Upcoming Trainings

1/3/2025 - Virtual EMDR Part 1

1/4/2025 - Virtual EMDR Part 1

1/5/2025 - Virtual EMDR Part 1

1/10/2025 - Virtual EMDR Part 2

1/11/2025 - Virtual EMDR Part 2

1/12/2025 - Virtual EMDR Part 2

1/17/2025 - Virtual EMDR Part 1

1/17/2025 - Virtual EMDR Part 2

1/18/2025 - Virtual EMDR Part 1

1/19/2025 - Virtual EMDR Part 1

See All Upcoming Trainings

On-Demand Course

EMDR With Perinatal Clients

The focus of this training is to help professionals effectively support perinatal clients. Understanding this population is significant for early intervention, encouraging secure attachments, and reducing anxiety around childbirth.

Learn More

Seasons greetings!

Can you believe it's December? This year has seemingly flown by, and yet there are so many memories and accomplishments to look back on.

As the year draws to a close, I find myself visualizing footprints in the snow and reflecting on the footprint of this organization. Next year will mark the 30th anniversary of Trauma Recovery, EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs. As we stand at the threshold of an anniversary year, I'm embracing the opportunity to look back with gratitude and forward with anticipation, ready to journey down the fresh path ahead and leave new footprints in the snow.

In this newsletter, we're sharing information and updates on,

  • The Trauma Recovery Network®
  • Year End Fundraising Activities
  • The HAP® Conference: 2024 Recap & 2025 Save the Date
  • HAP Volunteer Recognition Awards
  • Celebrating Elaine's Retirement, New Staff and more!

If you haven't already connected with us on social media, we encourage you to join our online community and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X.

If you have a story or educational topic you'd like featured in an upcoming newsletter, we want to hear from you! Reply to this newsletter and we will be in touch.

Thank you for choosing to be a part of the Trauma Recovery/HAP community!


Warm wishes,

Lori S. Pereira, LPC, LPCC

Executive Director

Georgia TRN® Members Lead Community Healing Following School Shooting

The devastating impact of school shootings continues to shake communities across the country. When tragedy strikes, the emotional and psychological toll on individuals and communities can be overwhelming. Earlier this year, the Atlanta TRN and the Athens Area TRN came together in response to a school shooting in Winder, Georgia. By joining forces, the two networks were able to provide much needed trauma therapy services in the community, helping jump start the often difficult process of recovery. Read more.

TRN® Growth

Over the past few months, we have experienced amazing growth across our Trauma Recovery Network. We have welcomed over 140 new volunteer members since July 2024 to our TRNs, as well as established several new networks.

Let's give a warm welcome to the following newly formed TRNs:

  • TRN of Alaska
  • Southwest Ontario TRN
  • Southwest Ohio TRN
  • North Carolina TRN (developing)
  • TRN of Maine (developing)

Raising Support for the 2025 Scholarship Fund

This year end, we're focusing our efforts on bolstering funds available to provide EMDR Basic training scholarships to community mental health graduate students through our Scholarship Fund. Since establishing the Scholarship Fund in 2022, we have supported 40 graduate students in their journey to become expertly trained EMDR therapists.

In 2025, we're aiming to provide another 20 graduate students with scholarships, and for the very first time, cover the additional training expenses for continuing education credits, materials, and consultation.

We're so grateful for the support received on Giving Tuesday (over $5,000 raised) and since then we've raised over 50% of our goal. A huge thank you to all our donors! If you'd like to support us in reaching our $30,000 goal before the year ends, you can make a donation here.

HAP Volunteer Recognition Awards

On Saturday, August 24th, 2024, during the HAP® Conference, we hosted the HAP Dance & Volunteer Recognition Night to celebrate and honor our incredible volunteer community. The evening was dedicated to recognizing several exceptional individuals who have meaningfully impacted trauma healing through their service. We'd like to congratulate all the award recipients again on their well-deserved recognition!

View the list of award recipients and what they had to share.

Marilyn Luber (left) awarded the International World Changer Award and Robbie Dunton (right) awarded the first ever Founder's Award.

The Annual HAP® Conference

The 2024 HAP® Conference was held August 24-26 in Philadelphia, PA. With an incredible line up of speakers over three days, including keynotes Ana Gomez and Robbie Dunton, plus over 150 attendees, the event was a great success. Read more about the 2024 conference in our recap.

Be sure to mark your calendars for the 2025 HAP® Conference taking place in Denver, CO from August 14-16, 2025! This is an event you don't want to miss. This annual conference is your chance to engage with the global EMDR community in a collaborative setting to advance the mission of worldwide healing.


The 2025 Call for Presentations is currently open and runs through Saturday, February 8, 2025.

Learn more.

HAPpy to Introduce our Newest Staff Member

Join us in welcoming Samara Hossain, Communications and Development Coordinator!

Samara joined the Trauma Recovery/HAP team as the Communications and Development Coordinator in October 2024. In this role, she manages various communication and fundraising initiatives that further the organization’s mission and goals. With a focus on strategic marketing and outreach, Samara works to raise awareness, engage stakeholders, and promote the impactful programs offered by Trauma Recovery/HAP.

We also express our gratitude to Elaine Howard, who will be retiring at the end of the year after 17 years with Trauma Recovery/HAP.

While it's difficult for all of us at Trauma Recovery/HAP to image carrying on without Elaine, we are excited for her to take on her next, and one of the most important roles of her life, Grammy. 

