I've missed some issues lately which is very uncharacteristic. I've been putting out the newsletter since January of 2009 (or is it 2010?) and have not missed many. This week I have been keeping my head down working diligently on a listing project. One of my goals is to get as much of my inventory listed as possible so that's why I've been bringing some of my old stores back online.
Speaking of those other accounts I've now set up an auction strategy on one of those accounts OApatch. This one has a bunch of good stuff ending Sunday. I have auctions ending 6 days per week to keep the new pieces popping as I build out the store.
On eBay I have 203 live auctions this week. Sunday I have some big pieces ending including an Air Scout Ace patch from the 1940s. For the next month I'll continue to list pieces from a World Jamboree collection which have done really well.
This weekend I'm going camping with my son down to the coast of SC. We are attending a VW Bus camping club event with my friend Collin and his daughter. The rain is going to give way to sun tomorrow and we should have a great time down there. Saturday we are doing a shrimp boil as part of a pot luck the club people do.