Beat the heat - Shop online or in the store!
Did you catch that super blue moon last Wednesday night? I told you it was going to be awesome! If you missed it, you’ll have to wait until January 2037 to catch another super blue moon. I took a picture for you though, just in case.
Our annual company meeting last month was a roaring success. Full attendance with constant input and feedback made it one of our best yet and confirmed the importance of carving out time to do this every year. Sneak peek of the most significant change next year…….we’re moving.!! The IH35 expansion is forcing us to relocate, but we see it as Spirit helping us grow bigger and better. We’ll be looking for a place with better parking, more square footage for both the retail store and the depot plus space that will allow us to better serve our community and enlighten our customers with a more versatile community event center. We’ll keep you posted each month with our progress and appreciate everyone's positive energy with this massive endeavor.
Because of that late second moon last month our full “Harvest” or “Corn” moon in September won’t arrive until 5am on the 28th, so the 29th will the best date for cleansing crystals. September also hosts our Fall Equinox aka First Day of Fall on the 23rd and because the moon will rise around the same time as sunset during the equinox, it’ll seem like there is extra light to enjoy the great out doors (or harvest crops if that’s your gig). Another day to mark on your calendars will be the 15th of September. Mercury went retrograde on August 23rd and will go direct on this day. Yay!
Some highlights in this months newsletter include:
- Our Labor Day Weekend Sale
- Our FIRST EVER Book Fair! (see In the Community section)
- The blog article for the month - Crystals for Virgos
- Learn about Agatized Fossil Coral from Florida and its effect on your bones
- Read about Black River Agates and adventures in our Rock Depot
Fall brings visions of colorful landscapes with brightly colored leaves. I always thought that cooler temperatures created this glory, but came to find out it’s more because of less sunlight and photosynthesis. Actually it’s a combination of less light, lack of nutrients and less water. If it’s going to be sunny during transition time the colors will be brighter and if it’s cooler colors will be more vivid. If it’s a wet season it’ll be the best as droughts make for poor color and early leaf drop so plan your viewing trips accordingly. If you can’t get away to see nature in her radiant glory maybe take advantage of that extra light we’ll have during the Equinox and go find some water to sit by. Research has found that the sound and energy of water boosts us spiritually, emotionally and physically. While you’re sitting there close your eyes for a few minutes. They have also found that just closing your eyes actually boosts brain power. So, next time you’re near water or even in water, close your eyes for a few minutes and ask your questions. Now, let your boosted brain work for you and listen for what your mind has helped you process.
Please everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy.
Karen and the Staff
This Month's Announcements & Reminders
We will no longer valet bags at the door except by request. Smaller bags are still much appreciated for safety, security, and peace of mind.
Have you heard?
There is talk about another mask mandate due to the seasonal rise of COVID and FLU...We don't want that anymore than you do, so if you feel unwell, please stay home and SHOP ONLINE.
Nature's Treasures ONLINE!
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Check out with Shop Pay for carbon-neutral deliveries
Restoring the Casamance Mangroves
We're working with WeForest to plant 4.6M mangrove trees in Senegal, Africa. Choose Shop Pay and together we will:
*Rebuild habitat for endangered species and wildlife
*Grow fish populations and support sustainable harvesting
*Capture the CO₂ produced by our Shop Pay deliveries
Featured in the Online Store
.925 Sterling Silver
retailing at $116.99
English Rose retailing at $7.99
Perfect to start Libra season on September 23!
At the Counter!
In the Depot!
Menalite - Fairy Stone
In the Showroom!
Weeping Buddha statues
The Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge
Bring Nature Home with
Crystal Wisdom:
Information & News
Learn about crystals, what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them!
Blogs from our Crystal Wisdom: News & Information blog (below) can be read time
An Excerpt from the Crystal Wisdom: Information & News
Crystals for Virgo
During harvest time, when the seasons begin to transition from summer to fall, we enter the mutable sign of Virgo. If your birthday falls between August 23rd and September 22nd, Virgo is your sun sign. To the ancients, the Virgo constellation looked like a woman carrying bundles of wheat or corn, which is why Virgo is symbolized by the maiden of harvest or the virgin. She embodies the qualities of purity, innocence, modesty, knowledge, and dignity.
