Weekly eNews
November 15, 2024
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This Weekend at St. Michael's | |
Celebration Sunday "Called to Rise"
This Sunday
2025 Pledges Due
Every pledge makes a difference! Please help us achieve our pledge goal of $975,000! As of today, we've heard from 182 homes who have committed $775,771. Bring your pledge cards to church this Sunday or make a pledge online by clicking below. At both services, we will offer our Gifts to God and bless the commitments made to support our spiritual home. There will be cupcakes after each service in the Parish Hall because no celebration is complete without sweets! CLICK HERE to watch a final stewardship message from Steve Leisenring. Many thanks for your support of St. Michael's as we make Christ known within and beyond our walls.
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Bishop Kym's Visit & Confirmation Service
This Sunday
The Rt. Rev. Kym Lucas, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado, will be with us this Sunday, November 17 to perform Confirmations, Reaffirmations, and to Receive youth and adults at the 10:30 AM service. She will be preaching at both services and joining for the 9:15 AM Forum to share her experience as a leader and what that looks like in the changing landscape of Christianity.
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Thanksgiving Donations
Due This Sunday!
Thanks to your generosity, the freezers are filling up with turkeys and bags of groceries are accumulating in the Parish Hall. But we are still hoping for more donations to arrive by this Sunday's deadline. Please bring any final turkeys, groceries, and gift card donations to church by noon this Sunday. Your support in helping make Thanksgiving a more joyful time for those struggling in our community is greatly appreciated.
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Also this Sunday ....
Family Sunday School
9:15 - 10:10 AM
Families with children Pre-K - 12th grade are invited to accompany their children to Sunday School once a month to learn, explore, and play together. This Sunday, David Galvan will lead a conversation on mental health and faith with support from the movie, Inside Out.
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Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
12:00 - 12:30 PM in the Sanctuary
It's already time for the first pageant rehearsal! All Elementary-aged children are encouraged to participate in our annual retelling of the best story ever told! The pageant will be on December 15 during the 10:30 AM service, and we will have rehearsals every Sunday through December 8 from 12:00 - 12:30 PM, with a final dress rehearsal on December 14 at 2:00 PM. Contact Bailey or Amalia with any questions.
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Happening Today, Friday ....
Young Adult Theology on Tap
6:30 - 8:00 PM
Young adults in their 20s and 30s are invited to join at Goat Patch Brewing with other young adults from around the Springs for sharing, learning and fellowship. Our very own Rev. Vicki will be leading a conversation on Gender and the Nicene Creed. No RSVP needed.
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Youth Lock-In
6:00 PM Tonight - 9:00 AM Saturday
Middle and High Schoolers are invited to spend the night at St. Michael's! They will eat dinner, play games throughout the church, watch a movie, and enjoy valuable fellowship together! Contact Bailey at bailey@stmikeschurch.com if you have a youth interested in attending.
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Christmas Light Festival
Volunteers Needed
Today, Friday 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
We are nearly two weeks behind where we typically are on our Christmas Light Festival Build. We need any and all help today (Friday, 1:00 - 3:00 PM) and tomorrow (Saturday, 10:00 - 1:00) and on the remaining Fridays and Saturdays in November. We also need many hands on deck to help with hospitality and concessions in December once the actual Light Festival is underway. Sign-up now....you'll be glad you did!
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On the Calendar
This Sunday, November 17
Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Celebration Sunday
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour? Click above to sign up today & thank you!
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Confirmation & Holy Eucharist with Choir
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Education & More!
9:15 AM Education for All
Sunday Forum-Called to Lead
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
9:15 AM Family Sunday School
12:00 PM Pageant Rehearsal
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Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM.
Join for Coffee Hour and Fellowship after each service.
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Next Week at St. Michael's | |
Care & Share Support
Next Tuesday, Nov. 19
9:00 - 11:30 AM
We are still hoping to secure more volunteers to help sort and pack food at Care & Share next Tuesday morning, November 19. This is a great way to support our food insecure neighbors in southern Colorado while having fun serving together! Click below to sign up using the event reservation code of StMichaels. Contact Ellen Dickerman ellendickerman@gmail.com or Justin Morrill at justin_morrill@msn.com with any questions
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De-escalation Training
Next Wednesday, Nov. 20
9:00 - 10:30 AM
As a community, we are committed to your safety and security. De-escalation Practices are an effective and proven way to handle stressful situations and promote non-violence. All members of the parish, especially our lay leaders, are encouraged to participate. Contact Deacon Gary at gary@stmikeschurch.com or Steve Shively at shivedive@icloud.com with questions. No sign-up required.
