Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,
The staff and board at Meher Center send much love to you and your family this holiday season. Even though we will continue to follow fairly strict masking and gathering protocols at the Center during the holidays, we will be presenting a wide variety of programming for those who will be visiting later this month. Please check our online calendar for upcoming events.
On December 15, 1918, Meher Baba’s remarkable sister, Mani, was born in Poona, India. Her life was a selfless gift of love to her Beloved and to the world. Happily, there are numerous videos of Mani that capture her sparkling personality, and a wonderful biography by Heather Nadel, The Joyous Path, that chronicles her life with Baba. This week we offer a delightful glimpse of Mani in Mandali Hall at Meherazad.
We are also presenting a talk by Irwin Luck given over Thanksgiving weekend this year at the Meeting Place. Many thanks to Irwin for sharing his love for Baba with us all.
We hope to see you at the Avatar’s home in the West in 2023!
In Baba’s love and service,
Buz Connor
For Meher Center board and staff