• Attendance - 63: 24 minister members; 29 ruling elders; 2 corresponding members; 4 guests; 4 presbytery staff.
• TE Fritz Nelson gave an update on the East Palestine Church and community. He thanked the presbytery and sister churches that have donated to the church to help with families affected by the train derailment. An application for a PDA grant has been submitted. There is a large demand and need for cleaning supplies. Churches interested in making a donation, monetary or supplies, can contact Fritz.
• TE Larry Bowald led a service of prayer. Participants were encouraged to share requests for prayers held in their hearts. This was a special time where together we were able to go to God and pray for our own needs as well as for the needs of others.
• Chip Hardwick brought greetings and news (read report) from Synod of the Covenant and thanked Cathy for her ministry to Eastminster Presbytery.
• Luke Choi reported on updates and new Board of Pensions benefits. Visit pensions.org to learn more.
• Having no nominations from the floor, motion prevailed to elect TE Carolyn Griffeth (HR) and Susan Younger (Petersburg) to the COM Class of 2023 at the recommendation of the Committee on Nominations & Representation.
• The Resource Committee reported that there is interest in a presbytery-wide Confirmation Class. Church Leadership interested in participating or sending confirmands can contact Erika Carcelli.
• Hal Horton (New Covenant Community) and Adam Rodgers (Westminster Boardman) recognized the retirements of Revs. Tom & Cathy Ulrich and honored their ministries and service to Eastminster. Cathy has served as our General Presbyter and Stated Clerk for the past six years.
• Following introduction and then Q&A by the presbytery, motion prevailed to move Nathan Long from Inquirer to Candidate at the recommendation of the Committee on Preparation for Ministry. Nathan is a member of Kent Presbyterian Church and has been an Inquirer under care of the presbytery.
• The Presbytery Consultant reported that this year's Rock Star Award, the first Clerk of Session to submit the online statistical report, goes to Barbara Conklin from The Vine Fellowship Church in Copley; and there are only four churches that need to submit the statistical report and Eastminster will have 100 percent participation.
• General Presbyter & Stated Clerk report included a review of voting on the proposed amendments to the Book of Order that came out of the 225 General Assembly. The omnibus motion prevailed to accept the proposed amendments with the exception of amendment 22-E:G-2.0503 (see page 11 of proposed amendments). Presbytery will discuss and vote on Amendment 22-E at the May stated meeting.
• The saints from our presbytery who joined the church triumphant in 2022 were honored followed by prayer.
• The designated offering will be directed to South Street Ministries in Akron, Ohio. Joe Tucker joined us to share the history and ministry of South Street. We will continue to accept offering gifts through mid-March by using the Presbytery Payment Portal – Presbytery Meeting Offering. Treasurers can also send check to Eastminster Presbytery / PO Box 14439 / Poland, OH 44514.
• TE Paul Anderson pronounced the Benediction and adjourned the meeting.