The Life of Harlen Lambert
For those inclined to pore over historical manuscripts, and find wisdom in the fortitude and passion of everyday heroes in their community archives, the story of Harlen Lambert, details not only the account of the first person of color to be hired onto any police force in Orange County, but also the account of an intrepid entrepreneur, a proponent for advances in police-community relations, a believer in the merit of education, a top athlete, as well as a husband and father of one. Explore the Santa Ana History Room’s online exhibition of Lambert’s contributions as an esteemed and beloved member our community, and a role model.
Photo: Heritage Museum of Orange County
Author Hour featuring Jayne Allen
February’s Author Hour features Jayne Allen, author of the series, Black Girls Must Die Exhausted. Her timely novels touch upon various subjects bringing a certain amount of dynamism to contemporary women’s fiction. Join us as we discuss Jayne’s passions, both for writing and furthering diversity in book publishing. Books will be given away first come, first served and while supplies last.
Main Library
Saturday, 2/4/23
1:00 - 2:30 PM
Celebrate Black History Month with Soul
Families are invited to enjoy a special screening of Disney/Pixar’s “Soul” at Main or Newhope Library. Children in attendance will receive a Jazz themed craft to make at home while supplies last.
Newhope Library
Thursday, 2/16/23
5:00 - 7:00 pm
Main Library
Thursday, 2/23/23
4:00 - 6:00 pm
Movie Nights at the Library: Harriet
Movie Nights at the Library continue this month with “Harriet,” the story of the heroic abolitionist, Harriet Tubman. Snacks and drinks will be provided while supplies last. Arrive early for best seating!
Main Library
Monday, 2/27/23
6:00 - 8:00 pm
TeenTime at Garfield Community Center
TeenTime by SAPL is now open at Garfield Community Center! Designed as a safe space for teens to do homework, hangout and get creative after school.
TeenTime is open
Monday - Friday; 3:00 - 6:00 pm
at Garfield Community Center
501 N Lacy Street Santa Ana CA 92701
Join our Friends of the Library
Are you looking for an opportunity to give back to the community? Join the Friends of the Santa Ana Public Library (FOSAPL)! Volunteers are needed to shelve, sort, pack and sell books during weekly Bookstore sales. Funds raised by the Friends help to support programs and services for the community.
To learn more about the Friends of the Santa Ana Public Library and to get involved, please visit our website.
Meet Moxie! SAPL's Robotic Companion Lending Program
Come to SAPL and meet Moxie, a special robotic friend for children with special needs. Parents can register their child to participate in this exciting robotic companion lending program that focuses on building youth’s social and emotional skills through interactions with a robot pal.
Read with Me Winter
Reading Program
Youth up to 8th grade, register for the Read with Me: Winter Reading Program! Read 5 books or have 5 books read to you to earn one certificate for a free child’s meal from Panda Express.* To register in person, visit the Knowledge Mobile, Main or Newhope Library, or register online through Beanstack. The last day to register and claim a prize is February 28. 2023.
*Participants may receive only one meal certificate during this program.
Help SAPL go "Paperless" with Digital Files
In an effort to reduce our paper consumption, SAPL is limiting the number of program calendars printed each month and encouraging patrons to utilize digital versions. To stay up to date on all things SAPL, bookmark our website santa-ana.org/library and follow us on social media @SantaAnaLibrary
Featured Services and E-Resources
The Zip Books program provides speedy access to books that are not available in our collection. Simply request the item, the Library will purchase it from Amazon, and the book will be shipped directly to your home.
Stream ad-free movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films, and educational videos on your TV, mobile phones, tablets, and online.
The Santa Ana History Room is committed to fostering an interest in local history by collecting, preserving and making available materials of enduring historical value relating to the development of the City of Santa Ana and Orange County.
Un-Valentine's Day
Love hurts. Denounce Valentine’s Day with us. Teen Club Hosts a lonely hearts silent disco featuring music, games, and refreshments.