"There was always
that mysterious barrier
we could neither surmount
nor understand. It was as if
we were actors on a stage,
suddenly realizing that we
did not know a single
line of our parts."
(12 & 12, p. 57)
"When we share
our most personal
thoughts and feelings
with our Higher Power, let-
ting down our walls and ad-
mitting we are less than per-
fect, intimacy develops.
We develop a certainty
that...we are being
cared for." (It Works,
How & Why p. 41)
"The walls
we build around
us to keep sadness
out also keeps
out the joy."
- Jim Rohn ( 1930 - 2009) motivational speaker, U.S.
HP - Higher Power - is any power greater than oneself, like Nature, the Cosmos, or even the legal system.