
No Longer Stranded or Stuck

Love Columbia, with the help of Columbia Credit Union and private donors, gave 19 donated cars to working, single parents with urgent needs and helped 6 individuals find/ purchase cars in 2022. Our volunteers taught 6 people how to drive and helped them obtain driver's licenses. Through the Veterans United Foundation Get to Work fund, we provided 147 car repairs and 340 fuel vouchers/ride fares. One driver was outfitted with a car wheelchair ramp. Others were helped to retrieve impounded cars or prevent repossession.

Transportation assistance is often urgent business. We could hear the despair in Michelle's voice when she told us her car had broken down, and she didn't know when she would have the money to fix it. She revealed that she was actively looking for a place to move because her rent had increased and was now unaffordable.

She said, “I’m picking up extra shifts at work when I can, and that has helped me make sure that I have enough gas to get to and from work and kids to and from their extracurricular activities and weekly appointments. Their afternoon bus isn't running anymore so that has made everything that much more difficult. Because I have been working so much, this is the last month of food stamps I will receive.

I feel like I'm trying so hard but constantly right on the verge of drowning.” Two repairs later, the family had reliable transportation again. They could not be more grateful!

Car Savings Matching Fund

Neighbors who otherwise could not have purchased a vehicle are now driving to work in their own car!

Love Columbia's Car Savings Matching fund was created to address the rising cost of used cars prohibiting many low-income workers from purchasing a car. Program participants can receive a matching grant up to $500 if they save $1,000. They may also be eligible for a $1,000 no-interest loan.

Since July 2022, we have assisted 7 families through car savings matching and loan funds provided by local donors. The hope of receiving this assistance has motivated many more to begin to save.

Driving Into a Better Future

A single mom who lived far from the bus route was walking a half mile from her trailer to the road (Highway 63), hoping someone would give her and her two sons a ride to town. Then she would ride the bus to her house cleaning jobs. She was assisted with the matching fund and now has a car and is continuing on with her cleaning business.

A young man who recently transitioned back to the community from incarceration landed a livable wage job, but he was spending much of his paycheck on Uber rides. Through participation in our Extra Mile budgeting program, he saved enough money to qualify for the car savings match. One of our volunteer car shoppers found a reliable car that fit his budget, and he is now driving himself to work and setting new financial goals.

A single mom living in an Extra Mile Home needed reliable transportation in order to move from homelessness to stability. We first helped her obtain her drivers license and then provided her with a donated van. This enabled her to relocate to Indiana where she has family support and housing options. 

During a two months in an Extra Mile Home, a single mom actively participated in financial coaching and received help to restore her license and get her car repaired. She and her children are now living in their own home! Thank you to our volunteers from Carfax for helping her move.

Car Coach Volunteer Receives Community Service Award

Howdy Matheny received the Salvation Army's Making a Difference Community Service Award. You can read their highlight of him here.

Our clients typically drive older cars (average year 2008), and many find it difficult to prioritize car maintenance in their budgets. Through coaching, we help them create a budget that includes regular car maintenance and savings for emergencies.

If you are interested in becoming a car coach volunteer, email us at

A Gift of Reliable Transportation

When Robert and Sheila decided it was time to let go of their car, they knew they didn't want to just sell it.

Sheila says, "I thought it could be given to someone who really, really needed one, so I contacted Love Columbia."

Their gift was immediately matched with Annie' urgent need. Her car had just broken down beyond repair. As an immigrant, single mom with an autistic son, she made numerous trips each day to work, appointments for her son, and providing rides to family members who depended on her.

Robert and Sheila's gift came just in time to keep her on the road!

Cars Needed: Reliable Transportation Promotes Housing Stability

Loss of transportation is often the tipping point toward loss of housing. If you can't get to work, you can't pay rent.

Email for information on selling or donating a car to a Love Columbia client.

Volunteers Help with Tax Filing

The Love Columbia VITA team is back this year helping neighbors file taxes. If you or someone you know needs help with filing taxes, call (573) 256-7662 and press option 6.

When you donate to or shop at The Love Seat,

you are helping your neighbors in need! In 2022:


 181 households received furniture

111 households received housewares

210 households received store shopping vouchers

25 households received moving assistance

The Love Seat resale store provides a place for shoppers to find quality,

low-cost furniture, housewares and clothing and for Love Columbia program participants to obtain essential items.

The Love Seat Furniture Bank provides free furniture and housewares to families

in crisis or transition. 

Store Hours:

Mon - Fri 10:00 - 5:00

Sat 9:00 - 4:00

Donation Times:

Mon - Sat 10:00 - 3:00

For Donation Inquiries/Scheduling Pick-Ups:

Call 573-303-6198

2600 Rangeline St. Columbia, MO 65202

Learn About The Love Seat

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

This is the ideal that drives Love Columbia. We coordinate relationships and resources to “love people forward” to a higher capacity. We provide coaching to help people improve their finances, employment, and housing, and offer strategic financial assistance and material goods to support their path forward.


• Information and referral

• Assessment and action planning

• Coaching (financial, employment, housing, transportation, life purpose)

• Transitional housing

• Payday loan relief 

• Strategic financial assistance

• Basic needs (furniture, clothing & housewares) 

Want to Give to Love Columbia?

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Send to 1209 E Walnut

Columbia, MO 65201

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