Elaine has been the rock, the glue, and the consistent face of HAP for nearly two decades. We are going to miss her tremendously. Elaine has requested a quiet ride into the sunset; however I would like to encourage anyone to reach out and send her a private message or to fill out a message on Elaine's retirement message board.


Volunteer Recognition

Below is a list of those who have generously donated their time and expertise between the months of March - November 2024.

Your willingness to give your time, energy and knowledge have made it possible for Trauma Recovery/HAP to continue to achieve our mission.

George Abbott

Sarah Anderson

Robin Arnett

Bonita Ashe

Dominique Barritt

Lisa Battle-Gwathney

Stephen Beck

Jenny Bridges

Trista Carras

Sandra Carrier

Jennifer Cecil

Tamara Clemmons

Maranda Conner

Jess Converse

Peg Correia

Sara DeBoer

Liz Downey

Tim Eby-McKenzie

Peggy Gale

Sharon Gera

Liza Gianetto

Brian Gong

Martha Herb

Gladys Smith

Sadie Smith

Charlene Spears

Kelly Stevenson

Cindy White

Frazier Wilson

Kate Yeutter

Marcia Holland

Kyle Hood

Kelly Hurley

Rhonda Kamai-Kekela

Rhonda Kildea

Camille Larsen

Jason Linder

Megan Loving

Barbara Lutz

Scott MacGregor

Kim Mann

Jennifer Marchand

Kyndel Marcroft

Christine Mark-Griffin

Tara May

Triona McMaster

Stacy Eggsware

Kathy Eichelberger

Holly Forman-Patel

Jonna Fries

Laurie Furman

Dorinna Ruh

Susana Russ

Clarice Ruttenber

Kimberley Salamone

Larry Shrier

Bethany Warren

Jessica Whitaker

Yuchuan Yang

Sherry Yam

Monica McNeeley

Reginald McRae

Luna Medina-Wolf

Scott Mentzer

Fartun Mohamud

Alfredo Munoz

Katy Murray

Janelle Nimer

Ted Olejnik

Sarah Osborne

Linda Ouellette

John Paradiso

Debra Payne

Kathleen Phelps

Corrie Piper

Merrill Powers

Deborah Price

Megan Quigley

Jesse Rappaport

Gemma Rivera

Luke Robbins

Kerry Rollins

Sherri Ruggiero

Jill Strunk

Bernadette Talia

Jorge Torres-Saenz

Timothy Vermillion

Benjamin von Ende

Congratulations and welcome to the following groups:

New Facilitators in Training:

Bonita Ashe

Trista Carras

Fabiola Ekleberry

John Goldman

Bettina Hodel

Kimberly Hubeck

Abby Jenssen

Angela Keller

Joe Klemz

Stacey Lanier

Michel Long

Leilani Mason

Megan Quigley

Sherri Ruggiero

Amanda Uhrig

Hope Ustanowski

Nikki Yardy

New Part 1 Facilitators:

Bonita Ashe

Jess Converse

Janelle Nimer

Sherry Yam

New Facilitators:

Robin Arnett

Tamara Clemons

Sara DeBoer

Scott MacGregor

Kim Mann

Christine Mark-Griffin

Monica McNeeley

Luke Robbins

Benjamin von Ende

New Part 1 Trainers:

Maranda Conner

Martha Herb

Kelly Stevenson

New Trainer:

Lisa Battle-Gwathney

Thank you to the following international volunteers, working to spread and strengthen EMDR in different parts of the world:

Ms. Adithy

Dushyant Bhadlikar

Hvovi Bhagwatwar

Wallapa Bunpromma

Francisca Chiang

Fr. Chilton

Tripti Choudhary Vaid

Pingkan Cynthia

Yulia Direzkia

Nathanael E.J. Sumampouw

Deepak Gupta

Vera Handojo

Nam Hee Kim

Seok Hyeon Kim

Jae Hyun Kim

Masaya Ichii

Rahajeng Ikawahyu Indrawati (Ika)

Shaheen Islam

Tri Iswardani Sadatun

Li Jianjun

Kanokwan Jirathongkhamchote

Syam K Ravindran

Mann Ka Fai

Shamim Karim

Payongsri Khanthikul

Jun Ki Kim

Akiko Kikuchi

Daeho Kim

Pamela Koh

Connie Kristanto

Fang Li


James Marid Kaewchinda

Sushma Mehrotra

Nithya Mohan

Chitra Munshi

Chintan Naik

Janet Nathisinghe

Ms. Nithya

Ann Parichawan

Nawanant Piyavhatkul

Mrinalini Purandare

RR. Rahajeng, Ika

Rani Raote

Kruti Shah

Karishma Shah Savla

Supannee Siriapawiwat

Atara Sivan

Usha Srivastava

Natanael Sumampouw

Tri Swasono Hadi

Khadija Tahir

Parul Tank

Sonali Tanksale

Sombat Tapanya

Usha V Srivastava

Jackie Viemilawati

Linda Wan-Koh

Thanyalak Wanliang

Indira Weerasinghe

Matthew Woo

Ma Xiangzhen

Shekh Zadi Rezina Parvin

Rusham Zahra Rana

Jinsong Zhang

*If your name is not listed above and should be, please let us know. Our hope is to recognize all our volunteers for their hard work and dedication.
We want our newsletter to be a place for sharing your stories and knowledge. 
Please submit questions, tips, or an idea for an article to
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