August 23, 2024

Town of Orangetown


"Rich in History"

Camp Shanks Museum Hours

Saturdays and Sundays in August

11 am to 3 pm

September 24 - Public Hearing:

  • Proposed zone change for 676 and 680 Western Highway and the north end of Ellsworth Drive, Blauvelt

For all future Town Board meetings, please click here.

Orangetown Night at Clover Stadium

For the second year in a row, Orangetown was celebrated by the NY Boulders at Clover Stadium. Orangetown Night started with Assemblyman John McGowan throwing out the first pitch, Danny Gurniak singing the Canadian National Anthem (as the Boulders were playing the Ottawa Titans), and Neiden Loughran Thornton belting out “The Star-Spangled Banner.” In the second inning, Supervisor Kenny and other elected officials recognized John Antonucci as the Orangetown Veteran of the Year, followed up with Danny Gurniak singing “God Bless America” during the seventh-inning stretch. The Town of Orangetown thanks Boy Scout Troop #55 and Cub Scout Pack #55 for presenting the colors. And congratulations to the Pearl River Little League champions, who paraded around the field during the pre-game ceremony.

DUNKIN' Grand Reopening!

Last Friday, hundreds of residents lined up to get a shot at the coveted "Free Coffee for A Year Giveaway" during the ribbon cutting and official reopening of Dunkin’ in Pearl River. Congratulations to Shannon Traynor, who was first in line. Supervisor Kenny and other public officials were on hand to wish owners Mike McAleer and Walter Buczek the best of luck! 

Orangetown Police Department

Colleges are coming back in session. Students who have been away for the summer will be back around town as they move into their college campuses.

Drivers and pedestrians alike share the responsibility of keeping themselves and others on the road safe. Here are some useful tips and guidelines to follow:

Be Visible

  • Wear lightly colored or reflective clothing at night and brightly colored clothing during the day.
  • Stay in well-lit areas, especially when crossing the street.
  • If possible, make eye contact with drivers in stopped vehicles to ensure they see you before you cross in front of them.
  • Stay Alert – Avoid Distractions
  • Distractions are everywhere today and becoming more and more difficult to avoid. Remember that, as a pedestrian, your eyes and ears are your best tools for keeping safe. Stay alert and watch out. Put down your phone. Smartphones and handheld electronic devices are a daily part of life, but they take your eyes off of the road and distract your attention. Don’t wear headphones or earbuds. Your ears will tell you a lot about what is happening around you, be sure to use them.

Follow the Rules

  • Know and follow all traffic rules, signs and signals. You need to be aware of the rules vehicles around you must follow to properly anticipate what drivers will do. This will help increase your safety.
  • Never assume a driver will give you the right of way. Make every effort to make eye contact with the driver of a stopped or approaching vehicle before entering the roadway.
  • Walk in Safe Places
  • Use crosswalks when crossing the street. If a crosswalk is unavailable, be sure to find the most well-lit spot on the road to cross and wait for a long enough gap in traffic to make it safely across the street.
  • Stay on sidewalks whenever possible. If a sidewalk is not available, be sure to walk on the far side of the road facing traffic. This will help increase your visibility to drivers. Avoid walking along highways or other roadways where pedestrians are prohibited.
  • Avoid Alcohol Consumption
  • Almost half of all traffic crashes resulting in pedestrian casualties involve alcohol consumption. Surprisingly, 34 percent of that total was on the part of the pedestrian. Alcohol impairs your decision-making skills, physical reflexes and other abilities just as much on your feet as it does behind the wheel.

Upcoming Events

Rockland County Events:

To find more events in Orangetown and around Rockland County click here.

Pearl River Farmers Market - EVERY Saturday through to Saturday, November 23, 2024. Awesome vendors every weekend.

Missed Highway's update for this past week? Wondered what they said in past issues? Please click here and stay up to date with what is going on in the Orangetown Highway Department.