.

  • Canned Green Beans    
  • Cream of Mushroom soup
  • Fried Onions
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Egg Noodles
  • Stuffing Mix (box or bag)
  • Broth (chicken or turkey) 
  • Canned Sweet Potatoes 
  • Gravy (chicken or turkey) 

Midweek Missions also needs 20 frozen turkeys. Let us know we can expect a turkey donation from you by signing up here. All turkeys must be delivered to the First Community North walk-in refrigerator on either Sunday, November 24, 8:30 am -12:30 pm or Monday, November 25 before 11 am.  

The Midweek Missions program and Heart to Heart food pantry are happy to collaborate for this year’s Thanksgiving food drive. Whether used by Midweek or Heart to Heart, please know that your food donations will be received by a family in need this holiday season.  

Please visit for more information.

Mexico Mission Trip 2025 

Experience a more powerful spring break! This year’s Mexico Mission Trip is March 18 – 26, 2025. The trip is for high school students, college students, and their family members. To learn more, visit

We are offering two Info Sessions about the trip: Wednesday, October 16, at 7 pm, and Sunday, November 10 at 2 pm. Both will be held at First Community North, and both are available to attend via Zoom for those who register to receive the link. RSVP to the meetings here (Mexico Info Sessions) or by emailing Rev. Sarah Kientz.

Mary Evans Childcare Center is Enrolling

Email Leigh Anne Easterling for information.

Governing Board Update

by April Howe, Governing Board Chair

Greetings First Community,

October already? Where did September go? I'm not sure I'm ready but bring on Autumn! It's hard to believe we're entering the last quarter of 2024. In Glen's Measuring What Matters email last week, I was particularly inspired by these words,

Cultivating a generous life begins with discovering the richness in our lives that is already there... The freedom this brings to live with an open heart is a wonderful gift.

And by the quote he shared from Lynne Twist,

"The more you appreciate and celebrate the richness in your life, the more you find it."

The Governing Board and related Committees/Task Forces will be busy with several meetings to finish the work and goals we set for ourselves earlier this year. An overview of some of this work is listed below.

  • Approved August meeting minutes. Did you know you can find past meeting minutes on the church website? Click here!
  • Reviewed Financial and Operations reports from Liz Compton, Executive Director of Operations. Highlights include August finishing $219k better than budget partially due to the response of requesting members who were behind in their 2024 giving commitment to catch up. At our October meeting, we'll receive an update on Measuring What Matters estimates of giving.
  • The Foundation Board approved $32k in grants for September: Akita 75th Anniversary Celebration $12,000, Mold Recovery in Mod A $16,000, and Replace Crossroads Furniture from Mod A $4,000. Liz is working with our insurance company to get a claim for these unforeseen costs. The Foundation Board is hosting a Generational Giving Seminar on October 24 from 4-6:30 pm presented by the Johnson Group.
  • Approved appointments of 3 new Foundation Board members – Deb Humphrey, Julie Jenkins, and Molly Miely.
  • Glen's Senior Minister's report highlighted the collaboration happening across all ministry areas. It's producing great discussions and partnerships among staff and congregation members. He also reported on some of the leadership developments they're focusing on. Worship Attendance and engagement remain high. Year-to-date, they are up 20% over last year and getting much closer to pre-COVID levels.
  • The Personnel Committee will present the revised handbook to the Governing Board for review at our meeting on Wednesday, October 23, at 7 pm at FC North.
  • Thank you cards were sent to all participants of the Measuring What Matters video series.

Please note that we've changed our November meeting schedule to accommodate the Thanksgiving holiday. The Finance Committee will meet Monday, November 18, at 4 pm at FC North, and the Governing Board will meet Wednesday, November 20, at 7 pm at FC North.

I'm continually impressed with how our facilities run so smoothly, with all of the activities happening at both locations. Our FC Staff is doing a great job supporting our congregation and community with their time, talent, and resources. 

Peace & Blessings,

April Howe

First Community Foundation

Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation

Friends, I wanted to share a wonderful story with you. A couple within our church community contacted me wishing to establish a Foundation fund using IRA assets upon the surviving spouse's passing. Through their planned giving strategy, their named fund would automatically transfer funds to the church every year, serving as their continued annual pledge and generating funding for an area of ministry they feel very passionate about. This is an excellent example of a creative and impactful approach to planned giving. This strategy supports the church's operating budget and is one of our areas of ministry in perpetuity. We are so grateful for the generosity and thoughtfulness on the part of this couple.

I am informing you of an informational seminar Johnson Investment Counsel, which manages the Foundation funds, will present on October 24, 2024, from 4:30 pm to 6 pm at FC North. The seminar title is "Meeting Your Legacy Goals – Tax Strategies for Charitable Giving." In addition to hors d'oeuvres and wine being served, some great information will be shared regarding strategies to maximize the impact of your legacy charitable giving. Register for the event here.

