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November 2024


Walking the Path of Justice: Reflections on Courage, Compassion,

and the Church's Call

I could never fully imagine the courage it must have taken to walk from Virginia to Delaware, onward to Pennsylvania, New York, and ultimately, for some, to Canada. Yet, this was the path many enslaved individuals followed as they were guided by Harriet Tubman—"Moses"—who defied national laws to pursue justice and freedom. Last week, I embarked on a journey with other Synod leaders that led us along a different but similarly profound path: the migrant route from Agua Prieta, Mexico, to Douglas, Arizona.

The terrain was unrelenting—a harsh desert filled with thorny bushes, treacherous ditches, cow patties, and an ever-present sense of danger. Our guides reminded us that we were under watch, not only by border patrol but also by organized crime. Advances in technology meant that even from afar, those watching could identify our group's movements, even down to the color of our eyes.


As we reflected, we listened to displaced families and mission co-workers who have dedicated more than two decades to border ministry. Their stories were heart-wrenching yet filled with resilience and hope, underscoring the complexities of immigration and the harsh realities faced by those seeking a better life.


What struck me most during this experience were the questions that arose in my heart and mind. What life were these migrants told they would find in the United States? Which policies and political forces have shaped the border's current conditions? And most importantly, what can be done on both sides of the border to make life more humane, just, and sustainable?

Poverty, injustice, and crime cross all boundaries—geographical, political, and ideological—serve as a stark reminder of our interconnected humanity. These are deeply complex issues intertwined with economic systems, historical inequalities, and social dynamics, and reducing them to partisan blame or simplistic solutions does a disservice to the truth and the people affected. To address these issues effectively requires humility, nuanced understanding, and collaboration across differences.


As I walked along the migrant path, each step brought a new question: How would Christ respond to those in need today? Would He stand at the border offering compassion and refuge or challenge the systems that create such desperation? How do we, as His followers, embody that response? What does it mean to do the right thing in 2024? And next year, in 2025, a year that will demand clarity, courage, and a steadfast commitment to justice?

2025 will undoubtedly bring its whirlwind of changes and challenges as societal, economic, and political shifts unfold. In the face of such uncertainty, how can we prepare to not only react but also lead with love, advocate for justice, and pursue reconciliation in a world that often feels increasingly divided? These questions are not abstract—they are calls to action for all who seek to live out their faith in meaningful, transformative ways.


My reflections turned to the words of St. Augustine of Hippo, who proclaimed, "An unjust law is no law at all." Writing in the fourth century, Augustine wrestled with the existence of evil and the moral responsibility to oppose it. Centuries later, Thomas Aquinas expanded on this idea, arguing that laws must meet three criteria to be just:

  • They must serve the common good.
  • They must be within the authority of the lawmaker.
  • They must apply equally to all.


For Aquinas, laws contradicting natural or divine law—those that degraded rather than uplifted human dignity—were inherently unjust.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in his Letter from Birmingham Jail, echoed these sentiments:

"One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws... Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust."


These words resonate deeply with the Church's call to engage with our time's moral and political challenges. What is our role in addressing the world's brokenness? What can we, as followers of Christ, do to bring about justice, compassion, and hope?

As you reflect on these questions, I invite you to listen to the Spirit's urging. You may not be called to be a 21st-century Harriet Tubman, Augustine, Aquinas, or Dr. King., but there is something you can do. What will your mark on the world be? What small step can you take today toward creating positive change?


Let us pray together the timeless words of St. Francis of Assisi:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console;

to be understood as to understand;

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.


Rev. Ashley

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Upcoming Events

November 30, 2024

A Day of Mourning : Native American Thanksgiving

December 3, 2024

Post Election Webinar

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Upcoming Grants/Aid

Campus Ministry Grant



December 4, 2024

Youth Leadership Grant



December 4, 2024

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Around the Synod

Check out the latest events & job postings from ministries across the Synod.


The Synod has compiled a Gun Violence Prevention Toolkit. Please take a few moments to look over these resources and share them with your community..


Matthew 25 In Action: Giving Tuesday – A Day to Make a Difference

Living Out Matthew 25 on Giving Tuesday

Each year, Giving Tuesday invites people across the globe to give back to their communities and support causes that reflect their values. For the Synod of the Northeast, Giving Tuesday is more than just a day of generosity—it’s an opportunity to embody the teachings of Matthew 25:31-46 and actively engage in the work of building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty.

