
Italian Wines

on Sale!

Buy 6 Bottles of Any*

Italian Wine

& Save 12%!

Sale ends

Sunday, November 17!

The last time we had an Italian wine sale, it was hot enough to simmer a bottle of Amarone on the patio. Fall weather has finally moved in though, along with the surprising rainfall amounts we've seen in our rain gauges.

Now, a rich glass of red wine sounds a lot more appealing for the cool evenings we can enjoy outside or in.

To help you shop wherever you may be, we are excited to announce our new eCommerce web site! It is available at the previous address, which was unavailable for several days while we made the transition to the new site.

To access it now, just click HERE.

We even have our own app that you can now download from the Apple App Store! It's free! Just open the App Store and search for "Edmond Wine Shop" to be able to download our ordering app to your iPhone! To access the App Store now, click HERE.

We'll also have an Android version available soon.

We would love to have your feedback on both as we refine them to your liking! Feel free to let me know what you think!


No time to shop? No Problem!

You can place an order ONLINE!

*unless already on sale or closeout! Mix or match!

1.5 & larger sizes excluded

Our Holiday Liquor-filled Chocolates have just Arrived!

Shop soon for the Best Selection!

Here's a screenshot of our new app as it appears on an iPhone. You can check inventory, prices, create and pay for an order now right on your phone! Just download our app from the Apple App Store to get started!

Otherwise, to access our eCommerce website, click HERE.

You will always find something new and unique here at the Shop!

To shop for rum, click HERE.

All Rum on Sale Too!

Buy 2 bottles of any* Rum

& save 10%!

Sale ends

Sunday, November 17!

*unless already on sale or closeout

For your convenience, we are still happy to deliver** to your home or office, serve you in the parking lot or prepare your order for pickup inside the Shop.

Use this LINK to create an order now!

**fee applied for delivery option


Edmond Wine Shop

Raising Spirits since 1973!

For over 50 years we have been Edmond's resource for great wine, spirits & craft beer.

We work hard to keep every customer happy by providing the best service, selection and competitive pricing in the area. We appreciate your continued patronage!

Edmond Wine Shop | 405.341.9122 |
1520 S. Boulevard | Edmond, OK 73013
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