“National parks and reserves are an integral aspect of intelligent use of natural resources.

It is the course of wisdom to set aside an ample portion of our natural resources as national parks and reserves, thus ensuring that future generations may know the majesty of the earth as we know it today.” — John F. Kennedy

In honor of National Public Lands Day, Sept 21

A Forest for the Trails

This summer we had a forest management plan created so that we can better care for the 180 acres that was part of George Nixon Black, Jr.'s gift to the Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations. Woodlawn’s trails were built as exercise tracks for the Nixon’s horses, and later automobiles. With the new trail map information that can be found at the trailhead, you will see we have renamed the loops after horses that belonged to John, George, and Nixon Black and that lived at Woodlawn.

This month, trail improvements will begin on the first loop and the section of the trail that come up from the alternate trailhead, past the tomb. This section of trail has always existed and was intentionally created as a path to the tomb, lined with horse chestnut trees, many of which still remain. It had fallen into disuse because the bridge was rotten and unsafe but we replaced that early last year, knowing we needed to redirect our trail visitors during the construction project.

Education programs with students will soon be out on the trail - home school, Senior College, and class visits. We will put out signs when there is a group on the trail so that visitors can be respectful as they pass. Please remember it is important to keep dogs on leash. We have a lot of children and families who enjoy our trails. We also intend to continue offering interesting trail walks & talks as well - Tree ID, fungi, footprints, and lichen have all been trail programs we have offered the community this year. Be sure to follow our social media and check our website for events and programs you might enjoy.

And, even while anticipating all that will be going on in the Barn soon, I think about how fun it will be to establish and host a trail race series: The Turkey Trot (Nov 24), St. Patty's Green Gallop (Mar 17), and Longest Day 5k (June 20 - Solstice). So many of the daily visitors to Woodlawn are here to walk the trails, with or without their dogs, and I would love to find ways to encourage everyone to get more active and more involved with Woodlawn.

If you want to volunteer as a trail steward, please email; we would love your help.

Thanks for caring about Woodlawn.

Kathy Young

Digging for buried secrets during construction

Woodlawn’s Collections Management Policy states that artifacts discovered on the property in the course of construction or an archaeological investigation may be considered for acquisition into the permanent collection. In 2022, excavation for the new building foundation turned up some interesting shards and treasures. Along with broken cedar shingles, nails, wire, leather straps and other items associated with farming activities, there were glass bottles and ceramic pieces.

Director Kathy Young spent time in the cellar hole digging into the disturbed earth as they worked over the grounds. She was particularly interested in areas where there were trees and doors since that is where pennies, horse-shoes, cutlery, and glass might be located since people picnic or rest by barn doors and under trees. She was lucky to uncover a few recognizable pieces and sixty of these artifacts have been added to the collection. The most exciting discovery was a rather large piece of plate that clearly was part of a dinner set in the pantry. Sadly, no pennies or horseshoes.

It is common to find household trash at the location of former outhouses and trash pits. Anecdotal evidence is that there was once an outhouse in the original barn. The ceramic material found may have been thrown out just before indoor plumbing was added to the house ca.1910-1915. What better way to remove the problem of a broken plate then to throw it down the 'long drop'?

The earliest examples of the blue and white pattern having trees, a bridge, tea house, river and mountains was exported from Canton, China beginning in the early 18th century. It became known in England, Holland and the American colonies as “Canton china”. The pattern was so popular that English potters began producing a similar pattern naming it Blue Willow. Both Canton and Blue Willow remain popular today. Antique examples of Canton and Blue Willow china can be found in many historic houses as demonstrated by the Black family's choice for their dining table.

We have these books for sale in our gift shop and online.

Please register for the last one of these lovely sessions here.

Barn Update

Landscaping! Wow, the fence came down from around the barn and what a difference! The exterior work continues between rain showers as we finish building rock walls, paths, drains, and put in irrigation for the grass seed and sod. There are so many big trucks every day. The power is getting ready to go underground, the generator has arrived, and just to add to the hive of industry, a painting crew is here to freshen up the Ell, Sleigh Barn, and doghouse. Painting is also happening inside and outside of the barn - the doors are turning green and final coats are going on. In other words, the work continues at pace! Hold on.

Wish List:

Pick up truck (with a plow?)

Just the plow?

Someone willing to plow our expanded driveway this winter?

Christmas lights! We are expanding our light show into the woods this season and need a lot of lights.

Books for adults & children in our two book exchanges

Sleds and snow shoes for our 'winter fun' lending library


Game Camera

Wine or whisky barrels

Maine Field Guides (birds, trees, etc)


Dolly/rolling carts

Leaf blower

Rubber wheel snow blower

Wood chipper

The theme for Autumn Gold this year is Enchanted Fall and we couldn't be happier since we believe Woodlawn is the land of enchantment in all seasons.

Our front gate will be decorated by Sept 11th, so be sure to drive by and give us your vote!

We are looking for a sponsor for this event and for interested vendors to rent a table - to sell forestry/tree related items or provide information about your organization. If you are interested, please call 667-8671 and speak with Kathy. Tickets will be going on sale very soon! Watch our social media for announcements.

Please consider becoming a

Friend of Woodlawn


Thank you!

Visit our website


Black House Drive, P.O. Box 1478

Ellsworth, Maine 04605

(207) 667-8671

For general questions, click here