What is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday, celebrated on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, inspires individuals, organizations, and communities to come together and create lasting change through generosity. Whether through financial contributions, volunteering, or acts of kindness, Giving Tuesday is a collective effort to address the world’s pressing challenges.

Why Matthew 25 Matters on Giving Tuesday

The Matthew 25 Initiative challenges us to take concrete action in addressing systemic injustices and supporting vulnerable communities. Giving Tuesday provides a tangible way to support this work:

  1. Building Congregational Vitality: Donations to local congregations and ministries on Giving Tuesday strengthen their ability to serve their communities and grow as centers of faith, hope, and compassion.
  2. Dismantling Structural Racism: Supporting initiatives that advocate for racial justice helps create equitable opportunities and amplify the voices of marginalized communities.
  3. Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Contributions to food banks, affordable housing projects, and employment programs offer direct support to individuals and families in need.

How You Can Participate

On Giving Tuesday, you can make an impact by supporting ministries and organizations aligned with the Matthew 25 Initiative:

  • Donate: Consider making a financial contribution to a church, community organization, or initiative working on one of the Matthew 25 focus areas.
  • Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to a local program or ministry that serves those in need.
  • Advocate: Use your voice to raise awareness about systemic injustices and inspire others to take action.
  • Share: Spread the word about Giving Tuesday and the Matthew 25 Initiative to encourage others to participate.

Make a Difference Through the Synod of the Northeast

This Giving Tuesday, we encourage you to support the ministries and programs of the Synod of the Northeast that are making a difference in our region. By giving to these efforts, you become part of a collective movement that reflects Christ’s call to love and serve "the least of these."

A Day of Hope and Generosity

Giving Tuesday is more than just a date on the calendar—it’s a reminder that what we do matters to God and to the people we serve. Let us come together as a community of faith to live out the call of Matthew 25, demonstrating the love and justice of Christ through our generosity.

For more information on how to participate or to explore giving opportunities within the Synod of the Northeast, visit Synod of the Northeast.

Donate for Giving Tuesday

This Giving Tuesday, let us be the hands and feet of Christ, making a difference in our world one act of kindness at a time.

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1001 Inspire Conference: Building and Sustaining New Worshiping Communities

From November 10-12, the 1001 Inspire Conference was held at Stony Point. The conference focused on the importance of developing and sustaining New Worshiping Communities (NWCs), fostering cultural connectivity, and creating opportunities for networking among churches.


Rev. Sam Kim, serving Atlanta Taiwanese Presbyterian Church and Oikos, a Campus Ministry. Oikos provides ministerial direction for international students from South Korea alongside Korean Americans. He introduced the Korean concept of Dure, emphasizing community, mutual support, and shared purpose, which are essential for NWCs.


Rev. Dr. Lindsey Armstrong from Greater Atlanta Presbytery reflected on her lifelong connection with African cultures. She recounted a childhood memory of learning the Zulu word Sawubona ("I see you"), which inspired her to value belonging and dignity in her work with NWCs.


Rev. Gad Mpoyo, from the Democratic Republic of Congo and staff for 1001 Inspire, highlighted the South African concept of Ubuntu ("I am because we are"). This philosophy underscores the importance of interconnectedness and inclusivity in building vibrant worshiping communities.


The conference brought together diverse voices, fostering meaningful dialogue and fresh ideas. Attendees included representatives from several Synod of the Northeast churches, such as La Iglesia del Pueblo (NYC), a recipient of the NWC grant, and Latinx in Action (Cape Cod). Notable participants included Rev. JyungIn “Jenny” Lee, founder of Women Together, Inc., and Rev. Dr. Shannan Vance-Ocampo, Executive Presbyter for the Presbytery of Southern New England.


This experience deepened my understanding of NWCs and the importance of creating spiritually enriching, culturally relevant, and inclusive spaces. Concepts like Dure, Ubuntu, and Sawubona provide a meaningful framework for supporting these communities across our Synod.


—Rev. Dr. Nichol Burris 

Administrative Coordinator  

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Synod of the Northeast: Per Capita Giving

The financial support shared across the governing bodies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) above the session level is called per capita. This term reflects the apportionment based on the membership of each congregation. Per capita is a vital way that Presbyterians express their covenantal commitment to one another and to the shared mission of the Church. Rooted in our connectional theology, per capita reflects a shared witness to the broader mission of God.