You can participate in the important work of the First Community Foundation and the support of the ministries of First Community by creating a fund, donating to an established fund, or remembering the Foundation in your estate planning, will, obituary, and 401(k) benefits. Planned giving is a wonderful way to support those ministries of First Community that you feel most passionate about for decades to come. Not only are your planned gifts vitally important in the support of the ministries of First Community, but there may also be tax incentives available to you now and/or to your loved ones in the disposition of your estate.

First Community Foundation was established in 1961 to support the future of First Community Church’s programs and ministries. The Foundation is supported by immediate and/or planned gifts from those with a focus on the future of First Community and leaving a family legacy. The Foundation provides full assurance that donors' wishes for their legacy gift will be honored and benefit the church.

The impact areas supported by the First Community Foundation include:

  • Camp Akita
  • Facilities, landscape, and maintenance
  • First Community Village
  • Missions
  • Worship & Arts
  • Youth Programs

Please contact Rev. Seth Stearns, Director of First Community Foundation, to explore your planned giving options. Seth can be reached by email at or by phone at (614) 488-0681.

Welcome New Members

First Community received 12 new members into the congregation on Sunday, September 1.

Alexa and Ethan Molitor

(left to right): Richard and Judy Martin, Becky Roeder, Naomi Hoyt, David and Bee Hydorn

Not pictured: Carolyn Able, Cap Clegg, David and Mary Gibb

Early Music in Columbus Concert

Purchase Tickets

Blessing of the Animals

We are thrilled to invite you and your beloved pets to First Community's annual Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, October 13 at 2 pm at FC South.

This heartwarming event will feature a special service that will conclude with individual pet blessings. Each participant will receive a prayer card to take home as a beautiful keepsake.

In the spirit of giving back, Heart to Heart will be collecting cat and dog food, along with treats, at the event. If you would like to contribute, you can drop off your donation on Sunday morning at worship in the parking lots at both locations or bring it with you to the Animal Blessing.

This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community, celebrate the bond between humans and animals, and receive a special blessing for your furry, feathered, or scaly friends.

We look forward to seeing you and your beloved pets at this special event. Let's make this a day to remember as we gather to honor and bless our cherished animal companions.

Akita Fall Fun Day

 October 27, 1 – 4 pm, Camp Akita

(29746 Logan-Hornsmill Rd., Logan, OH 43138) 

Join us for some Fall outdoor fun at Camp Akita on Sunday, October 27! Drop in anytime from 1 – 4 pm to enjoy open-house-style fun: hike the trails; take out a canoe, or bring a fishing pole and enjoy some quiet time at the lake; carve or decorate a pumpkin; join in with some group campfire songs at the Amphitheatre; take a hayride out to the Adventure Complex, climb the Alpine Tower, and try the Giant Swing! Or just come to relax and enjoy the fall foliage with friends and family. 

Whether this will be your first time at Camp Akita or you have been attending for years, we hope to see you on October 27! All are welcome; no registration required. 

All activities will be held outdoors unless there is inclement weather. First time traveling to Camp Akita? Click here for directions. For more information, email our Columbus Akita Offices. 

Missions Updates

Click below to read the On a Mission! monthly news. In this month’s news you can find more information about:

  • Yohan’s monthly update on Heart to Heart includes a reminder about the Pet Blessing and Food Drive in October.  
  • The Refugee Ministry Team has welcomed a family of 5 from Venezuela. Learn more about the family and how you can help.
  • Read about the lengths folks will go to for a chance to shop at the Trading Post.
  • The Tandana Foundation invites you to A Celebration of Hope on November 8.
  • Despite the recent drought, read about how the Share and Learn Garden has managed and continues to provide the food pantry with fresh produce!
  • We ask that all volunteers consider taking the Darkness to Light abuse prevention training. More info and a registration link included.
  • A recap of the State of the Ministry Teams address by Rev. John Girard is included with a link to photos and video.
  • Grants continue to be awarded by the Mission Grants Team, for both non-profit organizations and individual emergency needs.
Click Here to Read On A Mission! Newsletter

Crochet and Quilting and Mats—OH MY!

by Rick Greene, Mission Grants Team Member

Sometimes your heart speaks best through your hands.

You may have noticed the artwork at First Community; it is an offering of the creative human spirit responding to our God. As artist David Hockney has said, "When the eye, the hand, and the heart come together, that's when you get the greatest art." People can be truly uplifted by the work developed through such handiwork as manifestations of visible and tangible faith and love.

There is evidence of this in the Church through fabric arts at both North and South locations, including hanging quilts, paraments, and clerical stoles. However, there are other fabric art activities in the life of First Community and its missions, such as Mat Makers, Warm Welcome Knitters, and Prayers and Squares. In addition, a local artist, Molly Todd, uses her quilting skills to support families and children.