College Care Packages
Next Wednesday, Nov. 20
Send Updated Addresses
College finals are right around the corner! Our middle and high school youth groups will be preparing care packages for our college students next Wednesday afternoon. Please email Bailey at bailey@stmikeschurch.com with your student’s updated mailing address so we can send them these much needed reinforcements!
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
Greening of the Church
Monday, November 25
9:00 AM - Noon
As we prepare for the celebration of Christ's birth, we will adorn the church with greens for the season of Advent. Please join if you like to hang wreaths, place trees, or fluff and hang garland. If you can climb a ladder, we particularly need you! Come for some or all of the morning as your schedule permits.
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Thanksgiving Meal
November 28, 2:00 PM
All are Welcome!
Our Thanksgiving potluck is once again shaping up to be a wonderful day of delicious food, great conversations, and the warmth of community. We're grateful to see so many already signed up to contribute their favorite dishes, making this celebration even more meaningful.There’s still time to add your dish to the spread and share this day of connection and gratitude.
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Thanksgiving Day Opportunity
Share Christ Beyond Our Walls!
You can make a difference by serving dinner at The Salvation Army, one of St. Michael's outreach partners. Simply click below, then click on the heart on the left ("Volunteer in this Community"), and scroll down to find "Thanksgiving Day Meal - 908 Yuma Street". Pick a shift that works for you, and register for participation. For more information, contact Rick Couch at rsmileyc@gmail.com. Thank you!
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Advent Retreat
December 7, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Join the Well for a retreat exploring spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer, history, and music. Be surprised by the lessons offered by our story's unnamed little saints. Explore the wonder of the sacred working through ordinary people on unexpected paths. We ask participants to consider donating $20 to cover the retreat costs. Lunch will be provided.
International Partners
Interest Meeting, Dec. 11
Jesus said in Mt. 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations." St. Michael's has begun the process of forming a group that will be a part of the outreach committee focused on missions and international partnerships. If you have an interest in international ministries, you are invited to the next meeting which will be held on December 11 at 2:00 PM at the church. Reach out to Doug Wilson at dwilson2332@gmail.com for more information or if you have any questions.
Christmas Poinsettias & Brass Donations
Due December 13
Each year our staff and volunteers work hard to fill the church with beautiful poinsettias and glorious brass music (at 4:00 & 7:00 PM) for our Christmas Eve services. You are encouraged to help by making a donation in thanksgiving for or in memory of a loved one. Names will be printed in the Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Bulletins.
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SMASH Holiday Luncheon
December 13, 11:30 AM
The St. Michael's Active Seniors Happening (SMASH) group's holiday lunch at The Margarita at Pine Creek filled up quickly. If you would like to add your name to the waiting list, please contact Diane Dennison at diane@stmikeschurch.com.
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Lost & Found
The Lost & Found located in the hallway outside of the church office is overflowing! If you've lost an item in recent months, please check to see if it's there. We will be donating all remaining items to an Outreach partner at the end of November.
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Communications Coordinator
Job Opening
Ama Couch's season as our Communications Coordinator is coming to an end, so we are looking for someone to fill this role. If you know anyone who may be a candidate for this part-time paid position (approximately 20 hours a week), please reach out to Rev. Matt, matt@stmikeschurch.com.
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Birthdays This Week:
November 17 - Judy Morrill
November 18 - Melinda Hoyt
November 19 - Patti Hanemann
November 20 - Wanda Berthelot
November 20 - Patti Hudson
November 20 - Linda Kean
November 20 - Emily Keller
November 20 - Diane Verlinde
November 21 - Maurice Gaubatz
November 22 - Liz Valko
November 23 - Daryle Hamblin
Anniversaries This Week:
November 21 - Diane & John Wilhite
November 23 - Cliff & Wanda Berthelot
November 23 - Christopher & Debbie Keith
November 23 - Ashley Meek & David Scott
November 23 - Jaan & Terry Raamot
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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