It is fitting that Virgo is an Earth sign, due to its association with agriculture and abundance. Earth signs are grounded, stable, wise, and practical. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the quick-moving planet of communication and intellect.
You can usually spot a Virgo from a mile away. Just look for the person whose appearance is meticulously polished, tidy, and put together--and whose house is always immaculately clean. Virgos are wired for perfectionism, attention to detail, and organization. READ MORE
Featured Lapidary Service: Custom Slabs
Pictured here, the Nature's Treasures Lapidary Department in the Rock Depot is skilled enough to even cut and polish soft materials such as Fluorite (hardness of 4 out of 10 on the Mohs Scale).
First we slab the material on a saw, then we grind it down until it is perfectly flat before throwing it onto a polishing flat lap with weighted clay to get a smooth, even polish across the whole surface.
Featured Customer Creation
Looking for submissions! Please post what you do with your rocks, minerals or crystals on social media and tag us! Not on social?
E-mail marketing@ntrocks.com with your submissions for the chance to be featured in one of our monthly newsletters!
Featured Fossil: Agatized Coral from Florida
Approximately 38 million years ago, during the Oligocene-Miocene period is when the Agatized Coral from Florida began to form. Each coral specimen is unique and different, based on the type of trace minerals existing within the Agate. Unlike other coral specimens, Agatized coral is more dense and this is primarily because of the silica content present. Over time and due to a probable drop in water temperature, the coral is covered with a Quartz Silica and this creates an Agate cast. This process leads to the dissolving of the cast; leaving behind a hollow geode. Many of these specimens are highly sought after by fossil collectors primarily because they are found in one riverbed on the Florida/Georgia state line and require a boat and underwater breathing gear to reach the area this fossil occupies. Agatized coral is believed to assist in the strengthening of the skeletal system and may aide in restoring any calcium imbalances located in the body.
Featured Agate: Black River Agate
Black river agate is found in Argentina. Believed to originally be from Brazil, it is primarily grey, shades of brown, and white. It looks more similar to Island Agate than the other agates found in the area even though Island Agate comes from the other side of the Pacific. Apparently it was found by the same person, or at least introduced to a more popular market, that found Condor Agate.
Meet Our Staff: Logan B
Logan grew up in Central Texas and earned a bachelor’s in physics from UT Austin. He enjoys reading about all things natural science, and being around so many rocks and minerals at Nature’s Treasures has helped to inspire and encourage his interest in geology. He primarily works in the Rock Depot helping customers, but the rest of his time is spent polishing and helping with lapidary projects. Also a dedicated drummer, Logan has been playing for almost 20 years and looks forward to playing live venues around Austin. If he has any time left, Logan writes creative fiction and frequents coffee shops and breweries around Austin.
Nature's Treasures wants to know...
If the store were to adjust its hours, which of these options would suit your needs?
Choose from these options...
I like them how they are! 11a-5:50p
I'd prefer to come earlier. 10a-4:50p
I can't make it until after work. 12-6:50p
I'd pay more for my crystals if the store was open longer. 10a-6:50p
I generally come on my days off, so anytime works for me!
In The Community Events Center
Nature's Treasures Presents
Spiritual Life Fair
Saturday, September 23rd
11:00a - 5:30p
Free Admission
Join Spiritual Life Productions for their monthly fair hosted by Nature's Treasures of Texas in the Crystal Auditorium for a wide range of healers, readers and psychics!
Oct. 4 - Oct. 7
APA Fundraiser
Join us! Beginning on October 4th in honor of St Francis, the patron saint of animals, Nature's Treasures will be matching donations* at checkout benefiting Austin Pets Alive! Please consider donating $1, $5, $10, or $20 to support this no kill shelter and adoption agency. We will present a check at the event Oct. 8.
We'll have a Pet Reader/Psychic all afternoon, vendors and plenty of time for parading a short indoor/outdoor loop through the Rock Yard.
*Will match up to $1000; All donations will benefit:
Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event.
Daily Practitioners (including weekends!)
Practitioners will be available for private sessions in-store from 11:00a-5:15p.
