March 17, 2023

The many snow storms of February and March didn't slow the pace at school! Au contraire! So much was accomplished while having fun sledding at recess or skiing on Sugarloaf's happy trails. In this newsletter, you will discover our celebrations of the 100 days of school, our participation in Maths and French contests, our alum successes in DELF, and so much more.

The Annual School Carnival will take place on Saturday, June 17, from 11 AM to 2 PM. Students are already looking forward to the event, so we need many volunteers! A preliminary meeting is planned for April 4th at 8:30 am for volunteers. Please let us know how you can help make this day a fabulous one for the kids!

Finally, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) voted to grant continued accreditation to L'Ecole Française du Maine for another ten years! The same week, the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) planned an authorization visit this spring! L'Ecole Française du Maine should celebrate its accomplishments, and I congratulate our staff and school community for these amazing achievements.

I also extend a warm welcome to two new students who joined us this week.

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Willy LeBihan
Founder and Head of School
Upcoming dates to keep in mind

  • Tuesday, April 4th: Carnival Volunteers Meeting at 8:45 at La Maison
  • Friday, April 14th: Early release, dismissal 11:30
  • April 17-21: April Vacation
  • Monday, May 22nd: Grandparents and Special Friends Day, 11 am to 2 pm
  • Monday, May 22nd: Suzuki Music Concert 2 pm to 3 pm
  • Friday, June 16th: School Performance at 2 pm
  • Saturday, June 17th: Spring Carnival, 11 am to 2 pm

Les Trois Mousquetaires !
This week, the school office got extra help to ensure successful parent/teacher conferences by adding a young Mousquetaire, d' Artagnan style, to the team! It was indeed smooth sailing! “Un pour tous, tous pour un” ~ "One for all, all for one" Alexandre Dumas
Accreditation Renewed with NEASC until 2033!
Fantastic News: The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) Commission on Independent Schools met in Boston on February 6-7, 2023, and reviewed the Self-Study and Visiting Team Report for L'Ecole Française du Maine and voted to grant Continued Accreditation for another ten years!

The Visiting Team of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) commends Willy LeBihan, Head of School, for his vision, Emily Smith, School Director, for her leadership, and the members of the faculty and staff for their hard work, dedication, and openness to change their practice by adopting the IB (International Baccalaureate) pedagogical framework while keeping the French National curriculum (AEFE). NEASC commends the school community for its school culture, which is nurturing and focused on each child's social and emotional well-being.

Our gratitude goes to Wendy Betts, Development Coordinator at l'Ecole Française du Maine, for sharing her extensive experience in the non-profit sector conducting research and program evaluations during the 2-year re-accreditation process.

The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), the oldest accrediting organization in the country, was established in 1885 and has granted accreditation to educational institutions in the six New England states that voluntarily seek membership for more than a century. The evaluation program that the schools go through consists of three steps: a self-study that the school conducts, an evaluation by the Visiting Team, and a follow-up program that the school implements to put its self-study findings and the Commission's and Visiting Team's reliable recommendations into practice.
IB Organization Approves Authorization Visit
(left) L'Ecole Française du Maine's IB Coordinator, Elise Le Bihan, and MLF-America, Pedagogical Advisor, Catherine Caillet at Winslow Memorial Park, Freeport-Maine.

Making the IB PYP Happen!

The International Baccalaureate Organization, headquartered in Washington D.C. has informed the School last week that we have met their requirements for authorization, and therefore the IB organization has planned to visit the school this spring! This official visit constitutes the last step towards accreditation. The school congratulates Elise Le Bihan for a job well-done and thanks Catherine Caillet for her guidance. Catherine Caillet is the former lower school director of the French International School of Oregon.
Enrollment Season almost over!
With daily tours at the school and 90% of Summer Camp already full, the 2023 enrollment season is one of the strongest the school has ever experienced, and we already have waiting lists in several classrooms. Families from across the country and internationally inquire about the admission for all grade levels, which is terrific news for the school. The French School of Maine continues to grow, and our successes have been noticed! We are incredibly proud of our approval and work as an IB Candidate School offering the PYP Programme and full accreditation by The French Ministry of Education, Maine DOE-DHHS, and NEASC for all grade levels.

