Fall 2024 | Volume 86 | No. 2

In This Issue

The theme for this fall edition of the Colorado Episcopalian magazine, “Journeying Together,” invites readers to reflect on our lives of faith, through the revelatory lens of pilgrimage as a metaphor for our spiritual and communal journeys. This edition explores the transformative power of walking together in faith, discovering the sacred in both the physical and spiritual landscapes we traverse, beginning right at home and discovering the ever-expanding call of God for us. The ancient spiritual practice of pilgrimage, a central expression of this theme, embodies the intentional act of seeking and finding God’s presence in the world and within ourselves. Together, we listen for God, we discern God’s call, and we take steps into the future God has for us. Reflecting on our journey as pilgrims encourages deeper connections with fellow travelers, fostering unity, shared wisdom, and collective growth. Through stories, reflections, and insights, we hope this edition will inspire us all to embrace the path ahead with open hearts, knowing that we are never alone on our pilgrimage of faith.

For the print PDF version of this Colorado Episcopalian edition, please click here.

Faith is a Journey

by Bishop Kym Lucas

In the 35 years since my confirmation as an Episcopalian, I have found that the most helpful description of the life of faith is “a journey.” Some might refer to it as a “path” or “a road” but in my experience, it feels more like a game trail or single track, than anything as luxurious as a road or path. But no matter how wide or narrow the way, faith has been a journey for me.

Jesus said to the apostles, “If anyone wishes to be my disciple, let them deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow me.” The “following” part requires that we move. We who would serve the world in Christ’s name don’t have the option of staying still or remaining where Jesus found us. We are called to walk in the footsteps of our Lord. Even when the road is unclear, even if we’re not quite sure where we’re going to end up, faithfulness is about taking the next faithful step.

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Pilgrimage As Disruption

by Missioner Tracy Methe

Some may wonder why you would leave the comforts of home to wander across the wet and scrappy Scottish landscape, side-stepping sheep droppings and the occasional Highland kuh, realizing your skin is the only layer of waterproofing left, and most of the landscape you might have hoped to see is masked in mist. Or why would you decide to walk out your front door to journey through your pandemic-locked-down community, walking mile after mile alone along quiet suburban paths? Why would you venture across Portugal and Spain, not to enjoy the luxuries of international travel, but instead to walk kilometer after kilometer on the Camino de Santiago, at day’s end reaching one destination in time for rest, only to set out at daybreak to do it all again the next day, and the next?

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A Pilgrim's Progress

by the Rev. Chris Ditzenberger

In September, 15 Saint Gabriel parishioners and friends met in London to begin an eleven-day trip. We billed this as a pilgrimage, though an onlooker from several centuries ago might dispute that. Ours was not without the elements of pilgrimage, though we benefited from public transportation and modern conveniences. Given the reality of being 21st-century travelers accustomed to expectations that are usually met and privilege and agency to control our surroundings, we labored night and day to be pilgrims. How did we do that? We unplugged as much as possible, paid attention to our surroundings, examined, queried, and reflected on our intentions, and surrendered our personal agendas as we flowed in and out of community life as we journeyed together.

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An Alabama Pilgrimage

by Carol Park

How many Episcopalians does it take to go on a Pilgrimage to Alabama? Seventeen, as it turns out. We ranged in age from 11 to 80 and were from the Front Range Region of the Episcopal Church in Colorado. Most were strangers to each other before we met. But we came together in April 2024 out of a common mission: to bear witness. To confront the truth of a terrible history and shine a light so that healing may continue. By the end of the five days, we were bonded from our shared, at times painful, witness.

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Epiphany on the Youth Pilgrimage

by Eli Boeglin

This past summer, specifically the week of our youth pilgrimage, has been one of immense growth. My faith has been reformed and my interpretation of religion refined. That is something I notice about these YES Trips and other adjacent experiences: my faith grows, but not in the way you would think. It morphs and molds to fit the experiences that I have had because of intense doubt and questions.

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A Labyrinth Journey

by Mary Thoma

The labyrinth is an ancient symbol of the spiritual journey, representing a winding path of healing and pilgrimage that has resonated across cultures for thousands of years. In medieval Christianity, when pilgrims could not undertake the perilous journey to Jerusalem, walking a labyrinth — such as the renowned 13th-century design in Chartres Cathedral — offered a profound alternative for deep reflection, prayer, and the pursuit of forgiveness. Today, labyrinths remain powerful spiritual tools, with classical and medieval designs still widely embraced alongside new forms that continue to emerge.

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