The Book of Order outlines the theological and administrative framework for how we live into our common ministry. The following excerpt provides guidance on the administration of per capita:

G-3.0106 Administration of Mission

“Each council above the session shall prepare and adopt a budget for its operating expenses, including administrative personnel, and may fund it with a per capita apportionment among the particular congregations within its bounds. Presbyteries are responsible for raising their own funds and for raising and timely transmission of per capita funds to their respective synods and the General Assembly. Presbyteries may direct per capita apportionments to sessions within their bounds, but in no case shall the authority of the session to direct its benevolences be compromised.”

For 2025, the Synod of the Northeast per capita is set at $4.25 per member. These funds represent a portion of the Synod’s total operating costs and are allocated to support staff, operational expenses, Synod Assembly meetings, and mission initiatives.

How Per Capita Dollars Are Used

The Synod of the Northeast relies on per capita contributions to provide critical resources and services that support its mission. These include:

  • Communication and Technology
  • Financial Administration
  • Ecclesiastical and Legal Support
  • Insurance and Facilities
  • Staff Ministry Administration

Through per capita giving, the Synod of the Northeast remains connected to the larger body of Christ, advancing a shared mission of justice, peace, and spiritual renewal. Your contributions help sustain this vital ministry, enabling Presbyterians to witness faithfully and effectively in the world. Our mission focuses on:

  • Mission Granting – Empowering gospel communities through financial support.
  • Communication and Storytelling – Amplifying voices and sharing stories of faith and mission.
  • Equipping Gospel Communities – Providing tools and resources for growth.
  • Visioning Process – Leading strategic planning for a transformative future.
  • Presbytery Support – Offering guidance and partnership to presbyteries.
  • Ecclesiastical Support – Addressing constitutional and policy matters.
  • Operations – Managing day-to-day administrative functions.
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Summary and Actions of the 2024 Synod Assembly

The regular biennial meeting of the Assembly of the Synod of the Northeast, Presbyterian Church (USA), took place in Albany, NY on October 25th and 26th. 125 synod commissioners, mid council leaders, observers, Synod Assembly planning team members, musicians and staff gathered for a jammed packed 25 hours of worshipful work, lively music, fellowship, and an evening of karaoke.


After the business of gathering, Rev. Adriene Thorne, Senior Pastor of Riverside Church and member of the Presbytery of New York City preached a powerful sermon. Elder Lisa Baker was installed as the Synod Moderator for the next two years, and the two officiated Communion. Many of the assembly presenters engaged in story telling about the work of the Synod or their work within the Synod related to mission.


The Discernment Team presented their Phase II report which focused on Synod grants provided to churches and presbyteries as well as recommendations for four new initiatives: (1) shared learning and mutual support, including Regional Learning Tables; (2) Mission Innovation Summits for grant recipients, requiring attendance to gain skills and knowledge and mutual support; (3) Equipping Ruling Elders Cohort Group, for worship leadership roles; and  (4) Community Organizing Cohort Group, training resources and support. The Assembly gathered around their tables to discuss questions related to the Discernment Team’s work. Notes were taken and will be shared with the team as another source of gathering information. 


Actions Taken by the Assembly

  • Elected Rev. Sue Smith as Synod Moderator-Elect
  • Elected Rev. Gregory Simpson as Synod Treasurer for a four-year term
  • Elected Rev. Kundan Nasir, Presbytery for Southern New Jersey, Elder Linda Schober, Presbytery of the Highlands of New Jersey, and Elder Zayn Silva, Presbytery of the New York City to the 2030 class of the Synod Permanent Judicial Commission
  • Approved the proposed per capita rate of $4.25 for 2025.
  • Approved the 2025 proposed budget
  • Approved a Commissioner Resolution asking the Synod to commit, support, and work together in Christian partnership with the Hispanic Caucus of the Synod of the Northeast, to fulfill and accomplish what the General Assembly resolution asked from mid-councils.
  • Agreed to submit a letter to the Office of General Assembly and/or its succeeding organization to make sure that they translate the materials of the Special Committee that is writing a new confession for inclusion in the Book of Confessions into Spanish and Korean.  