Pdf brochures:
English Language Arts
During January and February, the upper-level English classes studied an IB unit with the central idea: We can take action to make a difference in our community locally and globally.
The lines of inquiry for this unit were:
  • How to use reliable resources to learn more about these issues and bring about positive change
  • What actions can we take to make a difference locally and globally
  • The issues that our society faces on a local and global scale
What perfect timing!
We celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day in January, and February is Black History Month. Students have been learning about how to find reliable resources of information by learning to distinguish between fact and opinion. Students also read informational books about Martin Luther King Jr.’s peaceful fight for civil rights. They read about Ruby Bridges and her important role even as a young kindergartener, too! In current events, they learned about a young girl named Mari Copeny’s fight for clean water in Flint, Michigan.
100 jours d'école ~ Happy 100th day of school
This week we celebrated the 100th day of school.
The class of CP and CE1 worked on several workshops around the number 100. This day of celebration allows the children to visualize the time elapsed since the beginning of the school year while working on units grouped by 10, then on tens grouped by 10 to reach the hundred. Everyone had much fun finding 100 words in French, grouping macaroni or small animals by 10 to obtain 100, building with 100 goblets/legos, reconstructing the number line from 1 to 100, making puzzles of 100 pieces, or making 100 movements in sports. To keep a souvenir of this beautiful day, all the children made their own badge on the theme of the number 100!
The day was very successful! It was a fun and creative day. Congratulations to our students for their great work with their ingenious and varied collections and work.
Visual Perception and Fine Motor Skills
Moyenne Section (EC4) students learned a new graphic design: spirals. First, they built spirals with various mediums, i.e. aluminum foil and modeling clay. Then they painted yellow, red, and blue spirals like the artist Calder and the trees of life of Gustav Klimt.
More and more studies demonstrate that children (under 7 years old) who rarely use electronic tablets perform better in visual discrimination, fine motor precision, and manual dexterity than those who use tablets frequently.
Music Together with Linz
Moyenne Section EC4 students are having fun with Linz! They jump and move around while singing. They are also using Maracas and other instruments.
The effects of music on children are magical. Music can be both energizing and calming, and it can enhance bonding and help with transitions. Anyone who has sung a fussy child to sleep knows music can be transformative.

Music Together offers a curriculum that parents can use at home every day! These benefits of music are a compelling reason to make every day with your child a musical one! Learning music can also help your child develop creativity, self-expression, and confidence, another significant advantage.
Petite Section: Straight to the point!
This week, Students of the Petite Section EC3 studied straight lines. First, we glued the paper strips on the sheet, then drew a line on each strip with a marker without going over the edge. At age 3, students are beginning to develop fine motor skills. They are better able to move their fingers on their own and use them for more difficult tasks including holding a glue stick or a marker and creating detailed drawings. Practice helps and repetition is key!
Défi Mathématique 2023 AEFE
Gwennaël PETILLAT, AEFE Pedagogical Advisor at the French Consulate in San Francisco, congratulated our CP/Ce1 and CM1 (4th Grade), and 6ième (6th Grade) students this week for their excellent participation in "AEFE Défi Maths Zone Amérique du Nord."

The mathematical challenge evaluates six mathematical skills: Research, Modeling, Representing, Calculating, Communicating, and Reasoning. During the tests, students must solve ten research situations in one hour, in groups and without the help of their teacher. Only one answer is expected for each class. 
The CP-CE1 obtained a score of 92 points. Amazing!

The 4th/6th-grade students must answer 30 mathematics problems in 10 minutes. The students with the best results will be selected for the second part of the competition: "the test of champions"!
Grand Concours
Students of French in grades 1-12, in all 50 states and abroad, take a written test and compete against students with similar educational backgrounds for prizes. Grades 1-6 participate in the FLES Contest. Grades 7-12 in the Secondary Contest.
Once again, our Ce2, cm1, et 6eme had a good time doing the Grand Concours. Altogether, Ce2 carefully answered the 30 questions in the listening comprehension part. The CM1 and 6eme not only did the same, but they also had to answer 30 questions in the written comprehension part. L’Ecole Française is very proud of our students. Stay tuned for some updates.
Grande Section Class ~ Kindergarten
Kindergarteners have been busy polishing their cursive handwriting and spiral techniques, so important for delicate and precise hand movements!
They also learned to count while skipping numbers (1, 3, 5, 7 etc...…)
In the game presented here, a frog (the player) wants to cross the river but can only jump on the stones (represented by the purple tokens). Each time the player encounters a water lily (a green token), he/she must jump over it and not name that number. This exercise aims to consolidate their knowledge of the order of the numbers and to build reference points that will be essential when learning calculation. Well done!
Choose Love's March 2023 Calendar
We're making March the month of making goals and building up the courage to work towards them, little by little each and every day!
Student Teachers from the University of Dijon-France
(left) Corentin used multiple strategies to help children count from 1 to 6. (right) Clara, used sand to teach how to write round letters (B, D, G, P, R, U)
L'Ecole Française du Maine is an official partner of the Teacher Training Institute (INSPE: Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education) at the University of Burgundy at Dijon, France. Last month we welcomed two French graduate students pursuing Master's Degrees in Elementary Education, Clara, and Corentin. Completing an Internship is an essential first step in the program of study leading to the Teaching Certification of Professeur des Ecoles by the French Ministry of Education (MENJS). Big thank you to our host families, Scott-Stephenie, and Willy-Beth, who made this exchange possible.
The Pillars of the PYP Curriculum Framework
The Primary Years Programme (PYP) offers a transdisciplinary, inquiry-based, and student-centered education with responsible action at its core, enabling students to learn between, across, and beyond traditional subject boundaries.