Sally Ramirez - 12th
Sheryl Martin - 24th, 28th
Anne Berlin - 5th
Saul Ravencraft - 27th
Mia Loweree - 1st
Tore Sol - 13th, 29th
Sheela Goodrich - 10th, 31st
Merlyn, Metaphysical Jeweler - 12th, 26th
Jullie Reeves - 12th
Stern Hatcher, Pet Psychic - 6th,
Francine Caruso - 13th
Linda Snow - 30th
Update your e-mail subscriptions and remember to subscribe for Practitioner Updates for news!
Our Featured Practitioner
Tara Ventura
Clairvoyant Psychic, Tarot, Numerology, Past Lives, Chakra Balancing & Intuitive Counseling
Tara has picked up on psychic messages since she was young. She lovingly receives channeled guidance from your soul/higher self. Her clients describe her sessions as empowering and compassionate. As an “eclectic psychic”, she knows that no one single modality is right for each individual, and enjoys interweaving a range of spiritual consciousness for your reading.
Your desires, whether healing, financial and physical abundance, personal relationships, or spiritual connection are Tara's main concern.
At times when spirit comes forward, Tara finds joy to connect with loved ones who have passed over and want to share messages. Mediumship is a gift of healing.
Tara Ventura: Numerology Reading, Tarot Reading, Clairvoyant Psychic, Intuitive Counseling, Chakra Energy Healing. Available: Flexible Hours, Divine Timing.
Julie Reeves
I discovered that painting was what I was meant to do. Since that time, I have discovered the images that Spirit give me and how to make colors and light sing. I enjoy working with watercolors and mixed media; my subject matter is mainly landscapes, flowers spiritual studies and birdlife. I have been branching out into abstract shapes. I strive to show that the seemingly delicate medium of watercolor can be bold, rich and dramatic.
These paintings are crafted from watercolors made from actual semi-precious and other Earth stones ground and mixed into watercolor medium. These stones include Turquoise, Amethyst, Sedona Red, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger Eye and many others. They are made with gum Arabic and honey as a binder by a company called Daniel Smith. The paper used is transparent so that it reflects sunlight through the individual colors. The results are living color energies that radiate from the paper to heal and lift spirits.
As with all original watercolor art pieces, they should be matted (not placed against a glass) and hung in a place out of direct sunlight. They are permanent-sealed art works (just avoid moisture) intended to be treasured by you and your family.
Please enjoy them as they open your chakras to their healing.
Blessed Be, Julie Reeves 512-694-7406
Intuitive Jewelry Services
Call Ahead for Availability, Saturdays Only
Crystal Heart Studio
Ask for Merlyn, a wire-wrapper and jewelry-maker who lets her intuition guide the creation of unique wearable art. Whether you want to bring in your own crystal or have Merlyn help you find the perfect crystal for you in-store, she will then combine the stone with others and harmonize their energies with assorted metals. Available for walk-ins most Saturdays in the Retail Showroom.
Personal Shopping Services
Austin's Crystal Whisperer
Dianna, Austin's Crystal Whisperer will help you find, understand, and connect with the perfect crystals, rocks & minerals to take home with you. Book your In-Person Walk Through or Facetime Crystal Personal Shopping Session HERE or e-mail austinscrystalwhisperer@gmail.com with "Nature's Treasures Session" in the subject line.
Austin Gem & Mineral Society
First Saturday Meet-Up
September 2nd, 9a-1p
FREE Admission
First Saturday will be indoors with all of AGMS' treasured family-friendly activities and demonstrations. Nature's Treasures will be there in the morning to say hello, so come early!
First Saturday events provide opportunities for Members to meet Members; learn about club events, activities and outings; talk with experts; learn more about our beloved hobby; exchange information, learn and share your interests.
The Healing Arts Festival & Market
September 10
Hilton Garden Inn & Suites
Pat Booker Rd
Live Oak, Texas
Let's march to our own drums at The Healing Arts Festival & Market! You know there's no better place to be and no better community to be with. Join us and let's do what no one else does, do it will all our hearts!
Nature's Treasures attended Bat Fest this year and we wanted you to see our pics of the bats and the moon!
Ashley, Charles, Chris and Liv had a fun time meeting some great new people, but were especially excited to see so many familiar faces! So thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hi!
Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015
Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p
Visit NTRocks.com for Holiday Hours
Look For Us On Social Media