OCCS News and Announcements
August 25, 2023
Important: The Society Meeting will be Monday, September 11 at 7pm.
Join us September 11 at 7:00 for our annual society meeting. Get an opportunity to elect board members and hear what is going on at the school, such as a summary of last year, goals for the coming year, budget, staff recognition, and more. See you there.
and Sign-Out Process
We ask students to sign in and out at the office if they come late to school, have to leave early, or are gone for a period of time throughout the day for appointments or for other reasons. Accurate absences and time away from school needs to be recorded. Parents, please inform your children that they need to stop by the office whenever they come to school late or leave early. 
Doors Locked
All doors to the OCCS building are locked during the school day. There is a buzz-in system at the front office entrance. Push the button on the west wall and face the camera until the door is released. Office personnel will unlock the door to allow you in. Please stop in the office to check-in. You will only be allowed in the building past the office for pre-arranged academic reasons.
Water Bottles
We encourage all students to take a water bottle to school with them. Refill stations are available. Please have them labeled.
Absent Students
If your child will be absent for appointments, sickness, or other reasons, please let the school know about it. Parents must verify an absence by calling the school office (737-2274) or email the teacher and the office before 9:00am (office@occhristian.pvt.k12.ia.us).  
Due to building protocol, parents are not allowed to walk their students to the classroom if they arrive late. If a student needs assistance, office staff can walk them to their classroom.
Anna De Groot is our school nurse. If you ever need to reach her to discuss your child's health, you can call the office or email her at adegroot@occhristian.pvt.k12.ia.us.

Important Note:
Please make your end of day arrangements before the school day begins. If your child needs to ride a different bus or go home with another family, give a written note to your child to show their teacher and the bus driver. Any messages relayed through the office must come in before 2:00 recess. We cannot interrupt class time at the end of the day.

Dress Code reminder:
The way we dress often reflects our feelings and attitudes. Dress is also determined by the occasion at hand. Dress should reflect our Christian witness and our Foundation Statement. Decency in dress implies that others are not embarrassed, distracted, or tempted. Please read carefully the following guidelines: Dress Code Policy
Weather related announcements:
We will be sending out weather related text messages/emails to anyone who gave us a cell phone number at registration. We will be sending any late starts, early dismissals or cancellations as soon as we know about them. They will also be posted on the school website and social media.