In reviewing a post-assembly survey, the consensus was that people left feeling uplifted having a much better understanding of the mission of the Synod, feeling positive about the direction the Synod is headed and having enjoyed the fellowship. There is a special called Synod Assembly on November 15, 2025, to receive and approve the final recommendations of the Discernment Team 

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Post Election Webinar | December 3, 2024

As immigration enforcement concerns remain a pressing reality, it is vital that we come together to support vulnerable individuals, families, and communities. We invite you to join Amanda Craft, Manager of Immigration Advocacy for the Office of the General Assembly, for two essential gatherings addressing Post-Election Immigration Concerns and Sanctuary Congregations on December 3, 2024, 10:30am-Noon and January 7, 2025, 11am-12:30pm.  

This will be a compassionate space for expressing concerns, sharing experiences, and building resilience. 

December 3 Webinar Highlights 

  • The impact of immigration enforcement on individuals and families. 
  • Creating family care plans and rapid response strategies. 
  • Understanding how the Office of Immigration Issues can provide ongoing support.


January 7 Webinar Highlights

  • Identifying and addressing the unique needs of your community. 
  • Advocacy actions and organizing for care and support. 
  • Developing actionable rapid response and care plans. 
  • Exploring ways the General Assembly-level Office of Immigration Issues can assist. 

Who should attend?

  • Individuals directly affected by immigration enforcement and their families. 
  • Pastors and leaders with members who may be impacted. 
  • Mid Council Leaders
  • All who are ready to stand in solidarity with immigrants in your congregations, mid councils, or communities?

These conversations are pivotal to organizing, advocating, and providing care for those most at risk. Together, we can take actionable steps to ensure our congregations and communities are sanctuaries of support and hope. 

Amanda Craft, manager of immigration advocacy in the Office of the General Assembly, will lead the discussion. As national staff, Amanda trains leaders in immigration advocacy policy efforts in their contexts through work guided by immigrant-led organizations and interfaith coalitions. She has lived and served in Central America and along the U.S.-Mexico border. Amanda lives currently with her husband and two sons in Kentucky and is completing a Doctor of Ministry program at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Register Here
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A Day of Mourning: Native American Thanksgiving

Saturday, November 30, 2024

11 AM

Brook Native American Presbyterian Church

116 6th Street | Hillburn, NY

National Day of Mourning honors Native ancestors and the struggle of Native peoples to survive today.

Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day give us the opportunity to reflect on our collective history and to celebrate the beauty, strength, and resilience of the Native tribes of North America." -Native Hope

"It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection as well as a protest of the racism and oppression that Native Americans continue to experience."

Emergency Migrant Ministry Grant 2024

This grant is designed to provide one-time emergency funding of up to $5,000 to a Presbyterian Church or Presbytery which is engaging in ministry to and with immigrants. To qualify for this funding, a Presbytery or church must be seeking to meet an emergent or recently developed need for the migrant community. This could come from an existing migrant ministry which has recently seen a greater need or a change in the needs that they are seeking to address. This could also come from a church or Presbytery seeking to start a new ministry to address a new emergent need. 

Funding will be given to applicants who will use the money to meet immediate and practical human need such as food, clothing, over the counter medicine, school supplies, etc. Funding will not be given to applicants seeking to use the funds to staff the ministry or pay for equipment or building needs. Because this grant is designed to meet emergency needs, applications will be considered on a rolling basis.

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Coaching Networks Scholarship Opportunity to become a coach

The Synod Coach Network is offering scholarships to become a coach and to receive individual and team coaching. Please share within the bounds of the Synod of the Northeast. Thanks for helping us share the gift of coaching.

Apply for a Synod Coach Network Scholarship:

Become a Coach

The Network is partnering with Loaves & Fishes Coach Training whose next training is in January 2025.

About the training:

Important Dates:

  • Orientation Meeting, Thursday, January 9, 2025 from 1-3pm (must have paid the downpayment to attend)
  • First Online Retreat, January 13-15, 2025
  • Twice-monthly online meetings on Thursdays from 1-3pm Eastern
  • Second Online Retreat in June 2025


Scholarships are for members/pastors of PCUSA ministries in the Synod of the Northeast.

Scholarship amount: $500 (more as need and interest are demonstrated)

Downpayment required to receive the scholarship.

Apply for a Synod Coach Network Scholarship:

Synod of the Northeast Coaching Network


Leadership Team:

The Rev. Dr. Betsey Crimmins, ACC

The Rev. Laurie J. Ferguson, PhD, PCC

The Rev. Chip Low, PCC, CMC

The Rev. Michael Fry, ICF-trained

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2024 Holiday Hours

315-446-5990 * *
