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July 2024

Upcoming Events

See what's happening in the coming weeks:

07.11.24 | July Thirsty Thursday Social | Enjoy bites and beverages on us at Modern Brewery's new location at 5200 Oakland Ave. - 63110 5-7:00 pm | Register

07.23.24 | ACC St. Louis CLE: Thompson Coburn | IP Issues with GenAI - Ownership and Enforcement | Thompson Coburn office at One US Bank Plaza - 505 N. 7th Street - 63101 - 35th FL | 8-9:30 am | Register

08.01.24 | August Thirsty Thursday Social | Stay tuned for more information!!!

08.15.24 | ACC St. Louis CLE: Bryan Cave | Navigating Implicit Bias and Empowering Women: Awareness, Action & Allyship in the Legal Profession | 4:30-6:30 pm at Olive + Oak - 216 Lockwood Ave. - 63119 | 4:30-6:30 pm | Register

08.22.24 | New to In-House Event | Stay tuned for more information!!!

Presidential Update:

ACC St. Louis Chapter President,

Beverly Garner,

Associate General Counsel, Bunge

Summer is here! Hopefully, each of you will have the ability to slow your pace or enjoy a few days away from your normal routines. Rest is vital to our ability to maintain focus and energy and to perform at our best. 

While the Chapter Board is taking a break and will not meet in July, the Board members continue to work hard on a wide variety of programming and activities for the remainder of 2024 and 2025. After not meeting in July, in August, the Board will attend a half-day planning meeting to discuss the Chapter’s strategic plan for 2025 and beyond including programming, activities, sponsorship needs, and other resources and opportunities. 

I invite all members to submit ideas for programs, events, and activities. You may submit your ideas here!

I encourage you to think big and to be creative with your submissions. You are also welcome to volunteer for a committee or a specific project or program.  

At the June Board meeting, the Board approved sending a total five Board members to the ACC Annual Meeting October 6-9 in Nashville. (The Chapter typically sends the President and President-Elect to the Annual Meeting.)  


Successful Second Veterans Will Clinic Volunteer Event!

On June 11, Association of Corporate Counsel – St. Louis Chapter members volunteered their legal experience at the second Veteran’s Estate Planning Clinic event of the year. With a mission to provide free legal counsel to veterans and their spouses, the team prepared simple wills, powers of attorney, beneficiary deeds, and health care directives, all with the aim of ensuring that our nation’s heroes receive the support they deserve.  

Eight Chapter members volunteered and assisted 19 veterans and spouses by drafting 15 wills, 13 advanced directives, 13 healthcare Power of Attorney (POA), 15 general POA, and 9 beneficiary deeds. 

The event was as successful as the initial March 19th event, thanks to the dedication of the members who went above and beyond to help veterans and their families in the St. Louis area. Essica Zink, Senior Managing Counsel, Express Scripts, Inc., and 2024 ACC STL Pro Bono Committee Chairperson, thanked Donte Tamprateep, Associate General Counsel, Anheuser-Busch, and Pro Bono committee member, who coordinated the event for the Chapter, and the members for giving their time and legal expertise to help veterans and their families.  


Getting to Know

ACC St. Louis Board Member,

Essica Zink

Title: Pro-Bono Chair

Company: Express Scripts

In current position for: 3 years

Law School: Saint Louis University School of Law

Undergrad: Indiana University


1.    If I was not an attorney I would be: Something in the art world. My undergraduate degree is actually in Studio Fine Arts.

2.   My hobbies are: Cooking and eating.

3.   When I want to relax I: Cook something new and delicious from scratch or read a book with my cat.

4.   My music playlist is dominated by: Lots of various artists but more podcasts than anything! 

5.   My food guilty pleasure is: Lay’s potato chips (Can’t go wrong with a classic!)


(Shown above): ACC St. Louis and The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL) volunteers recently provided students with an hour of immersive classroom instruction on the First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, and employee discrimination at the 2024 Street Law Program at Kairo Academies.

Section 1782:

The Increasing Importance of an Often-Overlooked Discovery Tool

By: Mark Lenihan


Think about the endless stream of headlines about “supply chain disruption” at the height of the pandemic. Now ponder the deluge of “globalization” headlines you are about to be subjected to during this upcoming election season. What do these topics have to do with your practice? If your practice is usually close to home, the answer might be: “not much.”

But sometimes our practice takes us around the country. And some clients have cross-border operations. Even if not directly, then indirectly—a client bought the company that patented a technology that was incorporated into a product and sold throughout Europe. That technology—and that client—is now part of those supply chain and globalization forces ripped from the headlines above. What happens if there is a patent infringement suit in Germany about the final product? Your client won’t get dragged into that, right?

Section 1782, which allows for broad discovery in the United States for use in a foreign proceeding, says otherwise. But don’t be afraid of Section 1782. You might need to respond to a Section 1782 subpoena one day, but your client can also use it to its benefit. And because of some recent changes in Europe, Section 1782 subpoenas might be getting a lot more common and a lot more useful.


ACC St. Louis Fur Babies!

  • Owner:
  • Kristen James, General Counsel, True Manufacturing Co., Inc.

  • What is your pet's name?
  • Izzie

  • How did you get your pet?
  • I got her from a responsible breeder when she was 8 weeks old.

  • What it the funniest or most memorable thing that your pet has done?
  • Izzie is a foodie (like her mom) and reminds me when it is time to eat if not fed promptly. She used to follow me carrying her metal bowl and smack it around to make loud noises. After having enough of the racket, I switched her to a ceramic bowl, which she broke by smacking it across the floor. Now her bowls are fixed in place and she makes a cute howling noise instead.

  • What is the best thing about your pet?
  • She has a very sweet demeanor and her whole butt wags when she is happy, which is often.

  • Feel free to add anything else about your pet that you think our readers might appreciate.
  • Izzie loves to watch TV, but only animal planet. Her favorite things are treats, meal time, car rides, Christmas morning, sitting in the shower or bathtub (no water), and walks in the park. Her least favorite things are baths and sharing mom’s attention or her toys.
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