The transdisciplinary model extends across the three pillars of the PYP curriculum framework—the learnerlearning and teaching, and the learning community.

  • The learner: describes the outcomes for individual students and the outcomes they seek for themselves (what is learning?)
  • Learning and teaching: articulates the distinctive features of learning and teaching (how best to support learners?)
  • The learning community: emphasizes the importance of the social outcomes of learning and the role that IB communities play in achieving these outcomes (who facilitates learning and teaching?)
Sugarloaf Fridays, a huge success !
Last but not least "Sugarloaf Friday" trip was a blast. The weather was perfect, the snow freshly packed, a beautiful shiny day. While the children were having lessons with a Sugarloaf instructor, parents had fun on the slopes and at the lodge. After a well-deserved lunch, we all went to the tippy top together. A nice reward with Donuts and Hot Chocolate. Thank you to all families who made the trip!
Alumni News: DALF C1 and DALF C2
Congratulations to two of our Alum for obtaining C1 and C2 DALF Certificates last week! DELF offers six levels of proficiency: A1-A2-B1-B2-C1, and C2, the highest level.
L’Ecole Française, du Maine, offers Advanced French Classes DELF/DALF for its students who wish to keep their French after their immersion education at the School. We offer this class primarily to meet our former students’ needs, to keep challenging them, and to help them reach a higher level of fluency in French. Many of these students were enrolled in our French immersion program for years or have demonstrated interest in the French language and culture. We also welcome outside students who have had a French experience at some point and are looking to improve their proficiency in the French language.
Congratulations to Laura Piehl, DELF Program Director, for the impressive accomplishment of her students, BRAVO!
Mark your calendar, also a meeting is planned on April 4th at La Maison
for our Parent volunteers!
2023 Bilingual Summer Camp !
Bilingual Summer Camp and Childcare June 26, 2023 – August 25, 2023

Summer Camp is 90% full, and space will be limited! Please join us if you want a safe place for your kids to enjoy the summer! Mornings will include a fun French activity, and afternoons will be filled with arts & crafts, games, and plenty of time for free play. In addition, early childhood children will be offered time for rest in the afternoon. Open to children ages 3-12.
Hours: 8:30 am -3:30 pm, with extended day offered from 3:30 pm -5:30 pm
If you would like to enroll, please fill out the form below.
Guess who is coming back from France for Summer Camp 2023?
Concert and Grandparents/Special Friends Day
Mark your calendar for Monday, May 22nd, 2023
Grandparents and Special Friends Day will be on May 22nd, 2023, from 11 am to 3 pm. Invitations will be mailed this winter; thank you for providing addresses so we can invite your child's special someone. On Monday, May 22nd, our guests will tour the school, visit the classrooms with their special child, and then be invited for a presentation and luncheon.  After the luncheon, the students will perform during our spring Suzuki Concert (Violin, Cello, and Piano) at the Community Hall of South Freeport to conclude the day in music! We expect a large turnout and are looking forward to a great day! 
COVID-19 Protocols - UPDATED 09/05/22
The graphic chart below indicates what you need to do if your child is exposed to or contracts COVID-19. Please keep in mind that these protocols are subject to change. We will publish updates in this newsletter should they occur.

To help keep our community healthy:
Please let us know if you have yet to receive your family's 5 COVID at-home tests! Should your child be exposed to COVID or experience any symptoms, please test before coming to school.
Thank you for keeping your student home when they are sick!
Got a question? Let us help!
Please use the email address for general school correspondence. So that you know – questions and requests sent to this address are forwarded as needed. We do our best to respond to emails as quickly as possible; thank you for your patience.
Alternatively, please don't hesitate to call us anytime for an immediate response! School Office Phone: (207) 865-3308
Happy St Patrick's Day !
Letterfrack, Connemara, County Galway, Ireland - photo: Willy LeBihan