Community Justice

Rev. John Girard, Minister of Mission and Justice

On Sunday afternoon, Sept. 22, I presented the State of the Ministry Teams Address, sharing my Mission & Community Justice observations from my first 100 days at First Community. Thank you to the more than 50 members who attended, asked questions, and shared affirmations as I laid out goals and next steps for the Missions and Community Justice ministry teams. A video link to the presentation is available HERE if you couldn’t attend. Again, thank you for your attendance and support as we prepare for the next steps in these exciting ministries and volunteer opportunities at First Community! 

REVIVING HOPE: A Climate Action Summit for All Generations

First Community’s Environmental Justice Team invites you to attend on October 12, 9 am – 5 pm, for a multi-congregational engagement around climate action and environmental justice. The program will include presentations, youth panel, action planning, and more! 

Registration fee is $30 and includes lunch. For more information, or to register, click HERE. Registration closes 10/6.

Click Here to Read SLLC Newsletter

Women's Guild

Women’s Guild Fall Kickoff

by Kitty Rohrer

On August 28, over 60 women gathered in Grace Hall for our annual Fall Potluck and Program Year Kickoff. As always, the food was scrumptious and plentiful! Thanks to the women for the food, to Martha Livingston for the darling table decorations, to Rev. John Girard for offering grace and leading the Guild Officer Installation, to Pam Jameson and her awesome facilities staff for the setup and services, and to Jane Torbica, who provides all the behind-the-scenes activities that help to make any and all of the Women’s Guild programs a success! 

This year’s donations were gathered for the Hope Recovery Center off Sullivant Ave. in the Hilltop and their newest location in Linden. Scott Sanders, Executive Director, spoke to the women about HOPE and its efforts to combat the soaring rates of homelessness, drug overdoses, forced prostitution, violent crime, and poverty in Franklin County.   

First Community’s initial contact with HOPE was through the Heart-to-Heart Pop-Up Pantry’s (PUP) monthly delivery of groceries, mainly geared toward the needs of those who are unhoused and likely living on the streets. The PUP’s outreach has extended to regularly taking clothes donated by the Trading Post, sleeping mats provided by the Mat Makers, and knitted hats and scarves contributed by the Knitting Group. 

HOPE is a gathering place where people feel safe, loved, and accepted (much like First Community). All programs and services are based on the Core Values of Belonging, Relationships, Humility, Spiritual Transformation, Wisdom, and Mutuality. All are welcome, all are equal, and all help form the therapeutic Community of Support! 

The Center offers meals ( 3,644 hot and packed meals to go in August), medical care in collaboration with Lower Lights, Equitas, and Mr. Carmel Street Outreach (73 persons seen in August); Narcan kits for immediate reversal of an overdose (885 –2-pack kits given in August); weekly gatherings for support (588 attendees total in August); direct referrals to substance abuse treatment (229 placed into treatment in the last 12 months); ongoing contact throughout and following treatment with offering an average of 20 Care Packages each month to those in treatment; direct referral for mental health services. And this is just a sample of the services and support HOPE Staff and Volunteers provide! 

For more information about HOPE and how to become involved in this dynamic community outreach mission, visit their website. There is a “Wish List,” and HOPE can always use more volunteers and socks, underwear, and cash donations. Since local and federal grants cover the staff and organizational expenses, all donations go directly to the needs of the clients. 

As always, the women attending the dinner were incredibly generous! They filled two cars with toiletries, socks, underwear, and eight sleeping mats. Thanks to Janice Rook for arranging this year’s mission and speaker and organizing and transporting all the donations to HOPE! 

The evening ended with honoring those women the Guild lost this year and installing the 2024-2025 Women’s Guild Officers and Group Representatives in a lovely candlelit ceremony led by Rev. Girard. For more information about the Women’s Guild and how to join, contact Nancy Withers at or (614) 571-4469. 

Lemonade Sunday

On August 18, Guild Membership Chair Nancy Withers organized a Lemonade Sunday following the 10 and 11 am services. Cookies and lemonade were available to all, and Nancy and other Guild members talked about Guild membership to women attending the service. Twenty-two women expressed interest in the Guild, and ten participated in a tea sponsored by Guild E on September 14. WELCOME NEW GUILD MEMBERS! 

Women's Retreat

The Women’s Guild has also been actively planning the Women’s Retreat at Camp Akita on October 18- 20.  The retreat is being led by Barb Davis and is currently on a waitlist to attend.  

Veterans and First Responders Lunch Group

November Save the Dates

With the presidential election just weeks away, the Guild is preparing for the Betty O’Neill Election Day Bake Sale to be held at both church locations on election day. There will be homemade soups as well as a wide variety of homemade baked goods and snack items. Whether you vote at one of these locations or not, plan to stop by and pick something up to share at work, to take for lunch, or just to indulge in goodness! 

Give to First Community

Your gift helps us live out our vision to serve the world.

Please consider a gift in memory or an honorarium to the

Church or Foundation.

Click here to securely give online.

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