St. Bernard's Academy Newsletter

January 27, 2023

Winter Spirit Week Next Week

January 30th through February 3rd will be Winter Week. The week will end with the Winter Formal Dance for high school students on February 4th from 8:00 to 11:00.

High School Dress Up Days

Monday - Rhymes without Reasons Day - Dress up as two totally different things but the names rhyme. For example: Lightning McQueen and Mr. Clean, Eminem and M&M

Tuesday - DC vs Marvel Day

Wednesday - White Lie Day - Wear a white t-shirt with an obvious and appropriate lie written.

Thursday - Jersey Day

Friday - School Spirit Day

Middle School Dress Up Days

Monday - Rhymes without Reasons Day - Dress up as two totally different things but the names rhyme. For example: Lightning McQueen and Mr. Clean, Eminem and M&M

Tuesday - Twin Day

Wednesday - White Lie Day - Wear a white t-shirt with an obvious and appropriate lie written.

Thursday - Jersey Day

Friday - School Spirit Day

Enrollment for Next Year

If you have a sibling or family member who is planning to attend SBA next fall, please submit an application as soon as possible so that we can reserve their spot. We are filling up fast!

Current students do not need reapply.

Thank you for your support of our school family.

Please help the Catholic Federation help Betty Chinn. We are collecting jars of peanut butter and jelly to help Betty help those in need. Thank you!

Lost and Found is Filling UP!

Our Lost and Found Corner is filling up. Please claim any lost items by Friday, February 17th. Any items left after that date will be donated to Betty Chinn. Thank you!

Upcoming Events

Friday, February 3rd - United Indian Health Presentation - The Hazards of Vaping

Saturday, February 4th - High School Winter Formal, 8:00 - 11:00, Auditorium

Tuesday, February 7th - Early Dismissal 12:50 - Teacher Inservice

February 20th - February 24th - Presidents Week - No School

Friday, March 17th - End of Third Quarter

Friday, April 21st - Wild West: Crusader Corral - Our annual school dinner and auction fundraiser 

Click for school calendar

Middle School Sports

Tuesday, January 31st

4:00/5:00 6th/8th Grade Boys Basketball vs Hoopa

Wednesday, February 1st

4:00 6th Grade Boys Basketball vs Cutten

Friday, February 3rd

6th Grade Boys Basketball at Rio Dell Tournament

High School Sports Update

Friday, January 27th

Wrestling at Ukiah

Saturday, January 28th

Wrestling vs Ukiah

3:00/6:00 JV/V Girls Basketball at Eureka

1:30/4:30/7:30 Frosh/JV/V Boys Basketball at Eureka

Tuesday, January 31st

4:30/6:00/7:30 Frosh/JV/V Boys Basketball vs Hoopa

Wednesday, February 1st

6:00/7:30 JV/V Girls Basketball at Hoopa

Wrestling at Ferndale

Thursday, February 2nd

6:00/7:30 JV/V Boys Basketball vs Ferndale

Friday, February 3rd

6:00/7:30 JV/V Girls Basketball at Ferndale

Students in Action

3-D Cell Cake Models in Biology this week!

We celebrated our seniors,

Shaya and MaTaya this week.

Engineering Club visited Cal Poly Humboldt to try the Flight Simulator.

Marine Biology toured Cal Poly Humboldt’s research vessel the Coral Sea this week.

8th grade Boys Basketball were the Pacific Union Tourney Champions!

AP Environmental Science visited the

Waste Management Center this week and learned about trash!

Our 8th graders attended Cal Poly Humboldt's "I've Already Been Accepted to College Day."

Ways to Support our Students
Box Tops for Education (SB school ID is 195539)
Amazon Smile (St. Bernards Catholic Schools)
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